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Special AVG() query sought


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Hi everyone,


I hope someone can give me an answer to problem that has eluded me for about 2 weeks. I just can not find the answer.


My problem is that I have a database that I want to return the average of a column BUT the average number that gets calculated can not include the oldest two records that were entered in that particular column.


In other words, if I have ten entries in a column only the latest 8 entries will be used to calculate the returned average.


Here is the basic query I am using:


$result = mysql_query("SELECT *, avg(miles) AS av_miles FROM mpg WHERE vehicle_id='$id' ");


Thank you for help in advance.


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You'll want to use two queries. It might be able to be done in one, but I think it would get overly complicated.


Query #1 will be to get the number of records that match the condition

SELECT COUNT(miles) as limit_amt
FROM mpg
WHERE vehicle_id='$id'


Then take the value from that query, subtract 2, and assign it to a variable (let's say $limit_amt).


Now run this query to get the average of the records except the oldest two

SELECT AVG(miles) AS av_miles
      FROM mpg
      WHERE vehicle_id='$id'
      ORDER BY date DESC
      LIMIT $limit_amt) as data_set

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Thank you very much for your response mjdamato.


Please excuse my ignorance in this matter as I am also a little embarrassed for not knowing (kinda of a newbie). I have the first query working correctly as you suggested. Here it is as I have it written:


$q="SELECT *,  COUNT(miles) AS limit_amt FROM mpg WHERE vehicle_id='$id'";

$result = mysql_query($q) ;
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$amt=($limit_amt - 2);
echo $amt;
echo '<br/>There are'; echo  $amt;  
echo 'items.';
echo "<br />";


The second query is where I have a problem. I don't under stand how to use the " as data_set" at the end of the query. I have never used something like that at the end of a query before.


This is how I have the second query written, but with no luck.


$q2="SELECT AVG(miles) AS av_miles
FROM (SELECT miles    FROM mpg   WHERE vehicle_id='$id'   ORDER BY date DESC   LIMIT $limit_amt) as data_set";

$result = mysql_query($q2) ;

// Print out result
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
echo $data_set;
echo '<br/>There are'; echo  $data_set; echo 'items.';
echo "<br />";  


Any further suggestions would be great....and thank you again.

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In the first query why are you using "SELECT *, COUNT(miles)"? Remove the "*," from the SELECT. Also, why are you using a while() loop onthat query result? You only want ONE record returned.


As for the second query - you need to reference the av_miles value from the query; you don't need to reference 'data_set' at all. However, when you create a "dynamic" table as is done with the subquery you need to give it a name.


$query = "SELECT (COUNT(miles) - 2) AS record_count
          FROM mpg
          WHERE vehicle_id='$id'";
$result = mysql_query($query) ;
$record_count = mysql_result($result, 0);
echo "<br/>There are {$record_count} items<br>\n";

$query = "SELECT AVG(miles) AS av_miles
          FROM (SELECT miles
                FROM mpg
                WHERE vehicle_id='$id'
                ORDER BY date DESC
                LIMIT {$record_count}) as data_set";
$result = mysql_query($query) ;
$avg_miles = mysql_result($result, 0);
echo "<br/>The average miles are {$avg_miles}<br />\n";

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Hi mjdamato,


You are an amazing genius with this stuff.


That worked perfectly. I studied your code so I could understand how it relates from one line to the next and it all makes sense now (it's like being perplexed watching a magician do his amazing tricks but once he shows you how its done you say "oh, so thats how its done"....lol .


Thank you again and have a great weekend.


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Just be aware that you should put some validation on that code. The first query could result in -1 or -2 - which would likely result in an error when running the 2nd query (never tired a negative value on the LIMIT clause). Or, if the result of the first query is 0, you would get 0 for the second query (even though there were records for the vehicle_id, but only 2).


So says the amazing Kalamazan!  :psychic:

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