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I have 3 drop down boxes and I want my boxes to go to another page when I select them and click go. For example if I click western cape I want it to give me all the resorts in western cape and if I click western cape and beaches I want it to give me all the resorts that are in the western cape that are next to beaches. I have been able to populate the drop down boxes with information and it can go to another page but it doesn't give me the information I want.


This is my drop down boxes code


<script type="text/javascript">

function showGo(){

      var region_id = $("#region_id").val();

      var lifestyle_id = $("#lifestyle_id").val();

      var resort_facility_id = $("#resort_facility_id").val();

      if((region_id != 'false') || (lifestyle_id != 'false') || (resort_facility_id != 'false')){

            $("#destinationSearchButton").css('display', 'block');



            $("#destinationSearchButton").css('display', 'none');



<form action="/pages/search/" method="post">

		<select class="formSelect" name="region_id" id="region_id" size="1" tabindex="1" onchange="showGo()">
	<option label="Region">

		$regions_model = new regions_model('regions');
		$regions = $regions_model -> get_all();

		 foreach($regions as $region){
		$name = $region['name'];
		$id	=$region['id'];

		$select = "SELECT $id, $name FROM regions";
		 		echo "<option value='$id'>$name</option>";
		 } ?>


<select class="formSelect" name="lifestyle_id" id="lifestyle_id" size="1" tabindex="2" onchange="showGo()">
		<option label="lifestyle">

		$lifestyles_model = new lifestyles_model('lifestyles');
		$lifestyles = $lifestyles_model -> get_all();

		 foreach($lifestyles as $lifestyle){
		$name = $lifestyle['name'];
		$id = $lifestyle['id'];

		$select = "SELECT $name FROM lifestyles";
		 		echo "<option name='$id'>$name</option>";
		 } ?>

<select class="formSelect" name="resort_facility_id" id="resort_facility_id" size="1" tabindex="3" onchange="showGo()">
		<option label="Facilities & Amenities">

		$resort_facilities_model = new resort_facilities_model('resort_facilities');
		$resort_facilities= $resort_facilities_model -> get_all();

		 foreach($resort_facilities as $resort_facility){
		$name = $resort_facility['name'];
		$id = $resort_facility['id'];

		$select = "SELECT $name FROM resort_failities";
		 		echo "<option name='$id'>$name</option>";
		 } ?>

	<input class="formInputButton" type="submit" name="submitButtonName" id="destinationSearchButton" value="Go" tabindex="4"/ style="display: none;" />


Thank you

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I think think the problem is in the recieving page, because the drop down boxes has the correct information.

Here is my search.php


<div class="top-head-2nd"><h2><div class="right-link" style="text-align:right;"><a href="javascript:;" onClick="history.go(-1)">« Go Back</a></div></h2></div>
<div style="clear:both;">
	<div id="region-listings">
		<div class="inhoud">
			foreach ($this->_params['list'] as $resort){
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="8">
					<td width="76%" bgcolor="#404040"><h3><?php echo $resort['name'] ?></h3></td>
					<td width="24%" bgcolor="#FF9900"><a href="<?php echo $this->get_uri('/resorts/view/'.$resort['id']) ?>">View Resort Profile »</a></td>
					<td colspan="2"><table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
							<td width="17%"><img src="/image.php?path=<?php echo $resort['image_path'] ?>&w=135&h=89" /></td>
							<td style="line-height:155%;" width="83%" valign="top">
							  <strong>Shares available from <span class="orange">R<?php echo $resort['cheapest_listing'] ?></span> per share</strong><br />
							<span class="grey">	

								echo 'Lifestyles: ';

								$comma = '';

								foreach($resort['lifestyles'] as $lifestyle){

									echo $comma.$lifestyle['name'];

									$comma = ', ';
							<strong>(<?php echo $resort['no_of_listings'] ?> Listings)</strong></td>
							<td colspan="2"> </td>

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So if you do this (on your search.php page)

echo '<pre>' , print_r($_POST,true) , '</pre>';
<div class="top-head-2nd"><h2><div class="right-link" style="text-align:right;"><a href="javascript:;" onClick="history.go(-1)">« Go Back</a></div></h2></div>

You get no output?

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Umm, I think you may have missed something.. Are you getting any output at ALL on your search.php page?

I am assuming not as your code (if that is your entire search.php) will throw Fatal errors as you are using $this out of context.

If you turn on error reporting


You will see what I mean.

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I have absolutely no idea what that number is supposed to mean..

However, a PHP class is structured as below.

class SimpleClass
    // property declaration
    public $var = 'a default value';

    // method declaration
    public function displayVar() {
        echo $this->var;

Nowhere in the search.php page is there anything that comes close to resembling a class.

In any case, where are you expecting the information in $this->_params['list'] to be coming from?

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I have this in my pages.controller.php


public function search(){

	$resorts_model = new resorts_model('resorts');

	$this->_params['title'] = "Resorts ";
	$this->_params['list'] = array();


		$region = $this->_model->get_one("SELECT name FROM regions WHERE id = {$this->_params['region_id']}");


		$lifestyle = $this->_model->get_one("SELECT name FROM lifestyles WHERE id = {$this->_params['lifestyle_id']}");


		$resort_facility = $this->_model->get_one("SELECT name FROM resort_facilities WHERE id = {$this->_params['resort_facility_id']}");

	$possible_conditions = array('region_id' => "resorts.region_id = {$this->_params['region_id']}",
								 'lifestyle_id' => "resorts.id = lifestyles_resorts.resort_id AND lifestyles_resorts.lifestyle_id = {$this->_params['lifestyle_id']}",
								 'resort_facility_id' => "resorts.id = resorts_resort_facilities.resort_id AND resorts_resort_facilities.resort_facility_id = {$this->_params['resort_facility_id']}");

	$combinations = array(array('region_id', 'lifestyle_id', 'resort_facility_id'),
						  array('region_id', 'lifestyle_id'),
						  array('region_id', 'resort_facility_id'),
						  array('lifestyle_id', 'resort_facility_id'),
	$i = 0;

	$in_str = $this->get_in_industry_string();

	while(empty($this->_params['list']) && $i < count($combinations)){

		$conditions = array();

		for($j = 0; $j < count($combinations[$i]); $j++){


				$conditions[$combinations[$i][$j]] = $possible_conditions[$combinations[$i][$j]];

		$resorts = $resorts_model->get_all($conditions);


			foreach($resorts as $resort){

				if(!$this->has_listings('resorts', $resort['id'])){


				$resort['lifestyles'] = $resorts_model->get_lifestyles($resort['id']);

				$resort['cheapest_listing'] = $resorts_model->get_cheapest_listing($resort['id'], $in_str);

				$this->_params['list'][] = $resort;

		$i ++;

	foreach($conditions as $id_name => $condition){

		$name = str_replace('_id', '', $id_name);

		if($name == 'region'){

			$this->_params['title'] .= ' in ';

		}elseif(!strstr($this->_params['title'], ' with ')){

			$this->_params['title'] .= ' with ';


			$this->_params['title'] .= ' and ';

		$this->_params['title'] .= $$name;

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