Dusaro Posted October 4, 2011 Share Posted October 4, 2011 Well, i have got this code: <?php header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); ?> <form action="signature.php?user=" .$user. "&img=". $img" method="post"> <input name="user" type="text" /> <select name="img"> <option value="blue">Blue</option> <option value="red">Red</option> <option value="purple">Purple</option> <option value="pink">Pink</option> </select> <?php $user = $_POST['user']; $img = $_POST['img']; ?> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> <?php //Skill Grabs $order = array("Overall", "Attack", "Defence", "Strength", "Hitpoints", "Ranged", "Prayer", "Magic", "Cooking", "Woodcutting", "Fletching", "Fishing", "Firemaking", "Crafting", "Smithing", "Mining", "Herblore", "Agility", "Thieving", "Slayer", "Farming", "Runecraft", "Hunter", "Construction", "Summoning", "Dungeoneering"); $user = $_GET['user']; //Change this to the variable (Or a string literal) that contains the username $get = file_get_contents("http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=$user"); $get = explode("\n", $get); $i = 0; foreach ($order as $key => $value) { $value = strtolower($value); $temp = explode(",", $get[$i]); $temp = array("rank" => $temp[0], "level" => $temp[1], "exp" => $temp[2]); $stats[$value] = $temp; $eval = "\$$value = array(\$temp[\"rank\"], \$temp[\"level\"], \$temp[\"exp\"]);"; eval($eval); $i++; } //End Skill Grabs // specify the file name - you can use a full path, or "../../" type stuff here // if the image is not in the same directory as this code file $image = imagecreatefrompng("http://slay2day.x10.mx/highscores/signatures/".$_GET['img'].".png"); // specify the font size // in this case, the color is white, but you can replace the numbers with the RGB values // of any color you want $color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255); // and now we do the overlay - the layers of text start top to bottom, so // the drop shadow comes first // $image - the base image file we specified above // $font_size - Well duh. Its the size of the font // 0 - the angle of the text - we don't want an angle, so we leave it at 0 // 55 - pixels to the right from the leftmost part of the image // 35 - pixels down from the top of the image // $black - the color we defined above // "../fonts/ARIALBD.TTF" - the location on the server that the font can be found // "Test Text" - the text we're overlaying - you can also use a variable here ImageTTFText ($image, "7", 0, 280, 10, $color, "arial.ttf","Slay2day"); ImageTTFText ($image, "12", 0, 240, 55, $color, "biblio.ttf",$user); if($overall[0]==-1){ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 230, 105, $color, "biblio.ttf","NOT RANKED");}else{ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 240, 105, $color, "biblio.ttf",$overall[0]);} ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$attack[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$strength[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$defence[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$hitpoints[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$ranged[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$prayer[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$magic[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$cooking[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$woodcutting[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$fletching[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$fishing[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$firemaking[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$crafting[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$smithing[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$mining[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$herblore[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$agility[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$thieving[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$slayer[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$farming[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$runecraft[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$construction[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$hunter[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$summoning[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$dungeoneering[1]); // Now add the actual white text "on top" header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); ?> It generates a image and gets data from the name thats in the url. I am wanting to make a form where they fill out their name and what color they use. What is wrong? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/248377-_get-and-_post/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deoctor Posted October 4, 2011 Share Posted October 4, 2011 my probably guess is that you didnt close the <form> tag i didnt tested the code but probably this could be the answer. <?php header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("Pragma: no-cache"); ?> <form action="img.php?user=" .$user. "&img=". $img" method="post"> <input name="user" type="text" /> <select name="img"> <option value="blue">Blue</option> <option value="red">Red</option> <option value="purple">Purple</option> <option value="pink">Pink</option> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> </form> <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) $user = $_POST['user']; $img = $_POST['img']; //Skill Grabs $order = array("Overall", "Attack", "Defence", "Strength", "Hitpoints", "Ranged", "Prayer", "Magic", "Cooking", "Woodcutting", "Fletching", "Fishing", "Firemaking", "Crafting", "Smithing", "Mining", "Herblore", "Agility", "Thieving", "Slayer", "Farming", "Runecraft", "Hunter", "Construction", "Summoning", "Dungeoneering"); $user = $_GET['user']; //Change this to the variable (Or a string literal) that contains the username $get = file_get_contents("http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=$user"); $get = explode("\n", $get); $i = 0; foreach ($order as $key => $value) { $value = strtolower($value); $temp = explode(",", $get[$i]); $temp = array("rank" => $temp[0], "level" => $temp[1], "exp" => $temp[2]); $stats[$value] = $temp; $eval = "\$$value = array(\$temp[\"rank\"], \$temp[\"level\"], \$temp[\"exp\"]);"; eval($eval); $i++; } //End Skill Grabs // specify the file name - you can use a full path, or "../../" type stuff here // if the image is not in the same directory as this code file $image = imagecreatefrompng("http://slay2day.x10.mx/highscores/signatures/".$_GET['img'].".png"); // specify the font size // in this case, the color is white, but you can replace the numbers with the RGB values // of any color you want $color = imagecolorallocate($image, 255,255,255); // and now we do the overlay - the layers of text start top to bottom, so // the drop shadow comes first // $image - the base image file we specified above // $font_size - Well duh. Its the size of the font // 0 - the angle of the text - we don't want an angle, so we leave it at 0 // 55 - pixels to the right from the leftmost part of the image // 35 - pixels down from the top of the image // $black - the color we defined above // "../fonts/ARIALBD.TTF" - the location on the server that the font can be found // "Test Text" - the text we're overlaying - you can also use a variable here ImageTTFText ($image, "7", 0, 280, 10, $color, "arial.ttf","Slay2day"); ImageTTFText ($image, "12", 0, 240, 55, $color, "biblio.ttf",$user); if($overall[0]==-1){ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 230, 105, $color, "biblio.ttf","NOT RANKED");}else{ImageTTFText($image, "11", 0, 240, 105, $color, "biblio.ttf",$overall[0]);} ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$attack[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$strength[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$defence[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$hitpoints[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 27, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$ranged[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$prayer[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$magic[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$cooking[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$woodcutting[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 70, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$fletching[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$fishing[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$firemaking[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$crafting[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$smithing[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 117, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$mining[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$herblore[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$agility[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$thieving[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$slayer[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 162, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$farming[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 20, $color, "arial.ttf",$runecraft[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 42, $color, "arial.ttf",$construction[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 64, $color, "arial.ttf",$hunter[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 88, $color, "arial.ttf",$summoning[1]); ImageTTFText ($image, "10", 0, 212, 114, $color, "arial.ttf",$dungeoneering[1]); // Now add the actual white text "on top" header("Content-type: image/png"); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image); } ?> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/248377-_get-and-_post/#findComment-1275487 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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