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php weight calculation


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Hi there, i follow a tutorial from www.phpwebcommerce.com and i'm trying to customize the shipping cost based on product weight instead of flat rate. This tutorial original setting for shipping cost is in checkout-function.php , which i just set a value to define the flat rate shipping. And the miniCart.php file is showing all the calculation. I'm trying to customize the code by doing this:

In my database, table product...i add a new field call pd_weight and insert weight for the product then

common.php i add a new function "CalculateShippingCost()" . In checkout-function.php i modified "function getOrderAmount($orderId)" & i guess in miniCart.php i need to remove "$shopConfig" and replace some coding but im really confuse. I'm not sure all the coding i customize is it correct. Please help me....any help will very appreciate! Thx a million.



Contain the common functions 
required in shop and admin pages
require_once 'config.php';
require_once 'database.php';

Make sure each key name in $requiredField exist
in $_POST and the value is not empty
function checkRequiredPost($requiredField) {
$numRequired = count($requiredField);
$keys        = array_keys($_POST);

$allFieldExist  = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numRequired && $allFieldExist; $i++) {
	if (!in_array($requiredField[$i], $keys) || $_POST[$requiredField[$i]] == '') {
		$allFieldExist = false;

return $allFieldExist;

function getShopConfig()
// get current configuration
$sql = "SELECT sc_name, sc_address, sc_phone, sc_email, sc_shipping_cost, sc_order_email, cy_symbol 
		FROM tbl_shop_config sc, tbl_currency cy
		WHERE sc_currency = cy_id";
$result = dbQuery($sql);
$row    = dbFetchAssoc($result);

    if ($row) {

        $shopConfig = array('name'           => $sc_name,
                            'address'        => $sc_address,
                            'phone'          => $sc_phone,
                            'email'          => $sc_email,
			            'sendOrderEmail' => $sc_order_email,
                            'shippingCost'   => $sc_shipping_cost,
                            'currency'       => $cy_symbol);
    } else {
        $shopConfig = array('name'           => '',
                            'address'        => '',
                            'phone'          => '',
                            'email'          => '',
			            'sendOrderEmail' => '',
                            'shippingCost'   => '',
                            'currency'       => '');    

return $shopConfig;						

/*********************** Function Shipping Cost  **************************************/
function CalculateShippingCost()

// get current configuration
$sql = "SELECT pd_weight
		FROM tbl_product

$result = dbQuery($sql);
$row    = dbFetchAssoc($result);

    if ($row) {

$weightTotal = $pd_weight * $od_qty;

			/////////////////////West Malaysia ///////////////////////////////
if($weightTotal == 0.25 & country == "WestMalysia") ///250gram or 0.25kg
                        $conclusion = 6;//your shipping Price

                else if($weightTotal == 0.5 & country == "WestMalysia")  ///500gram or 0.5kg
                        $conclusion = 6;//your shipping Price

			 else if($weightTotal == 0.75 & country == "WestMalysia")  ///750gram or 0.75kg
                        $conclusion = 7;//your shipping Price

			 else if($weightTotal == 1 & country == "WestMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 8;//your shipping Price

			 else if($weightTotal == 1.25 & country == "WestMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 9;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 1.5 & country == "WestMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 11;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 1.75 & country == "WestMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 12;//your shipping Price

			 else if($weightTotal == 2 & country == "WestMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 13;//your shipping Price

			/////////////////////EAST Malaysia ///////////////////////////////
                else if($weightTotal == 0.25 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 9;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 0.5 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 9;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 0.75 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 11;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 1 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 14;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 1.25 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 17;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 1.5 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 19;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal == 1.75 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 22;//your shipping Price

			else if($weightTotal ==2 & country == "EastMalysia")
                        $conclusion = 14;//your shipping Price

			return $weightTotal;


function displayAmount($amount)
global $shopConfig;
return $shopConfig['currency'] . number_format($amount);

Join up the key value pairs in $_GET
into a single query string
function queryString()
$qString = array();

foreach($_GET as $key => $value) {
	if (trim($value) != '') {
		$qString[] = $key. '=' . trim($value);
	} else {
		$qString[] = $key;

$qString = implode('&', $qString);

return $qString;

Put an error message on session 
function setError($errorMessage)
if (!isset($_SESSION['db_desmond_error'])) {
	$_SESSION['db_desmond_error'] = array();

