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Is it possible to sort a table of mysql data, by using a variable?


I'm trying this:



$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY '$totalpower'");
        echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>";
               echo "<tr> 

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
                echo "<tr>";
                echo '<td> </td>';
                echo '<td>' . $row['Username'] . '</td>';
                echo "</tr>"; 
        echo "</table>";


It display's a list of username's but not in the correct power order.


$totalpower is defined:



//power calculations

        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE Username='$_SESSION[username]'")                 
        or die(mysql_error());  				    	
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {   						
            $power1 = $row['ounit1'] * 50;		
		$power2 = $row['ounit2'] * 70;	
		$power3 = $row['ounit3'] * 110;
		$power4 = $row['ounit4'] * 200;
		$power5 = $row['ounit5'] * 150;
		$power6 = $row['ounit6'] * 300;
		$power7 = $row['ounit7'] * 500;
		$power8 = $row['ounit8'] * 450;
		$power9 = $row['ounit9'] * 650;
		$power10 = $row['ounit10'] * 350;
		$power11 = $row['ounit11'] * 600;
		$power12 = $row['ounit12'] * 1000;	

		$dpower1 = $row['dunit1'] * 50;
		$dpower2 = $row['dunit2'] * 70;	
		$dpower3 = $row['dunit3'] * 110;
		$dpower4 = $row['dunit4'] * 200;
		$dpower5 = $row['dunit5'] * 150;
		$dpower6 = $row['dunit6'] * 300;
		$dpower7 = $row['dunit7'] * 500;
		$dpower8 = $row['dunit8'] * 450;
		$dpower9 = $row['dunit9'] * 650;
		$dpower10 = $row['dunit10'] * 350;
		$dpower11 = $row['dunit11'] * 600;
		$dpower12 = $row['dunit12'] * 1000;	

		$dbase = $row['baselevel'] * 3000;

	$offencepower = $power1+$power2+$power3+$power4+$power5+$power6+$power7+$power8+$power9+$power10+$power11+$power12;
	$defencepower = $dpower1+$dpower2+$dpower3+$dpower4+$dpower5+$dpower6+$dpower7+$dpower8+$dpower9+$dpower10+$dpower11+$dpower12+$dbase;
	$totalpower = (($offencepower+$defencepower)/ 100 * 30) + $offencepower+$defencepower;



Also how do I add auto numbers in the left column e.g 1. 2. 3. 4.


Thanks in advance.

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Well, first off, are you POSITIVE that the variable $totalpower is defined as you expect it to? I would suggest NEVER creating your queries inside the mysql_query() function. Instead, create the queries as a variable - then if there are any problems you can echo the query to the page to validate it is built how you think it should.


However, even if $totalpower is defined correctly, your problem is that you enclosed in in single quotes. That tells MySQL that it is a string - not a field. You can enclose it in back-quotes or none at all. Again, this probably would have been more obvious had you echo'd the query tot he page



$query = "SELECT `Username` FROM members ORDER BY {$totalpower}";
$result = mysql_query($query);

$output = '';
$rank = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    $output .= "<tr>\n";
    $output .= "<td>{$rank }</td>";
    $output .= "<td>{$row['Username']}</td>\n";
    $output .= "</tr>\n"; 

<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>
  <?php echo $output; ?>


A couple other points. 1) Only select the fields you need in our query - it is more efficient. Don't use '*' unless you need everything. Also, I would highly suggest you start learning to break the logic (i.e. PHP logic code) and the presentation (i.e. HTML code) in your scripts. I modified the code so that the logic to get the records is separated from the display of the records. It is easier to maintain code in this fashion.

Hi thanks for the help, using:



$query = "SELECT `Username` FROM members ORDER BY {$totalpower}";
$result = mysql_query($query);

$output = '';
$rank = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
    $output .= "<tr>\n";
    $output .= "<td>{$rank }</td>";
    $output .= "<td>{$row['Username']}</td>\n";
    $output .= "</tr>\n"; 

<table border='1' cellpadding='10'>
  <?php echo $output; ?>


I'm given the error:


Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/u835743061/public_html/top.php on line 45

Rank Username



Will this be because the $totalpower is called from the session? As the other place I use $totalpower is to just display the power of the user in the side bar? Will I need to call it some other way?

I have no idea. Your query is failing and you have no error handling. I'm guessing that the value of $totalpower is not what you expect or is not what you need. You should always have code in your scripts to elegantly handle errors.


For a development environment, you can just use something like

$result = mysql_query($query) or die("Query: {$query}<br>Error: " . mysql_error());


However, for a production environment you would never want to display the raw error to the user.



