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I am trying to have an event with each performance listed for the event underneath. I have worked with the MySQL Forum and have gotten to the point where my coding for MySQL is complete, but it still will not work. I was told from the MySQL Forum group that I need to now post these in this forum...


Here's how I tried the coding:

<p class="categoryHeader">Theatre</p><?php
$last_eventtitle = NULL; // remember the last EventTitle
while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($TheatreResult)){
$eventtitle = $Row['EventTitle'];
if($last_eventtitle != $eventtitle){ // a new or the first EventTitle was found
	echo '<p>';
		echo '<img src="http://www.myalaskacenter.com/images/logos/acpa/weblogo-small_nowords.jpg" alt="Alaska Center for the Performing Arts" width="80" height="80" border="0" align="right">';
	if ($Row['FreeEvents']==TRUE){
		echo '<img src="http://www.myalaskacenter.com/images/free.gif" alt="Free Event" width="67" height="64" align="right" border="0">';
	echo '<a href="' . $Row['ShoWareEventLink'] . '"><img src="https://alaskapac.centertix.net/UPLImage/' . $Row['thumb'] . '" alt="' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '" title="' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '" align="left" border="0" style="padding-right:5px"><span class="Heading3_blue"><br />' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '</span>';
	echo '<br />Presented by <a href="' . $Row['website'] .'" target="_blank">' . $Row['Presenter']  . '</a><br />';
		if($last_eventtitle != NULL){ // not the first EventTitle, close out the previous section
				echo '<br />'.date("l, F j, Y", strtotime($Row['startDateTime']). ' at ' . date("g:i a", strtotime($Row['startDateTime']))).' - <a href="'.$Row['VenueSite'].'" target="_blank">'.$Row['VenueName'].'</a>';
			$last_eventtitle = $eventtitle; // save the new EventTitle
			// output the heading/start a new section
				echo '<br />'.date("l, F j, Y", strtotime($Row['startDateTime']). ' at ' . date("g:i a", strtotime($Row['startDateTime']))).' - <a href="'.$Row['VenueSite'].'" target="_blank">'.$Row['VenueName'].'</a>';
				echo '<br /><br /></p><hr>';


Now it lists the first performances correctly; although it does NOT list the correct number of performances and the first performance is sometimes listed twice -- so almost there. See webpage http://www.myalaskacenter.com/centermail/_upcomingevents.php. For example, Anchorage Youth Symphony only has one performance, but it lists 2; while It's a Wonderful Life has 17 performances, but it lists only 2. What am I doing wrong still?

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The following is the logic you are trying to use -


$last_eventtitle = NULL; // remember the last EventTitle
while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($TheatreResult)){
$eventtitle = $Row['EventTitle'];
if($last_eventtitle != $eventtitle){ // a new or the first EventTitle was found
	if($last_eventtitle != NULL){ // not the first EventTitle, close out the previous section

	// code to close out the previous section goes here... (if your layout needs to do this)

	$last_eventtitle = $eventtitle; // save the new EventTitle
	// output the heading/start a new section

	// code to output the heading goes here...

// code to output each piece of data under the heading goes here...

// code to close out the last section goes here... (if your layout needs to do this)


The only places you should be echoing anything are where the comments in the above indicate.

OK, I need to show ALL performances for EACH EventTitle...so almost there. Here's the coding:

<p class="Headline2_bts">Theatre</p><?php
$last_eventtitle = NULL; // remember the last EventTitle
while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($TheatreResult)){
$eventtitle = $Row['EventTitle'];
if($last_eventtitle != $eventtitle){ // a new or the first EventTitle was found
	if($last_eventtitle != NULL){ // not the first EventTitle, close out the previous section
	// code to close out the previous section goes here... (if your layout needs to do this)
		echo '<br /><br /></p><hr>';
	$last_eventtitle = $eventtitle; // save the new EventTitle
	// output the heading/start a new section
	// code to output the heading goes here...
		echo '<p>';
			echo '<img src="http://www.myalaskacenter.com/images/logos/acpa/weblogo-small_nowords.jpg" alt="Alaska Center for the Performing Arts" width="80" height="80" border="0" align="right">';
		if ($Row['FreeEvents']!=FALSE){
			echo '<img src="http://www.myalaskacenter.com/images/free.gif" alt="Free Event" width="67" height="64" align="right" border="0">';
		echo '<a href="' . $Row['ShoWareEventLink'] . '"><img src="https://alaskapac.centertix.net/UPLImage/' . $Row['thumb'] . '" alt="' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '" title="' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '" align="left" border="0" style="padding-right:5px"><span class="Heading3_blue"><br />' . $Row['EventTitle'] . '</span>';
		echo '<br />Presented by <a href="' . $Row['website'] .'" target="_blank">' . $Row['Presenter']  . '</a>';
		echo '<br />'.$Row['startDate']. ' at ' .  $Row['startTime'].' - <a href="'.$Row['VenueSite'].'" target="_blank">'.$Row['VenueName'].'</a>';
// code to close out the last section goes here... (if your layout needs to do this)


Everything else seems to work correctly, but only one performance is listed.

only one performance is listed.


That's because you are NOT outputting the data for each performance where the logic requires you to do so. There was a comment at the correct place -



// code to output each piece of data under the heading goes here...


I am still attempting to use this code and now have found an issue on a different webpage. In the previous webpage, I hard coded the MainCategory. Now since there are more than just 4 MainCategories in the new webpage, I would like the coding to find them itself. In looking at the coding you supplied, I thought it would go under "output the heading/start a new section" but this does not allow it to show up. Here's the code:

$last_SUBcategory = NULL; // remember the last SUBcategory
while ($Row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($Result)){
$SUBcategory = $Row['SUBcategory'];
if($last_SUBcategory != $eventtitle){ // a new or the first SUBcategory was found
	if($last_SUBcategory != NULL){ // not the first SUBcategory, close out the previous section
	// code to close out the previous section goes here... (if your layout needs to do this)
		echo "</ul>";
		echo '<hr /><hr />';
	$last_SUBcategory = $SUBcategory; // save the new EventTitle
	// output the heading/start a new section; code to output the heading goes here...
		echo '<h2>'.$Row['SUBcategory'].'</h2><ul>';
	echo '<h3>'.$Row['Item'].'</h3>';
		echo '<p>';
	if ($Row['Attachment'] != NULL) {
		echo '<a href="/pdfs/coupons-promotions/"'. $Row['Attachment'] . ' target="_blank"><img src="http://www.myalaskacenter.com/images/logos/PDF.png" width="15px" height="15px" alt="Download PDF File" title="Download PDF File"> '.$Row['Attachment'].'</a>';
	if ($Row['Image'] != NULL) {
		echo ' <img src="/pdfs/coupons-promotions/'.$Row['Image'].'" width="40px" height="40px" alt="'. $Row['Item'] . '" title="'. $Row['Item'] . '"align="left">';
	echo $Row['Description'];
// code to close out the last section goes here... (if your layout needs to do this)

In this case the MainCategory=SUBcategory, and they are not showing up -- see http://www.acpacenterstage.com/centertix-ticketsellers/knowledgebase-procedures.php for an example. PFMaBiSmAd, I am hoping you will help me out again since you were so instrumental in making this work last time! If someone else can give me the solution, I would be just as thankful, though  :D

PFMaBiSmAd has helped me out with this and was very helpful. Now I need to step back one more time to the Marketing Category (i.e., Theatre vs Concert). So my listing would be:


Marketing Category

    Event Title

        Performance Date & Venue


Should I do the while code inside the while code?

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