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Problems loading MySQLI


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Looking at the documentation, this seems very easy, but the PHP.INI file has to deal with Linux as well as Windows environments and that is where I suspect I am going wrong:


Here are the Details:


Running PHP and Apache 2.2.8.  Everything is running fine.  No errors running basic PHP files.

Trying to connect to MySQL 5.0


My PHP root directory is C:\PHP5.


The Path is:  %SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Calibre2\;C:\php5\;C:\php5\ext


I have also setup a Path Variable:  PHPRC  = C:\PHP5


My PHP.Ini file has the following sections activated:



; Paths and Directories ;



include_path = ".;c:\php5\includes"

Windows: "\Temp"


extension_dir = "./Ext"


I tried using this version but it made no difference:


extension_dir = "C:\PHP5\Ext"



; Dynamic Extensions ;





I know I have this file in the C:\PHP5\Ext folder.




I have not changed anything here.


So what am I missing?  I keep thinking it is the Extension_dir setting but I have no examples to follow other than unix. 


Thanks in advance for all your help!


Tom Nesler


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  • 3 weeks later...

For those of you who are starting out with MySQL and are having similar problem(s), I recommend starting over from scratch and using the Xampp setup which installed Apache, PHP and MySQL together and most importantly make them work together.  For me it solved the problem of getting the MySQLI extension to work as well.


Version 1.7.7 installs the following programs:


  + Apache 2.2.21

  + MySQL 5.5.16 (Community Server)

  + PHP 5.3.8 (VC9 X86 32bit thread safe) + PEAR

  + XAMPP Control Panel Version 2.5 from www.nat32.com

  + (BETA) XAMPP Control Panel Version 3.0.2 by Steffen Strueber (not in the USB & lite version)

    see http://www.apachefriends.org/f/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=46743

  + XAMPP Security

  + OpenSSL 1.0.0e

  + phpMyAdmin 3.4.5

  + ADOdb 5.14

  + Mercury Mail Transport System v4.62 (not in the USB & lite version)

  + FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.39 (not in the USB & lite version)

  + Webalizer 2.23-04 (not in the USB & lite version)

  + Perl 5.10.1 (not in the USB & lite version)

  + Mod_perl 2.0.4 (not in the USB & lite version)

  + Tomcat 7.0.21 (not in the USB & lite version)


It is for development only but it put me lightyears ahead of where I was before when I tried to load each item individually and get them to talk to each other.


Here is a Youtube video that explains how to get the software and install it.  Be sure to uninstall all your other installations of the software before you install Xampp. 

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