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hello can anyone help me how to insert GET variable into mysql   




$page_title = 'Personal Wellness';

include ('template/header.inc');



$id = $_GET['id'];



//if submit was pressed


if(strlen($_POST['height'])<1) //if there was no height


print "You did not enter a height.";


else if(strlen($_POST['weight'])<1) //no weight


print "You did not enter a weight.";


else if(strlen($_POST['bodyfat'])<1) //no bodyfat


print "You did not enter a Body Fat Range";


else if (strlen ($_POST['bodywater'])<1) //no bodywater


print "You did not enter a Body Water Range";


else if( strlen($_POST['musclemass'])<1) //no musclemass


print "You did not enter a Muscle Mass";


else if (strlen ($_POST['physiqueratt'])<1) //no physiqueratt


print "You did not enter a Physique Ratings";


else if (strlen ($_POST['bonemass'])<1) //no bonemass


print "You did not enter a Bone Mass";


else if (strlen ($_POST['bmr'])<1) //no bmr


print "You did not enter a BMR";


else if (strlen ($_POST['basalmetabolic'])<1) //no basalmetabolic


print "You did not enter a Basal Metabolic Age";


else if (strlen ($_POST['visceralfat'])<1) //no visceralfat


print "You did not enter a Visceral Fat";


else if(strlen($_POST['registrationmonth'] && $_POST['registrationday'] && $_POST['registrationyear'])<1) // no date


print "You did not enter a date of birth";


else //all fields met













$date=$_POST['registrationyear'] . '-' . $_POST['registrationmonth'] . '-' . $_POST['registrationday'];


$insertadmin="INSERT into personalwelness (m_id,height,weight,body_fat,body_water,muscle_mas s,physique_ratt,bone_mass,bmr,basal_metabolic,visc eral_fat,evaluation_date) values ('$id','$height','$weight','$bodyfat','$bodywater','$mus clemass','$physiqueratt','$bonemass','$bmr','$basa lmetabolic','$visceralfat','$date')"; //registering admin in databae

echo $insertadmin;

$insertadmin2=mysql_query($insertadmin) or die("Could not insert admin");

print "Personal Wellness Successfully Submitted";





<form method="post" class="form" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">

<fieldset><legend>Enter Personal Wellness Information in the form below:</legend>


<table width="80%" border="0">


<td width="16%">Height(CM)</td>

<td width="2%">:</td>

<td width="82%"><label for="height"></label>

<input type="text" name="height" id="height" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['height']))

echo $_POST['height'];?>" /></td>





<td><label for="weight"></label>

<input type="text" name="weight" id="weight" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['weight']))

echo $_POST['weight'];?>" /></td>



<td >Body Fat Range</td>


<td><label for="body fat"></label>

<input type="text" name="bodyfat" id="bodyfat" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['bodyfat']))

echo $_POST['bodyfat'];?>" ></td>



<td>Body Water Range(%)</td>


<td><label for="bodywater"></label>

<input type="text" name="bodywater" id="bodywater" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['bodywater']))

echo $_POST['bodywater'];?>"/></td>



<td>Muscle Mass</td>


<td><label for="musclemass"></label>

<input type="text" name="musclemass" id="musclemass" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['musclemass']))

echo $_POST['musclemass'];?>"></td>



<td>Physique Ratings</td>


<td><label for="physiqueratt"></label>

<input type="text" name="physiqueratt" id="physiqueratt" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['physiqueratt']))

echo $_POST['physiqueratt'];?>"></td>



<td>Bone Mass</td>


<td><label for="bonemass"></label>

<input type="text" name="bonemass" id="bonemass" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['bonemass']))

echo $_POST['bonemass'];?>" /></td>





<td><label for="bmr"></label>

<input type="text" name="bmr" id="bmr" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['bmr']))

echo $_POST['bmr'];?>"/></td>



<td>Basal Metabolic Age</td>


<td><label for="basalmetabolic"></label>

<input type="text" name="basalmetabolic" id="basalmetabolic" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['basalmetabolic']))

echo $_POST['basalmetabolic'];?>"></td>



<td>Visceral Fat</td>


<td><label for="visceralfat"></label>

<input type="text" name="visceralfat" id="visceralfat" value="<?php if (isset($_POST['visceralfat']))

echo $_POST['visceralfat'];?>"></td>



<td>Evaluation Date</td>


<td> <?php echo date_picker("registration")?></td>




<div align="center"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />





function date_picker($name, $startyear=NULL, $endyear=NULL)


if($startyear==NULL) $startyear = date("Y")-100;

if($endyear==NULL) $endyear=date("Y")+50;


$months=array('','January','February','March','Apr il','May',

'June','July','August', 'September','October','November','December');


// Month dropdown

$html="<select name=\"".$name."month\">";




$html.="<option value='$i'>$months[$i]</option>";


$html.="</select> ";


// Day dropdown

$html.="<select name=\"".$name."day\">";



$html.="<option $selected value='$i'>$i</option>";


$html.="</select> ";


// Year dropdown

$html.="<select name=\"".$name."year\">";




$html.="<option value='$i'>$i</option>";


$html.="</select> ";


return $html;





include ('template/footer.inc');


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First of all, post your code in code or php tags (the # button in the post editor) Secondly, you need to be specific. Just posting code and asking how to do something won't get you help. When you run this code, what happens? What do you expect to happen (obviously this would be the get variable is inserted into the database) What have you done to debug the problem. Have you printed your $_GET variable to verify it has a value? Is there a mysql error? php error?

First of all, post your code in code or php tags (the # button in the post editor) Secondly, you need to be specific. Just posting code and asking how to do something won't get you help. When you run this code, what happens? What do you expect to happen (obviously this would be the get variable is inserted into the database) What have you done to debug the problem. Have you printed your $_GET variable to verify it has a value? Is there a mysql error? php error?


sorry i'm new in php, actually i have to two table, table1 will store members info and table2 will store personal wellness info. there is a relationship between table1 and table2, so i need to store the member_id into table2.


<a href=\"add_wellness.php?id=$res[m_id]\">Add</a> when i click add, it will pass the member_id and i can add the personal wellness which is belong to this member_id.  what i expect to happen is i can insert this member_id into table2. there is no mysql error or php error , when i click submit only member_id still no value



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