$_SESSION['db_desmond_error'][] = $errorMessage;


print the error message
function displayError()
if (isset($_SESSION['db_desmond_error']) && count($_SESSION['db_desmond_error'])) {
	$numError = count($_SESSION['db_desmond_error']);

	echo '<table id="errorMessage" width="550" align="center" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
	for ($i = 0; $i < $numError; $i++) {
		echo '&#8226; ' . $_SESSION['db_desmond_error'][$i] . "<br>\r\n";
	echo '</td></tr></table>';

	// remove all error messages from session
	$_SESSION['db_desmond_error'] = array();

Paging Functions

function getPagingQuery($sql, $itemPerPage = 10)
if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {
	$page = (int)$_GET['page'];
} else {
	$page = 1;

// start fetching from this row number
$offset = ($page - 1) * $itemPerPage;

return $sql . " LIMIT $offset, $itemPerPage";

Get the links to navigate between one result page to another.
Supply a value for $strGet if the page url already contain some
GET values for example if the original page url is like this :


use "c=12" as the value for $strGet. But if the url is like this :


then there's no need to set a value for $strGet

function getPagingLink($sql, $itemPerPage = 10, $strGet = '')
$result        = dbQuery($sql);
$pagingLink    = '';
$totalResults  = dbNumRows($result);
$totalPages    = ceil($totalResults / $itemPerPage);

// how many link pages to show
$numLinks      = 10;

// create the paging links only if we have more than one page of results
if ($totalPages > 1) {

	$self = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;

	if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {
		$pageNumber = (int)$_GET['page'];
	} else {
		$pageNumber = 1;

	// print 'previous' link only if we're not
	// on page one
	if ($pageNumber > 1) {
		$page = $pageNumber - 1;
		if ($page > 1) {
			$prev = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet/\">[Prev]</a> ";
		} else {
			$prev = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[Prev]</a> ";

		$first = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">[First]</a> ";
	} else {
		$prev  = ''; // we're on page one, don't show 'previous' link
		$first = ''; // nor 'first page' link

	// print 'next' link only if we're not
	// on the last page
	if ($pageNumber < $totalPages) {
		$page = $pageNumber + 1;
		$next = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">[Next]</a> ";
		$last = " <a href=\"$self?page=$totalPages&$strGet\">[Last]</a> ";
	} else {
		$next = ''; // we're on the last page, don't show 'next' link
		$last = ''; // nor 'last page' link

	$start = $pageNumber - ($pageNumber % $numLinks) + 1;
	$end   = $start + $numLinks - 1;		

	$end   = min($totalPages, $end);

	$pagingLink = array();
	for($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++)	{
		if ($page == $pageNumber) {
			$pagingLink[] = " $page ";   // no need to create a link to current page
		} else {
			if ($page == 1) {
				$pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?$strGet\">$page</a> ";
			} else {	
				$pagingLink[] = " <a href=\"$self?page=$page&$strGet\">$page</a> ";


	$pagingLink = implode(' | ', $pagingLink);

	// return the page navigation link
	$pagingLink = $first . $prev . $pagingLink . $next . $last;

return $pagingLink;



if (!defined('WEB_ROOT')) {

$cartContent = getCartContent();

$numItem = count($cartContent);	
<table width="180" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" id="minicart" >
if ($numItem > 0) {
  <td colspan="2" class="black_txt_2">Cart Content</td>
$subTotal = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $numItem; $i++) {
	$pd_name = "$ct_qty x $pd_name";
	$url = "index.php?c=$cat_id&p=$pd_id";

	$subTotal += $pd_price * $ct_qty;
   <td width="73%" ><a href="<?php echo $url; ?>"><span class="green_txt_2"><?php echo $pd_name; ?></span></a></td>
  <td width="27%" align="right" class="black_txt_2"><?php echo displayAmount($ct_qty * $pd_price); ?></td>
} // end while
  <tr><td align="right" class="black_txt_2">Sub-total</td>
  <td width="27%" align="right" class="black_txt_2"><?php echo displayAmount($subTotal); ?></td>
  <tr><td align="right"  class="black_txt_2">Shipping</td>
  <td width="27%" align="right" class="black_txt_2"><?php echo displayAmount($shopConfig['shippingCost']); ?></td>
  <tr><td align="right" class="black_txt_2"><strong>Total</strong></td>
  <td width="27%" align="right" class="black_txt_2"><strong><?php echo displayAmount($subTotal + $shopConfig['shippingCost']); ?></strong></td>
  <tr><td colspan="2"> </td></tr>
  <td colspan="2" align="center" class="black_txt_2"><a href="cart.php?action=view"> <img src="images/btn_proceedtocheckout.gif" ></a></td>
} else {
  <tr><td colspan="2" align="center" valign="middle" class="black_txt_2">Shopping Cart Is Empty</td></tr>




require_once 'config.php';

