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PHP has sessions.  You can store an array in a session.  In order to start using sessions, you have to start them at the beginning of a script.




You can then store data to a session variable by assigning it to the $_SESSION superglobal.  An html form that makes a php script it's target with method POST will have any form variables available in the $_POST superglobal.  So if you had let's say an input variable named "tableinput' then you will get the value of that from:  $_POST['tableinput'].  So your script could do something like this:


// Output form here

if (isset($_POST['tableinput'])) {
   $_SESSION['tabledata'][] = $_POST['tableinput'];

// Output table here:

foreach($_SESSION['tabledata'] as $row) {
  // output $row inside a tr


That is the framework for what I'd suggest.  Self contained, and each time you submit, it will add an element to the session variable which will then drive the output of your table.



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This is my code



// please add login and pass here//
$host	= "localhost";
$login 	= "root" ;
$pass 	= "";

mysql_connect("$host","$login","$pass") OR DIE
        ("There is a problem with the system.  Please notify your system administrator." .mysql_error());

//Seems in this case we can use a general call
$connection = mysql_connect("$host","$login","$pass") or die(mysql_error());

$dbs = @mysql_list_dbs($connection)or die(mysql_error());

$i =0;

while ($i < mysql_num_rows($dbs)){
    $db_names[$i] = mysql_tablename($dbs,$i);

    $db_list .="<li>$db_names[$i]";


//Start Create DB//
IF (isset($_POST['result'])){
$sql="CREATE DATABASE $database ";
$result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
echo "Database $database has been added";


IF (isset($_POST['delete'])){
$query=mysql_query("DROP DATABASE $db");
echo "Database $db has been deleted";

<title>MySQL Databases</title>
<p><strong>Databases on localhost</strong>:</p>
<? echo "$db_list"; ?>

<form action="pretask.php" method="post">
<select name="db">
$db_list = mysql_list_dbs($connection);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($db_list)) {
//Here you are listing anything that should not be included
if ($row->Database!="information_schema" && $row->Database!="mysql" && $row->Database!="phpmyadmin"){
echo "<option value=\"".$row->Database."\">".$row->Database."</option>";



<input type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete"/>
<form action="pretask.php" method="post">
Create Database <input type="text" name="database" />
<input type="submit" name="result" value="Create" />

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Sounds like you are wanting to setup something like phpMyAdmin for creating the database table.  That's going to get complicated selecting the field types etc.  To Just create a table see here. http://www.php-mysql-tutorial.com/wikis/mysql-tutorials/create-a-mysql-database-with-php.aspx  or do a search for other examples.  Making an interface for doing this is another matter.

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