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I have this code reads the xml runs with no errors but will not input the data from the array in the <catparent>


The script


// isbn => pages
$page_numbers = array(
                     '1234' => 'hello parent', // insert data into catparent node
                     '5678' => 'hello parent', // insert data into catparent node
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$items = $xpath->query('item');
foreach($items as $item)
    $catcode = $item->getElementsByTagName['catcode'];
$parent_code = $page_numbers[ $catcode[0] ];
$item->appendChild( $dom->createElement('catparent', $parent_code) );


My XML file looks like


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<catdesc>Systems - System Bundles</catdesc>

<catdesc>Hard Drives - SATA</catdesc>


Output XML looks like this as you can see it has created the <catparent> but will not insert the data from the array.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<catdesc>Systems - System Bundles</catdesc>

<catdesc>Hard Drives - SATA</catdesc>


Any ideas pointers as to where I'm going wrong would be most helpful

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SimpleXML is an easier XML solution than DOM, IMO.



$xml_data = <<<HEREDOC
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<catdesc>Systems - System Bundles</catdesc>

<catdesc>Hard Drives - SATA</catdesc>

$page_numbers = array(
'1234' => 'hello parent1',
'5678' => 'hello parent2',

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $xml_data );

// Loop through all items in XML
foreach( $xml->item as $item ) {
// Check if 'catcode' is a child of this item
// and if $page_numbers has a matching key
// In order to use the value as an array key, we need to explicitly
// call it as a string, using typecasting (string)
if( isset($item->catcode) && isset($page_numbers[(string)$item->catcode]) )
	// Create a new child under this item, using the $page_numbers value
	$item->addChild( 'catparent', $page_numbers[(string)$item->catcode] );

// Output the XML
echo $xml->saveXML();


I used this code to sort the problem it's not the best formed I don't think but it works.


Now I need to cure case sensitive issues



$xml = simplexml_load_file('edtest1.xml');

$page_numbers = array(
'SWOT' => 'Software',
'SWUT' => 'Software',
'VOGA' => 'VOIP',


// Loop through all items in XML
foreach( $xml->item as $item ) {
// Check if 'catcode' is a child of this item
// and if $page_numbers has a matching key
// In order to use the value as an array key, we need to explicitly
// call it as a string, using typecasting (string)
if( isset($item->catcode) && isset($page_numbers[(string)$item->catcode]) )
	// Create a new child under this item, using the $page_numbers value
	$item->addChild( 'catparent', $page_numbers[(string)$item->catcode] );

// Output the XML
echo $xml->saveXML(test.xml);

If the keys of $page_numbers is always uppercase, You could simply use strtoupper to make the $item->catcode UPPERCASE.


Otherwise, I would first loop through $page_numbers and change all of the keys to lowercase (preference) and use strtolower on $item->catcode.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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