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Anuvver kev


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Hello I'm another kev, albeit an ancient one. I'm trying to learn php from a book 'Learning PHP & MySQL' it's from a reputable source. I read the appraisals some time after I purchased it ... not so good, bit like my coding.

I am now stuck on a bit of php code that's causing me to lose momentum, but before I start posting what seems like reams of code I would like to know if there is anybody else who has been through the book and knows all the coding, especially the blog example using Smarty, PHP and MySQL. Cheers all.

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Please... that book is horrible.  Do yourself a favor and look for something better.  The php manual itself is free and quite serviceable, and there are literally scores of tutorials not to mention many screencasts that will probably do a much better job teaching you what you need to know.

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I'm off to a good start I seem to have lost a post, never mind. Thanks to whoever gave suggested a different publication, I will more than likely give it a bash.

As someone who has more or less just walked in off the street I didn't find the book so bad, as far as I can get through it that is, it's just that it is frustratingly impossible to get help especially from the source. Getting stuck and thrashing around is irritating to say the least.

Cheers all.. Slainte gizmo.

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