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Visitors to my website will upload file to a simple upload.html:


<form action="execute.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<label for="file">Filename:</label>
<input type="file" name="file" id="file" /><br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit"" />


As you can see, the arguments are posted to execute.php. In this, I have lines that look like this:


$ob_file = fopen("../../log.txt",'w') or die ("cannot create log.txt");

function ob_file_callback($buffer)
global $ob_file;

system ("../../sourceShell") or die ("sourceShell fail") ;



execute.php runs a shell script called 'sourceShell', which runs a fortran program on the server. execute.php outputs the 'log' of this program (that typically would appear on the terminal) on log.txt. I use the ob_file_callback function to do this.


When a visitor clicks 'submit' (or upon the completion of uploading), I need execute.php to echo "Your job is running..please wait". And then I want to refresh the page every 5 mins until the job finishes and the result will be shown. My problem is that, when a visitor clicks 'submit', it waits until the fortran program completely finishes (which takes a long time) before it outputs the "Your job is running..please wait". I suspect this is because of the ob_file_callback function. If I don't use that function, it seems like the log prints in real time to my browser as the program runs.


I do hope this make sense... and I've spent days on this wanting to tear off my hair, so it's not like I haven't googled hard. I'm completely new to web programming, so I hope you guys understand and can be patient if I don't understand.

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