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I'm quite new to bash, but trying to drag my way up the latter one rung at a time here.


I've managed to write the beginnings of a script that's going to help me out with rsync backups (well, it's more an exercise for my sef) but I can't seem to get my statements to work properly...


Here's the code I've written

if ( ! getopts "l:r:u:p:df:h" opt); then

    echo "Usage: `basename $0` options [-l /path] [-r /path] [-u username] [-p password] [-d] [-f /path] -h for Help";
    exit 1;

elif (getopts "h" opt) then

    echo "\nHelp page for `basename $0`"
    echo "The following parameters are accepted"
    echo ""
    echo ""
    echo "[-l]      Specifies a Local path to folder to backup."
    echo "[-r]      Specifies a path on the Remote machine to back up to."
    echo "[-u]      The Username used for our SSH Connection."
    echo "[-p]      The password used for our SSH Connection."
    echo "          * Public Key Authentication will be tried first."
    echo "[-d]      Tells `basename $0` to preform a dry-run. ie: dont transfer data"
    echo "[-f]      The local path for our Filter list."
    echo "          * List of files/folders, one line each, that rsync will ignore"
    echo "\n"
    exit 0; # Script technically completes successfully.


    # Don't include -h here 
    while getops ":l:r:u:p:df:" opt; do
        case $opt in
            echo "-l switch thrown. local dir to backup: $OPTARG" >&2
            echo "-r switch thrown. remote dir for backup: $OPTARG" >&2

            echo "-u switch thrown. ssh username: $OPTARG" >&2

            echo "-p switch thrown. ssh password: $OPTARG" >&2

            echo "-d switch thrown. This is a dryrun." >&2

            echo "-f switch thrown. Path to filterlist: $OPTARG" >&2

        # Invalid Parameter
            echo "Invalid options passed" >&2
            exit 1;




When I run

Fak:backup-script geudrik$ ./BACKUP_MasterScript.sh -f


I get the following error:

./BACKUP_MasterScript.sh: option requires an argument -- f
./BACKUP_MasterScript.sh: illegal option -- f

Help page for BACKUP_MasterScript.sh
The following parameters are accepted

[-l]		Specifies a Local path to folder to backup.
[-r]		Specifies a path on the Remote machine to back up to.
[-u] 		The Username used for our SSH Connection.
[-p]		The password used for our SSH Connection.
		* Public Key Authentication will be tried first.
[-d]		Tells BACKUP_MasterScript.sh to preform a dry-run. ie: dont transfer data
[-f]		The local path for our Filter list.
		* List of files/folders, one line each, that rsync will ignore

Assuming I'm not totally derping here, I feel like I should only be getting my switch thrown string.  Why am I not, but instead getting the help contents?

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