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How to organize and name photos and albums for a photogallery

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I am looking at making a photogallery system for an online community based site. I know that we need to have unique id's , photo names and albums.


What i am looking for is:


Would it be recommended to create a directory for each user once they are registerd?

How would you go about naming and sorting photogralleries?

How would you go about naming you photos?

How would you do it?


I was thinking about a uuid kind of code: ( from php.net)


class UUID {
  public static function v3($namespace, $name) {
    if(!self::is_valid($namespace)) return false;

    // Get hexadecimal components of namespace
    $nhex = str_replace(array('-','{','}'), '', $namespace);

    // Binary Value
    $nstr = '';

    // Convert Namespace UUID to bits
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($nhex); $i+=2) {
      $nstr .= chr(hexdec($nhex[$i].$nhex[$i+1]));

    // Calculate hash value
    $hash = md5($nstr . $name);

    return sprintf('%08s-%04s-%04x-%04x-%12s',

      // 32 bits for "time_low"
      substr($hash, 0, ,

      // 16 bits for "time_mid"
      substr($hash, 8, 4),

      // 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
      // four most significant bits holds version number 3
      (hexdec(substr($hash, 12, 4)) & 0x0fff) | 0x3000,

      // 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
      // 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
      // two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
      (hexdec(substr($hash, 16, 4)) & 0x3fff) | 0x8000,

      // 48 bits for "node"
      substr($hash, 20, 12)

  public static function v4() {
    return sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',

      // 32 bits for "time_low"
      mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff),

      // 16 bits for "time_mid"
      mt_rand(0, 0xffff),

      // 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
      // four most significant bits holds version number 4
      mt_rand(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000,

      // 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
      // 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
      // two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
      mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,

      // 48 bits for "node"
      mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)

  public static function v5($namespace, $name) {
    if(!self::is_valid($namespace)) return false;

    // Get hexadecimal components of namespace
    $nhex = str_replace(array('-','{','}'), '', $namespace);

    // Binary Value
    $nstr = '';

    // Convert Namespace UUID to bits
    for($i = 0; $i < strlen($nhex); $i+=2) {
      $nstr .= chr(hexdec($nhex[$i].$nhex[$i+1]));

    // Calculate hash value
    $hash = sha1($nstr . $name);

    return sprintf('%08s-%04s-%04x-%04x-%12s',

      // 32 bits for "time_low"
      substr($hash, 0, ,

      // 16 bits for "time_mid"
      substr($hash, 8, 4),

      // 16 bits for "time_hi_and_version",
      // four most significant bits holds version number 5
      (hexdec(substr($hash, 12, 4)) & 0x0fff) | 0x5000,

      // 16 bits, 8 bits for "clk_seq_hi_res",
      // 8 bits for "clk_seq_low",
      // two most significant bits holds zero and one for variant DCE1.1
      (hexdec(substr($hash, 16, 4)) & 0x3fff) | 0x8000,

      // 48 bits for "node"
      substr($hash, 20, 12)

  public static function is_valid($uuid) {
    return preg_match('/^\{?[0-9a-f]{8}\-?[0-9a-f]{4}\-?[0-9a-f]{4}\-?'.
                      '[0-9a-f]{4}\-?[0-9a-f]{12}\}?$/i', $uuid) === 1;

// Usage
// Named-based UUID.

$v3uuid = UUID::v3('1546058f-5a25-4334-85ae-e68f2a44bbaf', 'SomeRandomString');
$v5uuid = UUID::v5('1546058f-5a25-4334-85ae-e68f2a44bbaf', 'SomeRandomString');

// Pseudo-random UUID

$v4uuid = UUID::v4();

The "naming" and "sorting" of the galleries and the photos really has no dependency on the file system. You can simply dump all the photos into a single directory and just make sure they have a unique filesystem name. You could use the user ID along with a timestamp for instance. All of the actual naming and sorting can be done in the database. I would only consider different folder for the images based upon my need to keep a structured filesystem not for the management of the images/galleries.

I agree just put your photos in one file and let the database keep track of it.


I've toyed with the same problem on my site my photos are never 60 days old so they're all in one folder. If I kept photos on for a longer time and depending on how many I would have I'd do like coppermine and wpress do and either have a yr folder and months inside of the year folder or just a year folder

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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