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Basically this gets a number from a table on my DB, and displays the content relevent to that number...the second part checks for that number and gets other information according to that number...


what i want to do is make sure that the number from the first query exists in the table from the query, and if it doesn't print out and error saying "there is no information" or whatever..


anyone have an idea?


hopefully this makes sense


$detnum = $_GET['Details'];
$detinfo = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `Agency Stores - Table 1` WHERE F11=".$detnum);
$det = mysql_fetch_array($detinfo);

$salesnum = $det['F3'];
$salesinfo = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `By Agency Store _` WHERE store_store=".$salesnum);
$sales = mysql_fetch_array($salesinfo);

if(mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `By Agency Store _` WHERE store_store=".$salesnum)){



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Add between the two queries:



$detnum = $_GET['Details'];
$detinfo = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `Agency Stores - Table 1` WHERE F11=".$detnum);
$det = mysql_fetch_array($detinfo);

       $salesnum = $det['F3'];
       $salesinfo = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `By Agency Store _` WHERE store_store=".$salesnum);
       $sales = mysql_fetch_array($salesinfo);
       if(mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `By Agency Store _` WHERE store_store=".$salesnum))
                //do whatevers going in here
       echo 'Row does not exist';



That is saying, if rows are returned, carry on with the script. Else echo 'Row does not exist'. Info on mysql_num_rows

would it be the same if in this script:

$detnum = $_GET['Details'];
$detinfo = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `Agency Stores - Table 1` WHERE F11=".$detnum);
$det = mysql_fetch_array($detinfo);


the number always exists and i want to check if it also exists in this script:


$salesnum = $det['F3'];

$salesinfo = mysql_query("SELECT* FROM `By Agency Store _` WHERE store_store=".$salesnum);

$sales = mysql_fetch_array($salesinfo);



im just a little confused and i think i made it worse but adding the IF statement in it at the end.


1. Do sanitize user input as appropriate before using in a Query

2. Do NOT use '*' in your SELECT queries unless you really need all the fields.

3. Do NOT use multiple queries when you can achieve the same thing with one. I.e. learn to do JOINs

4. DO create your queries as string variables so you can echo the query to the page for debugging purposes


I would also advise not using spaces in table or field names.


$detnum = mysql_real_escape_string(trim($_GET['Details']));
$query = "SELECT s1.*
          FROM `By Agency Store _` as s1
          LEFT JOIN `Agency Stores - Table 1` as s2
            ON s1.store_store = s2.F3
          WHERE s2.F11 = {$detnum}";
$salesinfo = mysql_query($query);

    //No matching records
    //Do somethign with the results

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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