abeautifulmind Posted December 6, 2011 Share Posted December 6, 2011 Good evening to all. I want to ask if anyone can help. I found this php upload class (free and good i thing) i want to report errors such as wrong extention file,or big file and so but i am comfused(not good in oop php).Could anyone help? The class <?php /* |----------------- | Author: Life.Object | E-Mail: [email protected] | Website: http://www.tutorialchip.com/ | Help: http://www.tutorialchip.com/php-upload-class/ | Version: 1.0 | Released: December 18, 2010 | Updated: December 18, 2010 |------------------ */ class chip_upload { /* |--------------------------- | Properties |--------------------------- */ private $upload_hook = array(); private $args = array ( 'upload_file' => NULL, 'upload_directory' => NULL, 'allowed_size' => 512000, 'extension_check' => TRUE, 'upload_overwrite' => FALSE, ); private $allowed_extensions = array ( /* Archives */ 'zip' => TRUE, '7z' => TRUE, /* Documents */ 'txt' => TRUE, 'pdf' => TRUE, 'doc' => TRUE, 'xls' => TRUE, 'ppt' => TRUE, /* Executables */ 'exe' => FALSE, /* Images */ 'gif' => TRUE, 'png' => TRUE, 'jpg' => TRUE, 'jpeg' => TRUE, /* Audio */ 'mp3' => TRUE, 'wav' => TRUE, /* Video */ 'mpeg' => TRUE, 'mpg' => TRUE, 'mpe' => TRUE, 'mov' => TRUE, 'avi' => TRUE ); /* |--------------------------- | Constructor | | @public | @param array $args | @param array $allowed_extensions | |--------------------------- */ public function __construct() { } /* |--------------------------- | Print variable in readable format | | @public | @param string|array|object $var | |--------------------------- */ public function chip_print( $var ) { echo "<pre>"; print_r($var); echo "</pre>"; } /* |--------------------------- | Update default arguments | It will update default array of class i.e $args | | @private | @param array $args - input arguments | @param array $defatuls - default arguments | @return array | |--------------------------- */ private function chip_parse_args( $args = array(), $defaults = array() ) { return array_merge( $defaults, $args ); } /* |--------------------------- | Get extension and name of file | | @private | @param string $file_name | @return array - having file_name and file_ext | |--------------------------- */ private function chip_extension($file_name) { $temp = array(); $temp['file_name'] = strtolower( substr( $file_name, 0, strripos( $file_name, '.' ) ) ); $temp['file_extension'] = strtolower( substr( $file_name, strripos( $file_name, '.' ) + 1 ) ); return $temp; } /* |--------------------------- | Get safe string | | @private | @param string $var | @return string | |--------------------------- */ public function chip_safe_string( $var = "", $separator = "" ) { return preg_replace('|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]|',$separator,$var); } /* |-------------------------- | Get error status of uploaded file | | @private | @param integer $error_code | @return string |-------------------------- */ private function chip_upload_error( $error_code ) { switch ( $error_code ) { case UPLOAD_ERR_OK: $error = "All OK"; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE: $error = "The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive (".ini_get("upload_max_filesize").") in php.ini."; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE: $error = "The uploaded file exceeds the MAX_FILE_SIZE directive that was specified in the HTML form."; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL: $error = "The uploaded file was only partially uploaded."; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE: $error = "No file was uploaded."; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $error = "Missing a temporary folder."; break; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $error = "Failed to write file to disk."; break; default: $error = "Unknown Error."; } return $error; } /* |--------------------------- | Set default arguments | It will set default array of class i.e $args | | @private | @param array $args | @return 0 | |--------------------------- */ private function set_args( $args = array() ) { $defaults = $this->get_args(); $args = $this->chip_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $this->args = $args; } /* |--------------------------- | Get default arguments | It will get default array of class i.e $args | | @public | @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function get_args() { return $this->args; } /* |--------------------------- | Set default allowed extensions | It will set default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions | | @private | @param array $allowed_extensions | @return 0 | |--------------------------- */ private function set_allowed_extensions( $allowed_extensions = array() ) { $defaults = $this->get_allowed_extensions(); $allowed_extensions = $this->chip_parse_args( $allowed_extensions, $defaults ); $this->allowed_extensions = $allowed_extensions; } /* |--------------------------- | Get default allowed extensions | It will get default array of class i.e $allowed_extensions | | @public | @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function get_allowed_extensions() { return $this->allowed_extensions; } /* |--------------------------- | Set Upload Var | It will set upload variable | | @private | @param string $upload_directory ! @return boolean | |--------------------------- */ private function set_upload_var( $files ) { $temp = array(); $files_upload_attributes = array( 'name', 'type', 'tmp_name', 'error', 'size' ); //$this->chip_print( $files ); $upload_files = count( $files['name'] ); $upload_files = ( !empty( $upload_files ) ) ? $upload_files : 0 ; $foreachindex = 0; for( $i = 1; $i <= $upload_files; $i++ ) { foreach( $files_upload_attributes as $val ) { $temp[$i][$val] = $files[$val][$foreachindex]; if( $val == "error" ) { $temp[$i]['error_status'] = $this->chip_upload_error( $files[$val][$foreachindex] ); } } ++$foreachindex; } return $temp; } /* |--------------------------- | Get Upload Var | It will set upload variable | | @private | @param array $files ! @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function get_upload_var( $files = array() ) { return $this->set_upload_var( $files ); } /* |--------------------------- | Set Directory Path | It will validate upload directory | | @private | @param string $upload_directory ! @return boolean | |--------------------------- */ private function set_directory_path( $upload_directory ) { if( is_dir( $upload_directory ) ) { return 1; } return 0; } /* |--------------------------- | Set Directory Writable | It will validate writable directory | | @private | @param string $upload_directory ! @return boolean | |--------------------------- */ private function set_directory_writable( $upload_directory ) { if( is_writable( $upload_directory ) ) { return 1; } return 0; } /* |--------------------------- | Set Upload Hook | It will set upload hook | | @private | @param array $var | |--------------------------- */ private function set_upload_hook( $var = array() ) { $this->upload_hook = $var; } /* |--------------------------- | Get Upload Hook | It will Get upload hook | | @public | @param array $var | |--------------------------- */ public function get_upload_hook() { return $this->upload_hook; } /* |--------------------------- | Set Upload | It will upload file. | | @private ! @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function set_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions ) { /* Arguments */ $this->set_args( $args ); $args = $this->get_args(); //$this->chip_print( $args ); extract( $args ); /* Allowed Extensions */ $this->set_allowed_extensions( $allowed_extensions ); $allowed_extensions = $this->get_allowed_extensions(); //$this->chip_print( $allowed_extensions ); /* Output */ $temp = array(); $temp['upload_directory'] = "Invalid - " . $upload_directory; $temp['upload_directory_writable'] = "Invalid - Directory is not writable"; $temp['upload_file_extension'] = "Invalid - Extension is not allowed"; $temp['upload_file_size'] = "Invalid - Size " . $upload_file['size'] . " bytes"; $temp['upload_process'] = 0; $temp['upload_move'] = FALSE; $temp['upload_overwrite'] = $upload_overwrite; /* Submitted Data */ $temp['upload_file']['name'] = $upload_file['name']; $temp['upload_file']['type'] = $upload_file['type']; $temp['upload_file']['tmp_name'] = $upload_file['tmp_name']; $temp['upload_file']['error'] = $upload_file['error']; $temp['upload_file']['error_status'] = $upload_file['error_status']; $temp['upload_file']['size'] = $upload_file['size']; /* |--------------------------- | Set 1 - Directory Path Validation |--------------------------- */ if( !empty($upload_directory) ) { /* Upload Directory Path Validation */ if ( $this->set_directory_path( $upload_directory ) ) { $temp['upload_directory'] = "Valid - " . $upload_directory; $temp['upload_process']++; /* |--------------------------- | Set 2 - Directory Write Permissions |--------------------------- */ if ( $this->set_directory_writable( $upload_directory ) ) { $temp['upload_directory_writable'] = "Valid - Directory is writable"; $temp['upload_process']++; $temp['upload_file']['directory'] = $upload_directory; } // if ( $this->set_directory_writable( $upload_directory ) ) } // if ( $this->set_directory_path( $upload_directory ) ) } // if( !empty($upload_directory) ) if ( !empty( $upload_file['name'] ) ) { /* |--------------------------- | Set 3 - Extension Validation |--------------------------- */ /* File Name and Extension */ $nameext = $this->chip_extension( $upload_file['name'] ); $file_name = $nameext['file_name']; $file_extension = $nameext['file_extension']; $temp['upload_file']['nameonly'] = $file_name; $temp['upload_file']['extension'] = $file_extension; /* Allowed Extension - Validation */ if ( $extension_check == FALSE ) { $temp['upload_file_extension'] = "Valid - Extension is allowed"; $temp['upload_process']++; } else if ( array_key_exists( $file_extension, $allowed_extensions ) && $allowed_extensions[$file_extension] == TRUE ) { $temp['upload_file_extension'] = "Valid - Extension is allowed"; $temp['upload_process']++; } /* |--------------------------- | Set 4 - Size Validation |--------------------------- */ /* Allowed Size Manipulation*/ if ( $allowed_size >= $upload_file['size'] ) { $temp['upload_file_size'] = "Valid - Size " . $upload_file['size'] . " bytes"; $temp['upload_process']++; } } // if ( !empty( $upload_file['name'] ) ) /* |--------------------------- | Upload Move Status |--------------------------- */ if ( $temp['upload_process'] == 4 && is_uploaded_file( $upload_file['tmp_name'] ) && $upload_file['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK ) { $temp['upload_move'] = TRUE; } /* |--------------------------- | Upload Hook |--------------------------- */ $this->set_upload_hook( $temp ); //$this->chip_print( $temp ); return $temp; } /* |--------------------------- | Get Upload | It will upload file. | | @public ! @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function get_upload( $args = array(), $allowed_extensions = array() ) { return $this->set_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions ); } /* |--------------------------- | Set Upload Move | It will upload file. | | @public ! @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function set_upload_move( $name ) { /* Output */ $temp = array(); /* Upload Hook */ $upload_hook = $this->get_upload_hook(); if ( $upload_hook['upload_move'] == TRUE ) { /* |--------------------------- | Move Upload Manipulation |--------------------------- */ $name = ( !empty( $name ) ) ? $name : $upload_hook['upload_file']['nameonly']; $name = $this->chip_safe_string( $name ); $extension = $upload_hook['upload_file']['extension']; $temp_name = $upload_hook['upload_file']['tmp_name']; $dest_name = $upload_hook['upload_file']['directory'] . $name . "." . $extension; /* |--------------------------- | Overwrite Validation |--------------------------- */ if ( $upload_hook['upload_overwrite'] == FALSE ) { if ( file_exists( $dest_name ) ) { $i = 1; $max_loops = 100; while ( file_exists( $dest_name ) && $i <= $max_loops ) { $name_new = $name . "_" . $i; $name_new = $this->chip_safe_string( $name_new ); $dest_name = $upload_hook['upload_file']['directory'] . $name_new . "." . $extension; $i++; } // while ( file_exists( $dest_name ) ) } // if ( file_exists( $dest_name ) ) } /* |--------------------------- | Move File |--------------------------- */ $name = ( empty($name_new) ) ? $name : $name_new ; if ( move_uploaded_file( $temp_name, $dest_name ) ) { $temp['uploaded_status'] = TRUE; $temp['uploaded_file'] = $name; $temp['uploaded_extension'] = $extension; $temp['uploaded_directory'] = $dest_name; } else { $temp['uploaded_status'] = FALSE; $temp['uploaded_file'] = $name; $temp['uploaded_extension'] = $extension; $temp['uploaded_directory'] = $dest_name; } // if ( move_uploaded_file( $temp_name, $dest_name ) ) } return $temp; //return $this->set_upload_move( $name ); } /* |--------------------------- | Get Upload Move | It will upload file. | | @public | @param string $name ! @return array | |--------------------------- */ public function get_upload_move( $name = FALSE ) { return $this->set_upload_move( $name ); } /* |--------------------------- | Destructor |--------------------------- */ public function __destruct() { } } ?