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I've been working on this for the last few hours and haven't had much luck. Basically, every time you visit the index of my site a random image is shown. The images are stored in a directory, and i use a table to hold the id, name, and url of each image. When the index page is loaded a random int is chosen, and the id equal to the int prints the corresponding url for the image.


Now i'm trying to add the id into the url, "domain.com?img=1". I also need this url to always refer to the image in row 1.


My table is called uploaded_images and the columns are id(primary key), name, url.


I'm pretty lost, any help is greatly appreciated.

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Thanks for getting back to me, I can't tell if i'm over tired or just retarded but i'm still not having any luck.  :shrug:

Can someone please just hold my hand through this it's driving me crazy and it seems like it should be simple. here's an example of what i'm working with.


$host="localhost"; // Host name
$username="****"; // Mysql username
$password="****"; // Mysql password
$db_name="****"; // Database name
$tbl_name="uploaded_images"; // Table name

// Connect to server and select databse.
mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect");
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

$query = mysql_query(" SELECT max(id) AS id FROM uploaded_images ");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
    $id = $row['id'];

$imgid = rand(18,$id);
$next = rand(18,$id);
while($next == $imgid){
		$next = rand(18,$id);

$ImageQuery = "SELECT name, url FROM uploaded_images WHERE id = '".$imgid."';";

$ImageResult = mysql_query($ImageQuery);

$ImageArray = mysql_fetch_array($ImageResult);
$ImageName = $ImageArray['name'];
      $url = $ImageArray['url'];
<h5>Click or Browse For Another Random Image</h5>
<p id="img"><a id="img" href="http://domain.com/test.php?img=<?php echo $next;?>">
<img src="<?php echo $url;?>"/>


Could you comment your code any better? I had a hard time figuring out what your trying to get it to do... It looks like your trying to get it to pull a random image out of the database and display it along with a next button? If thats the case let me know.



$image = $_GET['img'];


$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM uploaded_images WHERE id LIKE $image");

while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {




<img src="<?php echo $rows['url']; ?>" />








Is there anyway to have the page load to a ?img=# by default? I'm receiving an error if it's just  domain.com/test.php But if it's domain.com/test.php?img=1 for example, it works perfectly.


I eventually plan on moving all this to my index.php, so if someone just enters the domain i need it to redirect to a ?img=# by default, or the page will not load properly.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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