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Seperate Slashes Into Links?


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Ok so I'm coding up a file tree for a script and I've got the system setup so that when a user clicks on a folder it adds that folder to the path. The path is stored in a variable, but I'd like to allow the user to be able to go down multiple directories at once. To do this I'm going to seperate each folder name in the path and link to it so as an example:


$path = './home/public_html/folder1/folder2';


how can I separate each of those so I can make a link to that folder so that:


/home goes to $path = './home/';

/public_html goes to $path = './home/public_html';



Basically just seperate the slashes into an array and seperate each of them off based on how far along it is but I don't know how to do that...


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Last answer was probably best but you can break a string at a particular delimter using explode() function


$str = "this/is/my/str";

$myarray = explode('/', $str);



That will produce an array with each value being whatever is between the slashes.



Ok so I'm coding up a file tree for a script and I've got the system setup so that when a user clicks on a folder it adds that folder to the path. The path is stored in a variable, but I'd like to allow the user to be able to go down multiple directories at once. To do this I'm going to seperate each folder name in the path and link to it so as an example:


$path = './home/public_html/folder1/folder2';


how can I separate each of those so I can make a link to that folder so that:


/home goes to $path = './home/';

/public_html goes to $path = './home/public_html';



Basically just seperate the slashes into an array and seperate each of them off based on how far along it is but I don't know how to do that...

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$str = "this/is/my/str";

$myarray = explode('/', $str);



That will produce an array with each value being whatever is between the slashes.


Well that sort of solves 1/2 my problem, but I need two things: The name of the folder and the path to the folder. So with that I can separate the name of the folder... any ideas for the path?

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$current_path_array = explode('/', $current_path);
$current_path_array = array_filter($current_path_array);
echo '/';
foreach($current_path_array as $variable){
$cp = $cp.'/'.$variable;
$variable = stripslashes($variable);
echo '<a href="filemanager.php?open='.$cp.'">'.$variable.'</a>/';


Figured it out using an array, a for each and a static variable. Thanks for the help :)

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