> and index where i want the errors to be displayed <?php /* |----------------- | Chip Error Manipulation |------------------ */ error_reporting(-1); /* |----------------- | Chip Constant Manipulation |------------------ */ define( "CHIP_DEMO_FSROOT", __DIR__ . "/" ); /* |----------------- | POST |------------------ */ if( $_POST ) { /* |----------------- | Chip Upload Class |------------------ */ require_once("class.chip_upload.php"); /* |----------------- | Upload(s) Directory |------------------ */ $upload_directory = CHIP_DEMO_FSROOT . "uploads/"; /* |----------------- | Class Instance |------------------ */ $object = new chip_upload(); /* |----------------- | $_FILES Manipulation |------------------ */ $files = $object->get_upload_var( $_FILES['upload_file'] ); //$object->chip_print( $files ); /* |----------------- | Upload File |------------------ */ foreach( $files as $file ) { /* |--------------------------- | Upload Inputs |--------------------------- */ $args = array( 'upload_file' => $file, 'upload_directory' => $upload_directory, 'allowed_size' => 512000, 'extension_check' => TRUE, 'upload_overwrite' => FALSE, ); $allowed_extensions = array( 'pdf' => FALSE, ); /* |--------------------------- | Upload Hook |--------------------------- */ $upload_hook = $object->get_upload( $args, $allowed_extensions ); //$object->chip_print( $upload_hook ); //exit; /* |--------------------------- | Move File |--------------------------- */ if( $upload_hook['upload_move'] == TRUE ) { /* |--------------------------- | Any Logic by User |--------------------------- */ /* |--------------------------- | Move File |--------------------------- */ $upload_output[] = $object->get_upload_move(); //$object->chip_print( $upload_output ); } else { /*$temp['uploaded_status'] = FALSE; $temp['uploaded_file'] = $upload_hook['upload_file']['name'] ; $upload_output[] = $temp;*/ } } // foreach( $files as $file ) } // if( $_POST ) ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="style.css" /> <title>Chip Upload Demo</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrap"> <div id="wrapdata"> <div id="header"> <div id="headerdata"> <div class="chipboxw1 chipstyle1"> <div class="chipboxw1data"> <h2 class="margin0">Chip Upload</h2> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="contentdata"> <?php if( !empty($upload_output) ): ?> <?php //$object->chip_print( $upload_output ); foreach( $upload_output as $val ): ?> <div class="chipboxw1 chipstyle2"> <div class="chipboxw1data"> <h2 class="margin0"><?php include("connect.php"); $insertpost="INSERT INTO eikones_diadromi(email,path) values('[email protected]','images/$val[uploaded_file].$val[uploaded_extension]')"; mysql_query($insertpost) or die("provlima insert"); echo $val['uploaded_file'] . "." . $val['uploaded_extension'] . " Uploaded"; ?></h2> </div> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php endif; ?> <div class="chipboxw1 chipstyle1"> <div class="chipboxw1data"> <form method="post" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <p>Upload File 1: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p> <p>Upload File 2: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p> <p>Upload File 3: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p> <p>Upload File 4: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p> <p>Upload File 5: <input name="upload_file[]" id="upload_file[]" type="file" class="inputtext" /></p> <p>Demo Allowed Files: .jpg</p> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload File" /> </form> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="footerdata"> <div class="chipboxw1 chipstyle1"> <div class="chipboxw1data"> © <a href="http://www.tutorialchip.com/">TutorialChip</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html> Thank you in advance Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/252619-chip-upload-class/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
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