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need assistance with Russian fonts in my auction site system emails

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Hi friends,


I need assistance with making russian fonts displayable in the system emails that are being sent to my auction website users. Any reason the russian fonts I have entered below are displayed the way they are. Please also note I am brand new in PHP and simple llingo would be appreciated.





## Email File -> email an auction to a friend

## called only from the $item->auction_friend() function!

## File Version -> v6.10


if ( !defined('INCLUDED') ) { die("Access Denied"); }


//$sender_details = $this->get_sql_row("SELECT u.name, u.email FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE u.user_id='" . $user_id . "'");


$send = true; // always sent;


## text message - editable

$text_message = 'Dear %1$s,


Your friend, %2$s, has forwarded an auction, posted on %3$s for you to look at.


To view the details of the auction, please click on the URL below:




Additional comments: %5%s

Best regards,

The %6$s staff';


## html message - editable

$html_message = 'Дорогой (аÑ) %1$s, <br>


Ваш друг, %2$s, отправил на Ваше раÑÑмотрение Ðукцион, выÑтавленный на %3$s. <br>


[ <a href="%4$s">Ðажмите здеÑÑŒ</a> ] чтобы проÑмотреть Ñтот Ðукцион. <br>


Дополнительные комментарии: %5$s <br>


С Уважением, <br>





Dorogoy (aya) %1$s, <br>


Vash drug, %2$s, otpravil na Vashe rassmotreniye Auktsion, vistavlenniy na %3$s. <br>


[ <a href="%4$s">Najmite zdes</a> ] chtobi prosmotret etot Auktsion. <br>


Dopolnitelniye kommentarii: %5$s <br>


S Uvajeniyem, <br>




$auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('name' => $item_details['name'], 'auction_id' => $item_details['auction_id']));


$text_message = sprintf($text_message, $friend_name, $sender_name, $this->setts['sitename'], $auction_link, $comments, $this->setts['sitename']);

$html_message = sprintf($html_message, $friend_name, $sender_name, $this->setts['sitename'], $auction_link, $comments, $this->setts['sitename']);


send_mail($friend_email, 'Проверьте Ñтот Ðукцион', $text_message,

$this->setts['admin_email'], $html_message, $sender_name, $send);


## Email File -> email an auction to a friend
## called only from the $item->auction_friend() function!
## File Version -> v6.10

if ( !defined('INCLUDED') ) { die("Access Denied"); }

//$sender_details = $this->get_sql_row("SELECT u.name, u.email FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "users u WHERE u.user_id='" . $user_id . "'");

$send = true; // always sent;

## text message - editable
$text_message = 'Dear %1$s,

Your friend, %2$s, has forwarded an auction, posted on %3$s for you to look at.

To view the details of the auction, please click on the URL below:


Additional comments: %5%s
Best regards,
The %6$s staff';

## html message - editable
$html_message = 'Дорогой (аÑ) %1$s, <br>
Ваш друг, %2$s, отправил на Ваше раÑÑмотрение Ðукцион, выÑтавленный на %3$s. <br>
[ <a href="%4$s">Ðажмите здеÑÑŒ</a> ] чтобы проÑмотреть Ñтот Ðукцион. <br>
Дополнительные комментарии: %5$s <br>
С Уважением, <br>
Dorogoy (aya) %1$s, <br>
Vash drug, %2$s, otpravil na Vashe rassmotreniye Auktsion, vistavlenniy na %3$s. <br>
[ <a href="%4$s">Najmite zdes</a> ] chtobi prosmotret etot Auktsion. <br>
Dopolnitelniye kommentarii: %5$s <br>
S Uvajeniyem, <br>

$auction_link = process_link('auction_details', array('name' => $item_details['name'], 'auction_id' => $item_details['auction_id']));

$text_message = sprintf($text_message, $friend_name, $sender_name, $this->setts['sitename'], $auction_link, $comments, $this->setts['sitename']);
$html_message = sprintf($html_message, $friend_name, $sender_name, $this->setts['sitename'], $auction_link, $comments, $this->setts['sitename']);

send_mail($friend_email, 'Проверьте Ñтот Ðукцион', $text_message, 
   $this->setts['admin_email'], $html_message, $sender_name, $send);

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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