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Hi, I'm new to php and am attempting to build a site where the navigation and content is built with query functions. 

My current tables in my database are Categories, Products, and Variation.  So a person chooses a category -> then a product -> then a product page shows variations for that product. The problem I am currently having is after when a person selects a section the previous section selected is reset.  So lets a person selects a category the product list is shown, but when a person selects a product, the category is no longer selected in the navigation.  Or if someone selects product and sees all the variations, if he selects a variation the product ID is reset.  I've tried to comb through the internet for some type of solution.  I came across concatenating URL encode, but am not sure if this is the correct solution.  I tried concatenating one of my urls


"<a href=\"product_detail.php?cat=" . urlencode($sel_cat["id"]) . '&' . "product=" . urlencode($sel_product['id']) . '&' . "var=" . urlencode($var["id"]) .					"\"


its a bit of a stab in the dark. 


My $_GET function is

		function find_selected_product() {
	global $sel_cat;
	global $sel_product;
	global $sel_var;
	if (isset($_GET['cat'])) {
		$sel_cat = get_cat_by_id($_GET['cat']);
	} elseif (isset($_GET['product'])) {
		$sel_cat = NULL;
		$sel_product = get_product_by_id($_GET['product']);
	} elseif (isset($_GET['product'])) {					
		$sel_product = get_product_by_id($_GET['product']);
		$sel_var = get_default_var($sel_product['id']);				
	} elseif (isset($_GET['var'])) {	
		$sel_product = NULL;			//test
		$sel_var = get_variation_by_id($_GET['var']);				
	} else {
		$sel_cat = NULL;
		$sel_product = NULL;
		$sel_var = NULL;



My navigation code is

	function public_navigation($sel_cat, $public = true) {
	$output = "<td class=\"c1\"><div class=\"sidenav\"><ul>";
	$cat_set = get_all_cats($public);
	while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($cat_set)) {
		$output .= "<li>";
		if ($cat["id"] == $sel_cat['id']) { $output .= "<a class=\"current\""; }
		$output .= "<a href=\"index.php?cat=" . urlencode($cat["id"]) . "\">{$cat["cat_name"]}</a></li>";

	$output .= "</ul>";

	return $output;


My product is divided into gender and is written like


	function cat_content_ladies($sel_cat, $sel_product, $female = true)
	$output = "<ul class=\"regions\">";
	$cat_set = get_all_cats($female);
		while ($cat = mysql_fetch_array($cat_set)) 
			{	if ($cat["id"] == $sel_cat['id'])
						$product_set = get_products_for_female($cat["id"], $female);
						$output .= "<tr>";						
							while ($product = mysql_fetch_array($product_set))
									if ($cat["id"] == $sel_cat['id'])
											$output .= "<tr>";	
											$output .= "<div class=\"pre\"><a href=\"product_detail.php?product=" . urlencode($product["id"]) . "\"></li>";
											$output .= "<img src=\"{$product["img_src"]}\" height=\"121\" width=\"121\">";
											$output .= "<div>{$product["prod_name"]}</a></div>";				
						$output .= "</tr>";			
		return $output;


My variation table is set up in thumb nails and is written in this function

function show_thumb($sel_product, $sel_var, $public = true)
	$output = "<ul class=\"subjects\">";
	$product_set = get_all_products($public);
	while ($product = mysql_fetch_array($product_set)) {
		$output .= "<li";
		if ($product["id"] == $sel_product['id']) { $output .= " class=\"selected\""; }
		//$output .= "><a href=\"product_detail.php?product=" . urlencode($product["id"]) . 
		if ($product["id"] == $sel_product['id']) {	
			$var_set = get_variations_for_product($product["id"], $public);
			$output .= "<ul class=\"pages\">";
			while ($var = mysql_fetch_array($var_set)) {
				$output .= "<li";
				if ($var["id"] == $sel_var['id']) { $output .= " class=\"selected\""; }
				$output .= "><a href=\"product_detail.php?var=" . urlencode($var["id"]) .

			$output .= "</ul>";
	$output .= "</ul>";
	return $output;




any light on this subject would be greatly appreciated.


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You're posting way too much code. You're going to have a hard time finding help when you overwhelm people with that much information.


$_GET will retrieve parameters from a URL. For example: $_GET['topic'] would contain 349165.0 for this page, I believe (SMF is weird). Now you don't need to urlencode integers. Just take out the urlencode altogether (unless they're strings, in which case keep them). Now I believe you're looking for something like this: http://www.mindpalette.com/tutorials/breadcrumbs/index.php ?


I don't think you'll find anyone here that will make you a navigation system just out of good will. It's gonna take some time to make. So keep looking on the net for solutions and ask for help when you have a more specific problem you've encountered.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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