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Hi all , sorry for posting question again , I really tried this for a whole day already but still can't get any solution...


Now I completed my submit form with validation , when I click submit , above the form will echo the values entered by user and a button for confirmation , if everything okay then just click the confirm button , it will update into mysql . (I do this using php function )

But even if I click the confirm button , it will just refresh my page and won't update into mysql . I know that it is because this button has no related to the submit form so there is nothing for it to update , but I still don't know how to find other ways to do it  . I even tried to put a disabled button first , when I click submit button then it will allow to click . Hmm...not a good way I know...(and won't works with my limited php knowledge)


Can I get a little hints for this problem ?


In my submit form





For the function part: ( another php file )


function show_confirmation(){

echo "Total recipient(s):".count($total)."<br>";
echo "<br>" ;
echo "Recipient Number(s):<br>".$_POST['cellphonenumber']."<br>" ;
echo "<br>" ;
echo "Message:<br>".$_POST['inputtext']."<br>" ;
echo "<br>" ;
echo "Date:".$_POST['datetime']."<br>" ;

echo "<br>";
echo "<br>";
echo " Proceed ?";
echo "<br>";

echo "<form>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit2\">

echo "</form>";




submit() is just a function that will insert values into mysql table .


This is my normal form:



After click submit button:




So...what should I do to make the Submit2 button works ? Any hints or advices will be greatly appreciate .

I'm not asking for a whole complete solution but just some hints...thanks for every reply .

Some gray areas here. But when you do this:

echo "<form>";
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit2\">

echo "</form>";

This is your form. It has nothing in it. and your <form> tag does not have the action to submit this form to. Maybe insert the info above the form into the form.


PS. echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Submit2\"> needs an ending "

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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