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How Much Will This Cost...???


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Ok, so I know this is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string but I am just trying to get an idea of how much this PHP project will cost as have had a couple of quotes already and not sure what to think. Anywhere in the ballpark will do.


Here's the spec.... will try to be as specific as possible....


The front end web design (HTML/CSS) has all been completed by myself, so it's just the PHP and MySQL I need coded up.


Although it is NOT, the closest thing I can compare my site to is a dating website.


1) Customer chooses a User Name. Message underneath updates on the fly and says whether it has been taken or not (like Twitter).

2) Users sign up, this requires some form of Payment Gateway to be set up. Would like the Green ticks at all stages of registration to show each stage has been completed correctly.

3) Once registered members can create their own profile incl. 10 pictures, Bio, Age, Location etc. plus be able to upload a youtube video if they want.

4) Members need to be able to contact other members via email system. This will need an Inbox and Sent Messages system  to be built.

5) Set up the MySQL database to handle all of the information.

6) Members Login widget, also set up 'forgot password' link which then emails a reset to the user.

7) Build a search function for the website (virtually identical to what you would find on dating).

8 ) "Our Members" page where users who were online last go to the top.

9) The ability for me to email all members in one hit.

10) The Users subscription runs out after 3 months which then removes their profile from the website but stores the information in the database so that if they 're-sign' they don't have to make a completely new profile.


Needless to say that the code needs to be written as cleanly and efficiently as possible so it can be scaled if neccessary. Also have security worries so would need that side of the code as good as it can be.


I have looked into buying a template, but this really needs to be a custom project. I realise this isn't going to be cheap, and another reason why I'm trying to get a rough idea of the cost (because I don't want it done on-the-cheap!).


Any ideas guys...........

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Well, In my honest opinion, for large size projects, you can be looking at too wide of a range to give you a ballpark, because there is no  ballpark for lets say "anywhere from $300 to $10,000"


I mean, there are the low end developers, who obviously are starving, or the kids who want to earn their own xbox 360 (way to go kids, no insults there at all!) aswell as overseas developers where $1 here equates to alot over there (E.G. Indians, Chinese, Etc) so they work for cheap, however, developers over there are a dime a dozen, which basically means you're most likely going to contract a LOW-END Overseas Contractor, not saying there aren't good ones out there..


And be warned, that price doesn't mean everything, sure you can get quoted 10,000 dollars and think, man oh man this guy must be legit! But really, its just a guy or girl that wants to make 10,000 dollars, and may never even finish the job, oh and beware of the developers who take your "50% Deposit" and leave!


I mean, you just need to feel your developer out, and see how well you would trust him, and look for previous work, how much of that work actually would possibly mean he has the qualifications to get this site done, the price isn't always the way to judge a developer..


So, all in all, Price isn't the only factor.. I don't know average price per hour on this site, or a global standard, but if you went to an actual company, you'd probably be paying around $10,000 - $15,000, because if it takes them 2 weeks to finish the project, they need to pay their developers and designers and other people, with the same money you paid just for development.


P.S. I'd be willing to discuss a quote to actually work on your site for you, feel free to add me to Skype: RussellReal

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I totally agree with russel.


You are looking for your own custom cms/content management system, along with some other advanced features incorporated into it. That's a very large complex project.


Your html/css that you did would do little good for the project and buying a template is just for looks the same.


My guess would be in the 8,000 to 10,000+ range depending on their skill level and completion time, or how desperate they need money and may be able to haggle a deal.


And when I say + that could be in the range of 30,000+ for a large professional company doing it. I give this price thinking you will get a single developer or a very small team just trying to survive in this economy.


I feel if you get any estimates for under 5,000 or so, either the developer seriously underestimated the job, never completed such a job, or maybe they already created a similar cms and can just add the features you require to it.


Look into their profiles and see their work and references, most decent developers usually have their own websites.


I myself would not take on such a project due to my time, but there are quite a few trusting and knowledgable developers that post in this forum.

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