*                 CHECKOUT FUNCTIONS 
function saveOrder()
$orderId       = 0;
$shippingCost  = 5;
$requiredField = array('hidShippingFirstName', 'hidShippingLastName', 'hidShippingAddress1', 'hidShippingCity', 'hidShippingPostalCode',
					   'hidPaymentFirstName', 'hidPaymentLastName', 'hidPaymentAddress1', 'hidPaymentCity', 'hidPaymentPostalCode');
if (checkRequiredPost($requiredField)) {

	// make sure the first character in the 
	// customer and city name are properly upper cased
	$hidShippingFirstName = ucwords($hidShippingFirstName);
	$hidShippingLastName  = ucwords($hidShippingLastName);
	$hidPaymentFirstName  = ucwords($hidPaymentFirstName);
	$hidPaymentLastName   = ucwords($hidPaymentLastName);
	$hidShippingCity      = ucwords($hidShippingCity);
	$hidPaymentCity       = ucwords($hidPaymentCity);

	$cartContent = getCartContent();
	$numItem     = count($cartContent);

	// save order & get order id
	$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_order(od_date, od_last_update, od_shipping_first_name, od_shipping_last_name, od_shipping_address1, 
	                              od_shipping_address2, od_shipping_phone, od_shipping_state, od_shipping_city, od_shipping_postal_code, od_shipping_cost,
                                      od_payment_first_name, od_payment_last_name, od_payment_address1, od_payment_address2, 
								  od_payment_phone, od_payment_state, od_payment_city, od_payment_postal_code)
                VALUES (NOW(), NOW(), '$hidShippingFirstName', '$hidShippingLastName', '$hidShippingAddress1', 
			        '$hidShippingAddress2', '$hidShippingPhone', '$hidShippingState', '$hidShippingCity', '$hidShippingPostalCode', '$shippingCost',
					'$hidPaymentFirstName', '$hidPaymentLastName', '$hidPaymentAddress1', 
					'$hidPaymentAddress2', '$hidPaymentPhone', '$hidPaymentState', '$hidPaymentCity', '$hidPaymentPostalCode')";
	$result = dbQuery($sql);

	// get the order id
	$orderId = dbInsertId();

	if ($orderId) {
		// save order items
		for ($i = 0; $i < $numItem; $i++) {
			$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_order_item(od_id, pd_id, od_qty)
					VALUES ($orderId, {$cartContent[$i]['pd_id']}, {$cartContent[$i]['ct_qty']})";
			$result = dbQuery($sql);					

		// update product stock
		for ($i = 0; $i < $numItem; $i++) {
			$sql = "UPDATE tbl_product 
			        SET pd_qty = pd_qty - {$cartContent[$i]['ct_qty']}
					WHERE pd_id = {$cartContent[$i]['pd_id']}";
			$result = dbQuery($sql);					

		// then remove the ordered items from cart
		for ($i = 0; $i < $numItem; $i++) {
			$sql = "DELETE FROM tbl_cart
			        WHERE ct_id = {$cartContent[$i]['ct_id']}";
			$result = dbQuery($sql);					

return $orderId;

Get order total amount ( total purchase + shipping cost )
function getOrderAmount($orderId)
$orderAmount = 0;
									/////////SELECT SUM (pd_price * od_qty) /////		
$sql = "SELECT SUM(pd_price * [od_qty * pd_weight] ) 
        FROM tbl_order_item oi, tbl_product p 
	    WHERE oi.pd_id = p.pd_id and oi.od_id = $orderId


		SELECT pd_weight
		FROM tbl_product
		WHERE oi.pd_id = p.pd_id ";  ////?????

		SELECT od_shipping_cost 
		FROM tbl_order
		WHERE od_id = $orderId";

$result = dbQuery($sql);

if (dbNumRows($result) == 2) {
	$row = dbFetchRow($result);
	$totalPurchase = $row[0];

	$row = dbFetchRow($result);
	$weightTotal = $row[0];						    /******original***** $shippingCost = $row[0]; **************/

	$orderAmount = $totalPurchase + $weightTotal;  /*****original****** $totalPurchase + $shippingCost ***********/

return $orderAmount;	




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