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PHP 5.3.8 VC6 Windows binary msi

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Does anyone know why there is no VC6 version of php 5.3.8?


With not VC6 version for 5.3.8, I then opted for 5.2.17, but that has the firebird pdo module missing.


Can anyone advise the latest version of php for running on windows using apache 2.2 webserver?



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Unless you are using php as an Apache Module or using 3rd party (non-php.net provided) extensions, there should be no problem using the latest php.net Windows binaries.


From php.net -

Windows users: please mind that we do no longer provide builds created with Visual Studio C++ 6. It is impossible to maintain a high quality and safe build of PHP for Windows using this unmaintained compiler.


For Apache SAPIs (php5_apache2_2.dll), be sure that you use a Visual Studio C++ 9 version of Apache. We recommend the Apache builds as provided by ApacheLounge. For any other SAPI (CLI, FastCGI via mod_fcgi, FastCGI with IIS or other FastCGI capable server), everything works as before. Third party extension providers must rebuild their extensions to make them compatible and loadable with the Visual Studio C++9 builds that we now provide.


If you are using php as an Apache Module, you can obtain a VC9 build of Apache2.2 at ApacheLounge (simply copy the VC9 files over your existing VC6 Apache2.2 files, taking care not to overwrite your existing httpd.conf configuration or any vhosts .conf configuration files.)

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