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I have a script that is meant to grab links of a specific type.




//need to some how extract all links from this text 
$link = '[quote]http://www.domain.com/?d=03WO6WPC random text, http://www.domain.com/?d=0334fWPChttp://www.domain.com/?d=03WV4SPC[/quote]';



The urls are always the same character length, but there is no telling how the user types them out so im looking for a way to extract the 3 urls based on domain.com.



The end result should be to create an array of 3 urls which belong to domain.com .





I tried explode but some one may type it without spaces so explode fails.. any ideas?

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$link = '[quote]http://www.domain.com/?d=03WO6WPC random text, http://www.domain.com/?d=0334fWPChttp://www.domain.com/?d=03WV4SPC[/quote]';

$new = explode('domain.com', $link);

$new1 = 'http://www.domain.com'.$new[1].'<br>';
$new2 = 'http://www.domain.com'.$new[2].'<br>';
$new3 = 'http://www.domain.com'.$new[3].'<br>';

echo substr($new1, 0, 33),'<br>';
echo substr($new2, 0, 33),'<br>';
echo substr($new3, 0,33);

Hi thank you for the reply,


quick question, if i want to then edit the $new1 2 and 3 and then re-import it back to the original string how would i do that?


My intentions is to extract the domain links..check if they are valid then add a <img src="tick.jpg"> in font of the link  and put each link on its own line.


Thus resulting in :


$newlinks = '[quote]
<img src="tick.jpg"/> http://www.domain.com/?d=03WO6WPC
random text, 
<img src="tick.jpg"/> http://www.domain.com/?d=0334fWPC
<img src="tick.jpg"/> http://www.domain.com/?d=03WV4SPC



What would you suggest ?


I know of no way to check if a url exists with PHP. fopen should work, it should return false if url does not exist, but I had no luck with it. Try it yourself and see if it works for you.


As for putting img in front, NP.


$link = '[quote]http://www.domain.com/?d=03WO6WPC random text, http://www.domain.com/?d=0334fWPChttp://www.domain.com/?d=03WV4SPC[/quote]';

$new = explode('domain.com', $link);

$new1 = '<img src="tick.jpg">http://www.domain.com'.$new[1];
$new2 = '<img src="tick.jpg">http://www.domain.com'.$new[2];
$new3 = '<img src="tick.jpg">http://www.domain.com'.$new[3];

$new_again = $new[0].$new1.$new2.$new3;

echo 'To test if this works - see below.<br><br>';
echo $new_again;

If you explode via domain like that won't it get it wrong at this part:



Because it will come out like:






No, 'domain.com' will not be part of the output array since we're exploding with it being the boundary string. Just echo out the array to see.


What I worry about is your question

My intentions is to extract the domain links..check if they are valid
I hope by 'valid' you mean 'does the site exist'  If it is a question about existence then you should have no problem with the code.

I will interject here, try the following...



  //## Link String
  $link = '[quote]http://www.domain.com/?d=03WO6WPC random text, http://www.domain.com/?d=0334fWPChttp://www.domain.com/?d=03WV4SPC[/quote]';

  //## Explode string to get urls, also set the $urlArray array
  $linkArray = explode('domain.com/',$link);
  $urlArray  = array();

  //## Allows us to check each link individually
  foreach($linkArray AS $url) {
    //## If the $url variable contains the "?d=" [GET query variable] we process it
    if(strstr($url,'?d=')) {
      $checkURL = 'http://www.domain.com/?d='.substr($url,3,;

      //## Fetch the URL headers
      $urlHeaders = @get_headers($checkURL);

      //## If all is okay the URL exists, if not then it doesn't
      if(in_array('HTTP/1.1 200 OK', $urlHeaders)) {
        $urlArray[] = array('URL'=>$checkURL, 'EXISTS'=>' -> Does Exist');
      } else {
        $urlArray[] = array('URL'=>$checkURL, 'EXISTS'=>' -> Does Not Exist');

  //## Print out the URLs and status, do whatever with these results
  echo '<pre>';
  echo '</pre>';



Regards, PaulRyan.


  I think you will run into the same problem using 'get_headers' as I did with 'fopen', some sites that do not exist take you to a different web site (mostly asking if you want to buy that domain name) and you get a positive hit on a non existent site. I know of no way to differentiate between the two.

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