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Hi, I want to be able to allow user to enter in <input type="text" >... the total XML files to upload on the first page so:


my first page has form that asks user how many uploads form they want so (firstpage.html):

<form method='post' action='outputTotalUploads.php' >...


Then in second form (outputTotalUploads.php) is where it outputs the desired number of upload forms based on the first page:

for loop to post each <form method='post' action='addToDb.php' >...


Finally in third page (addToDb.php):

for each uploaded file, do: //BUT HOW DO I GET THIS TOTAL??

  add to database


*My problem is HOW do I refer to the total number of uploads the user chose way back in the first page b/c I know you cannot have multiple action attribute in the form tag.


Any help much appreciated!


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On your second page use this code:



$_SESSION['num_uploads'] = $_POST['numberFromFirstPageForm'];


Then on your third page you can use this variable as follows:



echo $_SESSION['num_uploads'];

Forgot to mention:  the solution I posted previously uses sessions and session variables.  You can also put a hidden input on the second page, and re-use the variable on the third, like this:



echo '<input type="hidden" name="num_uploads" value="' . $_POST[numberFromFirstPageForm] . '" />';



Then you can claim it on the third page by calling up the variable like this:


echo $_POST['num_uploads'];



Hi, now I have a new problem, I don't know why the $_POST array is empty when I have uploaded content. I have three scripts (1st: ask users how many upload pairs they want (an XML file must be accompanied by an XSD file; 2nd: dispaly the total upload form pairs; 3rd: the upload pairs with content user uploaded will be validated before storing to db)


First script: (ask user to enter total number upload pairs)



<form method="DisplayMultipleUploads.php" action="post">

<input type="text" name="numUploadPairs" />

<input type="submit" name="SUBMIT"  name="numUploadPairsSubmit"/>



if(array_key_exists("numUploadPairsSubmit", $_POST) && !empty($_POST["numUploadPairs"])) {

  header("Location: showUploadForms.php");





Second script: (showUploadForms.php):




print "<form action='storeToDB.php' method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data'>";

for($i=0;$i<$numUploadPairs;$i++) {




Upload XSD file #'.$i; print '<input type="file" name="uploadedXSDFile".'.$i; print 'value="uploadedXSDFileValue" id="imageFileType" />





print 'Upload an XML file #'.$i; print '<input type="file" name="uploadedXMLFile"'.$i; print 'value="uploadedXMLFileValue" id="imageFileType" />


<input type="hidden" name="numUploadsHidden" value=';print $numUploadPairs; print '/>


print "-----------------------------------------------------------<br />";

}//END WHILE LOOP for build XSD:XML upload form pairs



<input type='submit' name='multipleUploadSubmit' value='STORE to DB NOW'/>


print '</form> <br />';




Third script: (storeToDB.php):



//user's total desired upload pairs

$numActualUploads=chop($_POST["numUploadsHidden"], "/");//chop removes char to right of first param string


//TEST to make sure $_POST['uploadedXSDFile'.i] and $_POST['uploadedXMLFie'.i] exist

for($i=0;$i<$numActualUploads;$i++) {


//ONLY print the uploaded forms where XSD:XML pairs BOTH HAVE ACTUAL CONTENT!


&& !empty($_POST['uploadedXMLFile'.$i]) ) {

print 'cur XSD:'.$_POST['uploadedXSDFile'.$i].':';

print 'cur XML:'.$_POST['uploadedXMLFile'.$i];



print "Nay <br />";




For the third script, I thought I check first if the $_POST even have uploaded content, it turns they don't, so it just prints: "Nay"


Any help much appreicated!

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