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Framework for new Application


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Hey Guys


Looking for some help in structuring the architecture for a new online PHP project that I’m planning/documenting.


I have just landed a project management position and though that someone might have some ideas on how to tackle this. Using PHP 5 and mysql.


Basically I’m asking is what the best method is for creating a large complicated system as far as cutting work loads down. IE it will need a user system, hence it would make sense to use an open source user system rather than build one from scratch.


I have had significant experience in developing large scale php project. In a perfect would I would plan it from scratch but I need a more intelligent solution.

A basic outline of the system. It is quite unique and I can’t point to a site that would be similar.


- Have 3 levels of users. 2 of which required subscription. Using pay pals subscription service

- User will be able to submit listing. IE classified adds style.

- User can also have a shop that list their listing and have a shopping cart interface.

- Needs to be an interface for a user to configure their shop.

- Needs to be a global admin interface.


In any case much of it will need to be custom built.


Hence I would like to use a model separating the interface and programming logic.


Also some sort of database management system rather than just using mysql calls as well as a user management system.


What is the best method? Is there a preexisting system that is set up ready for large scale project. IE with a user system, db manager and some form of architecture?


Is it worth using pear or something similar? Or design from scratch?


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I would look into Zend or Kohana as both support DB abstraction and provice ACL management. Finding a PayPal component for Zend (or Kohana) won't be hard either but as it's not part of the official Zend distro I would suggest writing your own or at least ask sufficient advise concerning the subject as this is your main source of income and should be near error-free.


The project looks easy enough IMO with these components in place.

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