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Hey everyone,


I'm currently working on a friends online script and i have a slight problem that i need help with.


Basically the code first searches "TBL_Friends" to see if you have any friends added. If it returns results it then turns your friends ID's into a variable. It then searches "TBL_Users_Online" to see if any body is logged based on the friend's ID it returned before. The first bit of the code works and it retrieves all the friends i got added. The second half is odd, if i have one or two friends added it will show that one is online. If i have more then three friends added it returns no results. I know my code is a bit sloppy and probably not the best way of writing it, im still learning PHP.


Anyways this is the code, any help is appreciated.


$FriendsOnline = mysql_query("SELECT Sender_ID FROM TBL_User_Friends WHERE Reciever_ID = $UserID");
     $FriendsOnlineID = $fo[sender_ID];

     $FriendsOnlineNumber = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM TBL_Users_Online WHERE User_ID = $FriendsOnlineID");
     $FriendsNumber = mysql_num_rows($FriendsOnlineNumber);

     echo $FriendsNumber;


$SenderID = Friends ID

$Reciever_ID = User ID

$UserID = User ID

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You should NEVER run queries in loops. Learn to do JOINs.


I think your problem is that you are running a query for each friend and then checking the count (which I would assume is 1 or 9(. But, you should run one query for all the friends.


$query = "SELECT COUNT(uo.User_ID) as online_count
          FROM TBL_User_Friends AS uf
          JOIN TBL_Users_Online AS uo
            ON uf.Sender_ID = uo.User_ID
          WHERE uf.Reciever_ID = '{$UserID}'";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$friends_online = mysql_result($result, 0);

Thanks Heaps! I got the number of friends displaying now. I got two more  question though, i have had a look around and i cant really find any answers as to how to get info back out of this query. And secondly can i join another table and get info out of that one as well. E.g. We got our friends id, we got our online friends id's, now i need to get info out of "TBL_Users". More specifically i need to get the "Name" "Email" and "Display_Photo" out of "TBL_Users". Then i echo that for every friend online.

I assume you want the "Name" "Email" and "Display_Photo" for the friend and not the user.


based on these requirements I would NOT use COUNT() since you need the additional info. You can just use mysql_num_rows() to get the count and your results will have all the data.


Try this (may need to modify the filed names as appropriate)

$query = "SELECT u.Name, u.Email, u.Display_Photo
          FROM TBL_User_Friends AS uf
          LEFT JOIN TBL_Users_Online AS uo
            ON uf.Sender_ID = uo.User_ID
          JOIN TBL_Users AS u
            ON uo.User_ID = u.User_ID
          WHERE uf.Reciever_ID = '{$UserID}'";

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