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I can't get my Updated On timestamp to work in the following query...


// ******************************
// Create Temporary Password.		*
// ******************************
$tempPass = substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 3, 10);	

// Build query.
$r = "UPDATE member
		SET pass=?,
		WHERE email=?
		LIMIT 1";

// Prepare statement.
$stmt2 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $r);

// Bind variables to query.
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt2, 'sss', $tempPass, NOW(), $email);

// Execute query.


I used similar code for an INSERT and it worked fine?!  Now sure what is going on here...






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can you post the results of this mysql query:


describe members;


Think I figured it out...

// Build query.
$r = "UPDATE member
		SET pass=?,
		WHERE email=?
		LIMIT 1";

// Prepare statement.
$stmt2 = mysqli_prepare($dbc, $r);

// Bind variables to query.
mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt2, 'ss', $tempPass, $email);


Apparently NOW() must be a MySQL function?


So I had to put it directly in my query versus trying to bind NOW() or $updatedOn=NOW() to a ?




On a side note, why doesn't this work?

$updatedOn = NOW();





MySQL has a built in update, so you wouldn't even need to add that to your query.


You could then run this, and the updated field will update automatically:

UPDATE member
SET pass=md5('somePassword')
WHERE member_id = 123


You should also update a member based on member id.

MySQL has a built in update, so you wouldn't even need to add that to your query.


I don't follow you.


I have these 3 fields...

created_on 	datetime
activated_on 	datetime
updated_on 	datetime



You could then run this, and the updated field will update automatically:

UPDATE member
SET pass=md5('somePassword')
WHERE member_id = 123


You should also update a member based on member id.


I suppose you are right.


So how do I do that?


First I have this query to find the member...

// ****************************
// Attempt to Reset Password.	*
// ****************************
if (empty($errors)){
// Valid form data.

	// ************************
	// Find Member Record.		*
	// ************************

	// Connect to the database.
	require_once(WEB_ROOT . 'private/mysqli_connect.php');

	// Build query.
	$q = "SELECT email
			FROM member
			WHERE email=?";


And then I have the UPDATE query I already posted.





Run this query:


alter table members change updated_on updated_on timestamp;


This will change the column to an auto update field, so every time a field gets inserted/updated this field will reflect the date/time that it happened.


Your select query makes no sense. If you already know the email why are you using a query to select it?


Does it really matter that I am doing the UPDATE based on "email"??


Only if your 100% sure the email is unique.


I would then run this query:


alter table members add unique (email);


That will enforce unique emails, here is a tutorial I wrote on it:


Your select query makes no sense. If you already know the email why are you using a query to select it?


I guess so.


All I am trying to do is show that there is a record for "email" thus proving that it is a valid e-mail.  (As such, I suppose and field would work.)



Does it really matter that I am doing the UPDATE based on "email"??


Only if your 100% sure the email is unique.


I would then run this query:


alter table members add unique (email);


Well, e-mail is what uniquely identifies members (although I technically have an ID pk.)


And so I have a Unique index already on "email".







This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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