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I created the code below and it outputs the following number output:


Anyways if you look at the code, I need to be able to add the values on a single colony, idcol, with the same type and subtype, btid/stid, generated as the $prod variable. buildings with the same subtype generate the same resource, in this case, several iron mines and a single copper mine are present, but there are also 9 other types of resource buildings. How do I collect on the prods which go together?

$dbhost = 'localhost:3306';
$dbuser = 'lordofth_aos';
$dbpass = 'flarge';
$dbname = 'lordofth_aos';
$conn = mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass)
or die ('Error connecting to mysql');
$query="SELECT id FROM users";
$queryii="SELECT idcol FROM colony WHERE id=$idn";
$id=mysql_result($result, $i);
echo $id;
$querypty="SELECT btid FROM ptypes WHERE btid=$ibt";
$idcol=mysql_result($resultii, $ii);
echo $idcol;
$btid=mysql_result($resultpty, $bt);
echo $btid;
$querystid="SELECT stid FROM ptypes WHERE stid=$bte";
$stid=mysql_result($resultstid, $st);
echo $stid;
$querybpid="SELECT bpid FROM blueprints WHERE btid=$btid AND stid=$stid";
$bidumbg=mysql_result($resultbpid, $bidum, 'bpid');
echo $bidumbg;
$querybid="SELECT COUNT(bid) AS count, workers, efficiency 
FROM buildings
INNER JOIN blueprints ON buildings.bpid=blueprints.bpid
WHERE blueprints.btid=$btid AND blueprints.stid=$stid AND buildings.bpid=$bidumbg AND buildings.idcol=$idcol";
$staff=mysql_result($resultbid, $bidumb, 'workers');
$effic=mysql_result($resultbid, $bidumb, 'efficiency');
$count=mysql_result($resultbid, $bidumb, 'count');
echo $staff;
echo $effic;
echo $count;
echo $prod;

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so turns out, all i had to do was set $prod=$prod+$count*$staff*$effic and then in the containing while loop create the update query. that way prod becomes the total value of all mines and then inserts into the table and then it is reset to 0 and then i can get the $prod value of the next suptype. i tested it out and its perfect.

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