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$query_for_result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_tb_name LIMIT 0, 1 ");

$stats = $l / $c * 100 ;

$progress6 = new Progress();
$progress6->percent =  $stats . "% Campaign progress";
$progress6->width = 800;
$progress6->height = 22;
$progress6->style = "image";



im using faction to show progress bar for record can sombady help me how to loop this for all records?

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Not sure what you mean. You already have a while loop to process all the records in the result set. You will need to provide more information. Are you getting errors? What is the output like now and how do you want it different? You are using a custom class for some of the functionality so we have no idea what $progress6->makeBar() is even doing.

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class Progress {
// Default values
public $percent = 0;
public $width = 200;
public $height = 20;
public $style = "";
public $color = "transparent";
public $sColor = "transparent";
public $borderColor = "#000";
public $image = "images/pbar-ani.gif";
public $showPercent = true;

public function makeBar() {
	// Output the bar
	echo '<div id="progress" style="width:'.$this->width.'px;height:'.$this->height.'px;background-color:'.$this->sColor.'; border:solid 1px '.$this->borderColor.'">';
	echo '<div id="progress-value" style="width:'.$this->percent.'%;height:'.$this->height.'px;background-color:'.$this->color.';';
	if($this->style == "image") {
		echo 'background-image:url('.$this->image.'); background-repeat:repeat-x;border:solid 1px '.$this->borderColor.'; margin-top:-1px; margin-left:-1px;">';
	} else {
		echo 'border:solid 1px '.$this->borderColor.';margin-top:-1px;margin-left:-1px;">';

		// Set fontsize
		$this->fontsize = $this->height*5;
		echo '<center><span style="font-size:'.$this->fontsize.'%">'.$this->percent.'%</span></center>';
	echo '</div></div>';








$query_for_result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $db_tb_name ");
echo "<h2>Search Results</h2><ol>";
$stats = $l / $c * 100 ;
//echo "$stats % Complete"; 
//echo $c;
//echo $l;
$progress6 = new Progress();
    echo "<li>";
echo " $stats % Campaign progress";
    echo "</li><hr/>";
$progress6->percent = $stats;
$progress6->width = 850;
$progress6->height = 22;
$progress6->style = "image";
echo "</ol>";



i got error on line 3 progress.php

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Progress


can sombady help me how to loop this?



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The error is self explanatory. You are trying to include progress.php on every iteration of the loop - thus it is trying to redeclare the class. You only need to include() the class ONE TIME. So, you can either move the include() to occur before the loop starts or you cna change it to an include_once() - or both.

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