In this particular situation, is $totalpower the VALUE for the user's total power? If so, you don't need a variable, just put in the field name that you want to sort by. The only reason to use a variable is if you wanted to sort by different fields.

The variable $totalpower, is worked out from the field's ounit1 ounit2 .... ounit12 * the power of each, + the dunit1 dunit2... dunit12 + baselevel * 3000





//power calculations

        $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE Username='$_SESSION[username]'")                 
        or die(mysql_error());  				    	
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) {   						
            $power1 = $row['ounit1'] * 50;		
		$power2 = $row['ounit2'] * 70;	
		$power3 = $row['ounit3'] * 110;
		$power4 = $row['ounit4'] * 200;
		$power5 = $row['ounit5'] * 150;
		$power6 = $row['ounit6'] * 300;
		$power7 = $row['ounit7'] * 500;
		$power8 = $row['ounit8'] * 450;
		$power9 = $row['ounit9'] * 650;
		$power10 = $row['ounit10'] * 350;
		$power11 = $row['ounit11'] * 600;
		$power12 = $row['ounit12'] * 1000;	

		$dpower1 = $row['dunit1'] * 50;
		$dpower2 = $row['dunit2'] * 70;	
		$dpower3 = $row['dunit3'] * 110;
		$dpower4 = $row['dunit4'] * 200;
		$dpower5 = $row['dunit5'] * 150;
		$dpower6 = $row['dunit6'] * 300;
		$dpower7 = $row['dunit7'] * 500;
		$dpower8 = $row['dunit8'] * 450;
		$dpower9 = $row['dunit9'] * 650;
		$dpower10 = $row['dunit10'] * 350;
		$dpower11 = $row['dunit11'] * 600;
		$dpower12 = $row['dunit12'] * 1000;	

		$dbase = $row['baselevel'] * 3000;

	$offencepower = $power1+$power2+$power3+$power4+$power5+$power6+$power7+$power8+$power9+$power10+$power11+$power12;
	$defencepower = $dpower1+$dpower2+$dpower3+$dpower4+$dpower5+$dpower6+$dpower7+$dpower8+$dpower9+$dpower10+$dpower11+$dpower12+$dbase;
	$totalpower = (($offencepower+$defencepower)/ 100 * 30) + $offencepower+$defencepower;


OK, so Total Power is a calculated value. And, $totalpower is the calculated value for the current user. So, think about what you were doing. The query would have looked something like

SELECT `Username` FROM members ORDER BY 56000


That makes no sense, right? So, if this is a calculated value for each user, you then need to calculate the value for each user and sort by that. With all those fields it won't be a pretty query. In fact, I don't think it is a good idea to "hard-code" the multipliers in the code (i.e. * 70, * 110, * 200). I would put those in a separate table of the database.


After looking a your calculations, here is what I have come up with. I can't grantee it will work since I don't have your database, but I did test the logic on a database of mine. Note that you need to change "userid" to whatever the unique id field is called in your table (used in three places)


SELECT members.Username, ((calc_table.sum_total/100*30)+calc_table.sum_total) as total_power
FROM members
JOIN (SELECT userid, 
             (ounit1*50 + ounit2*70 + ounit3*110 + ounit4*200 + ounit5*150 + ounit6*300
              + ounit7*500 + ounit8*450 + ounit9*650 + ounit10*350 + ounit11*600 + ounit12*1000
              + dunit1*50 + dunit2*70 + dunit3*110 + dunit4*200 + dunit5*150 + dunit6*300
              + dunit7*500 + dunit8*450 + dunit9*650 + dunit10*350 + dunit11*600 + dunit12*1000
              + baselevel*3000) as sum_total
      FROM members
     ) as calc_table
  ON members.userid = calc_table.userid
ORDER BY total_power


Another option, would be to change your insert/update scripts to calculate the total power and store that value as part of the record.



Thanks! I'm thinking i'll create a query that works out the users power then inserts it into there database.




Have a "Update Power" link that works out the power then add's it into "totalpower" I'll then just be able to use the SORT query on the top scores page I believe.

Thanks! I'm thinking i'll create a query that works out the users power then inserts it into there database.




Have a "Update Power" link that works out the power then add's it into "totalpower" I'll then just be able to use the SORT query on the top scores page I believe.


I think it would be a poor idea to have to manually update that value. If someone makes changes to the data for a user, that value will be out of sync. Instead, create a function to calculate the power. Then, find any instances where you create/update those records. Use the function to calculate the value and use that value when you INSERT/UPDATE the records.

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