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Hello again ???

I wanna to ask how to include external scripts, ex. guestbooks, etc.

part of my index.php:
if (isset($_GET['op'])){
switch ($_GET['op']) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
include ("sendtofriends/sendtofriends.php");
      include("news/show_news.php"); // this stops pageid to be set by the user trying to break your script

else {
include ("news/show_news.php");  //this one allows for just index.php to get default page
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I have read it:(


This code is part of my index.php. I include content with switch and case. When I include ex. guestbook everything seems to be alright. But when I click on lnik from the script I got 404 error. I tired to repair links in script, but what to do when there's something that:

but link to the script is:


I got this script in guestbook directory.

You know what I mean?
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I read:


$var = 'PHP';

return $var;



$var = 'PHP';



$foo = include 'return.php';

echo $foo; // wyświetla 'PHP'

$bar = include 'noreturn.php';

echo $bar; // wyświetla 1


This is the code, but how to put it in my site?

I don't understand that:) I'm neewbie:)
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In your switch block of code, for case 2 you need to supply the full URL to the file, not just the file name.


if (isset($_GET['op'])){
switch ($_GET['op']) {
case 1:
case 2:
    include("guestbook/gbook.php?a=sign"); //You must supply the full URL here... for example, include("http://www.mydomain.com/gbook.php?a=sign");
case 3:
include ("sendtofriends/sendtofriends.php");
      include("news/show_news.php"); // this stops pageid to be set by the user trying to break your script

else {
include ("news/show_news.php");  //this one allows for just index.php to get default page


If you read the example 16-7 again you will see what I mean.
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[code]include_once 'header.txt';
echo '<h3 align="center">'.$settings['gbook_title'].'</h3>
<p align="center"><a href="'.$settings['website_url'].'">Back to '.$settings['website_title'].'</a>
| <a href="gbook.php">View guestbook</a>
| <a href="gbook.php?a=sign">Sign guestbook</a></p>
<div align="center">

This is a part code for the script. How to integrate it with my site?
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Maybe I wrote it little freaky:)
Once again:

I have index.php file. I'm including into it, other content files, this way:
if (isset($_GET['op'])){
switch ($_GET['op']) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
include ("content3.php");

else {
include ("news/show_news.php");

That's it.

Also I have downloaded questbook script. I have put this script in /guestbook/ directory. Now this script have links to other files, ex.

to write in the guestbook is => file.php.

The problem is that thoose files have to be included in my website. Even if I changed links to them, they open not included in my website.
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Header, footer and left div don't change. They are the same al the time. I only include files in right, big div. This is the problem. When I include scripts, even I change links, subpages if the guestbook don't show in the right block. This is the problem:)

I hope You know what I mean.

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