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Shout Box - Report a User with Auto Ban on 3 reports

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Hi Guys


My site has a shout box, now and again people post inappropriate content and if a moderator is not online to mute them it doesnt look good for other users.


I have written a snippet of code to report an offender. My goal is that if 3 different people report an offender the site auto mutes them. (manual mute function already exists for moderators)


I setup a table that records the reporters name the offenders name the post id the message content and the time stamp.


I have never been good at counting num rows etc and need some help in what direction to go in.


My current code that inserts the reported content.


mysql_query("INSERT INTO `chicka_pets`.`records_sbreports` (`id`, `offender`, `reporter`, `post_id`, `post_content`, `timestamp`) 
VALUES ('', '$offender', '$username', '$id', '$sbmessage', '$timestamp')");


I am guessing that somewhere after that I need some sort of count numrows on the post id where reporter is NOT the same and then an if numrows >2 set offender to mute


my problem is how to do the num rows bit where the reporters are unique?


Any help is much appreciated




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