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I have a profile page where the user answers a list of about 20 questions.  These questions are then put into a mysql table with username, questionid, and answer.  I can store the answers to the table, but I cannot figure out how to get them back to view and edit.

My form is built from basic HTML.  I know how to pull answers from a db table with only 1 row of results, where each field is a different question, but this one is different, as it will pull 20 rows, and each row is for a different question.

Here is how I populate the questions and then fill in the answers.

// If this user has never set their profile, insert empty questions into the database
  $query1 = "SELECT * FROM u_profile WHERE username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'";
  $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1);
  if (mysqli_num_rows($data) == 0) {
    // First grab the list of questionids
    $query2 = "SELECT questionid FROM questions ORDER BY q_order";
    $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query2);
    $questionids = array();
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) {
      array_push($questionids, $row['questionid']);

    // Insert empty question rows into the u_profile table, one per question
    foreach ($questionids as $questionid) {
      $query3 = "INSERT INTO u_profile (username, questionid) VALUES ('" . $_SESSION['username']. "', '$questionid')";
      mysqli_query($dbc, $query3);

  // If the questionnaire form has been submitted, write the responses to the database
  if (isset($_POST['submit'])) {
    // Write the questionnaire response rows to the response table
    foreach ($_POST as $answer_id => $answer) {
      $query4 = "UPDATE u_profile SET answer = '$answer' WHERE username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "' AND questionid = '$answer_id'";
      $uprofile_set = "CALL uprofile_set('" . $_SESSION['username'] . "')";
      mysqli_query($dbc, $query4) or die( "Connection Error1" . mysqli_error($dbc) ) ;
      mysqli_query($dbc, $uprofile_set) or die( "Connection Error2" . mysqli_error($dbc) ) ;
      $races = "SELECT * FROM u_raceschedule WHERE username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'";
      $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $races);
      if (mysqli_num_rows($data) > 0) {
    	   $buildplan = "CALL tplan('" . $_SESSION['username'] . "')";
  	     mysqli_query($dbc,$buildplan) or die("Connection Error2" . mysqli_error($dbc) ) ;


Would LOVE any help.  I am really new to this whole coding thing.

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I think you would better forget your code and try to understand how to do it. Then you will create new tables and write new code.


Here you need 2 tables. One (1) is for relation between users and a set of questions and other (2) for answers. And, maybe, 3-d table for questions and correct answers. And or course you'll need a separate table (4) for users.


In the table 1 you have to create a unique id for a set of questions. Here you'll write userID, create a unique id for this set of questions (it will be used in the second table). In the table 2 you have to write every answer in a separate row, just 2 columns are enough (id of a set of questions from table 1 and answer). Or you may add 3-d column here in order to show the correct answer... It's up to you.


I've described it in short. And I hope you understand main idea.

Hi SergeiSS

Thanks for the reply.


I have 2 tables already.  Table 1 has questionid and question.  Table 2 has questionid and answer.  The answers are not static, so creating a table with all possible answers as you suggest is impossible.


I guess what I am looking for is some php code that does 2 things:

1.  extracts the "questionid" and "answer" fields in an array with a row for each questionid/answer combination (easy, I can do this part)

2.  then sets the value of a textbox equal to the answer that matches a specific questionid (almost something like value = answer where questionid = 'Q15')

So if you have a table questions with fields (question_id, question) and another table answers with (answer_id, answer, question_id, user_id). You would do:


SELECT question_id.questions, question.questions, answer.answers 
FROM questions, answers
WHERE user_id.answers = $user_id
AND question_id.answers = question_id.questions
ORDER BY question_id.questions


Then loop over the results you get back from the DB:

for($i=0;$i<count($results);$i++) {
  echo "<span>{$results['question']}:</span><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$results['answer']}\" name=\"answer\"></input>\n";


SQL has its own built in logic. Utilizing it is waaaay more efficient that trying to keep the logic in PHP.

My tables are pretty well normalized.  I have a question table, and answer table, and a question/answer table for those questions that have a drop down.  For those questions that do not and can be anything (like someone's name), I don't of course.

So for the questions that have a dropdown, how do I retrieve the user's answer; and for the questions totally dynamic, how do I make that work.

Thanks for the help!

Here is the code:


$profile = "SELECT questions.questionid, questions.question, u_profile.answer, questions.q_order " .
                "FROM questions, u_profile WHERE u_profile.username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'" .
                "AND questions.questionid = u_profile.questionid AND questions.q_order IS NOT NULL " .
                "ORDER BY questions.q_order ASC";
  $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $profile) or die("Connection Error3" . mysqli_error($dbc) ) ;
  $results = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data);
  for($i=0; $i < count($results); $i++) {
  echo "<span>{$results['question']}</span><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$results['answer']}\" name=\"answer\"></input><br />";


I wasn't sure if using mysqli_fetch_assoc was correct as that part wasn't provided.

Here is the code:


$profile = "SELECT questions.questionid, questions.question, u_profile.answer, questions.q_order " .
                "FROM questions, u_profile WHERE u_profile.username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'" .
                "AND questions.questionid = u_profile.questionid AND questions.q_order IS NOT NULL " .
                "ORDER BY questions.q_order ASC";
  $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $profile) or die("Connection Error3" . mysqli_error($dbc) ) ;
  $results = mysqli_fetch_assoc($data);
  for($i=0; $i < count($results); $i++) {
  echo "<span>{$results['question']}</span><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$results['answer']}\" name=\"answer\"></input><br />";


I wasn't sure if using mysqli_fetch_assoc was correct as that part wasn't provided.


You need to loop through your DB results:


$profile = "SELECT questions.questionid, questions.question, u_profile.answer, questions.q_order " .
                "FROM questions, u_profile WHERE u_profile.username = '" . $_SESSION['username'] . "'" .
                "AND questions.questionid = u_profile.questionid AND questions.q_order IS NOT NULL " .
                "ORDER BY questions.q_order ASC";
  $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $profile) or die("Connection Error3" . mysqli_error($dbc) ) ;
// like this
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)) {
  $results[] = $row;

  for($i=0; $i < count($results); $i++) {
  echo "<span>{$results['question']}</span><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$results['answer']}\" name=\"answer\"></input><br />";

// OR... to simplify, change the loop to:

while($results = mysql_fetch_assoc($data)) {
  echo "<span>{$results['question']}</span><input type=\"text\" value=\"{$results['answer']}\" name=\"answer\"></input><br />";

mysql_fetch_assoc only returns one row at a time from the query. Look into using a DB library like MDB2 for more robust DB handling. (things like fetch_all which returns all results, etc...)

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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