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No idea what this is classed as!


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Hey guys,


I'm not entirely sure what this even entails as i've practically never used any form of Javascript in my life, so hoping you guys here can shed some light on the situation!


Basically i have 2 scripts:




This one basically checks the inputted username against another webpage, detects what badges are displayed on the badges widget, and outputs them as images back on the original page. So take if you typed ashley,bbz in the box on the link for example (random user who i stumbled across). It would grab all the images displayed under the 'Badges and Achievements' section of http://www.habbo.com/home/ashley%2Cbbz and then display those images on the original page. Sorry if i havent described that so well.. But thats basically what im trying to achieve!




There is a script at:




Which i am trying to replicate. It basically takes all the images located at 'http://habbox.com/cache/scripts/lineupgenerator/images/' combines them, and adds the user's inputted text to an image, and extends longer the more users that are entered. Fiddle around with it and you'll see what i mean!


I want to take this opportunity to say i've never played Habbo, neither do i have an interest in it. Im just trying to help out a friend!


Thanks a bunch,



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Unless habbo has an API to provide external users this information, it is not going to be easily achieved. You would have to create a script which scraped the habbo page and parsed the results for specific information you want. This would also break whenever they made signifigant (or possibly even small) changes to the site you are scraping.


Even then, scraping it would be immoral at best and possibly illegal.


I googled looking for any API provided by habbo and it does not seem to exist, so scraping would be your only option IMO.


And even then, Im not sure you would need javascript. you could scrape completely in PHP and display the results. You COULD use javascript and ajax to display things dynamically to the user, but it isnt remotely necessary based on what youve described.

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