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Just a heads up, my OOP skills are in development so sorry for the roughness of things...(any tips always appreciated!)


I'm basically making my own little repository site that will have snippets (for quick copy paste anywhere) (I know there are other services, but mine is a little different and needs to be private).


I'll try to just post the necessary code:


HTML trying to pass:

<p><br /><span class="something">Hey buddy</span></p>



//send info
						dataType: 'json',
						data: {...
'description': htmlEntities($('#modularContent form textarea[name="description"]').val())...},
						success:function(data, status){
var html = ...
html+= ...'<div class="description"><p>'+data.description+'<br /><br />';...
error:function(data, status, e){

function htmlEntities(str) {
    return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>').replace(/"/g, '"');
//found via: http://css-tricks.com/snippets/javascript/htmlentities-for-javascript/



//Start object and modify initial values
public function __construct($title,$description,$url,$snippet){
		if($this->snippet == 'yes'){
public function handle_snippet(){
		$code = htmlentities($this->description, ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE, 'UTF-8',false);
		$this->description = $code;
//returning value
public function getJSON($action){
		//temp fix for js breaking if  remove_tag_ids is empty/null
			$this->remove_tag_ids = 'null';
		if($this->snippet == 'yes'){
			$this->description = stripslashes($this->description);
			case 'delete':
				//not important
				$json = array(...'description'=>$this->description...);
		return $json;


POST Value: (via firebug)

description: 	<p><br /><span class="something">Hey buddy</span></p>


JSON Return value: (via firebug)

description: <p><br /><span class="something">Hey buddy</span></p>


DB value:

<p><br /><span class=\"something\">Hey buddy</span></p>


As far as error, I have no idea what the error is haha. It does not get through to the error code cause the plugin tosses an error b4 that (using an ajaxUpload plugin http://www.phpletter.com/Our-Projects/AjaxFileUpload/, (this does not affect the upload, it uploads just fine, but it tosses an error for some reason)).


Anyone have any insights/ideas?

Thanks for any and all help,


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