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Hello folks! My name is John, and I would like to express my excitement about this community and that I am looking forward to learning from everyone and hopefully making strong contributions in the future.


I am a complete newbie to PHP, but I am amazed at the power it offers and the phenomenal community behind it. So far my adventures into PHP have been limited to installing the xamp pack on my mac, and writing some extremely rudimentary code to process arrays, increment variables, and print html code. I am currently learning about auto global arrays and how to process forms using post and get, and I'm eager to get into the details of sessions, integrating SQL, learning about security in PHP, and eventually moving on to object oriented php.


One major dilemma I have is that I'm not a professional coder, and I don't have any personal projects or content to experiment with. I am hoping to find some good resources or assignments here to start practicing the process of understanding the operations to be performed and then writing efficient logical code to perform them.


I'm looking forward to getting addicted and eventually becoming a freak!  It's great to meet you all and I'll see you around the boards!




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