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replacing text with a function or variable

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I want to be able to replace text, e.g. [!gallery!], that is contained in blog post and have the word 'gallery' as a variable $gallery so i can use it to fetch files/call a function.


This is what I have so far:


$rowblog[Content] = preg_replace("/\[\!(.*?)\!\]/","$somevariable", $rowblog[Content]);


as far as I know the variable isn't being created.


Any idea of a solution?







Hi ianco,


From your description, I am not clear about what you want to replace with what.

But let's start with the first step. It sounds to me like you want to create a variable whose name depends on the content of the [!variable!].

Here is a piece of code that does that: the variable $gallery is created on the fly, based on the match.


$s='text, e.g. [!gallery!], that is contained in blog post';
if($hit) {
echo $gallery;


Let me know if this is a step in the right direction.

It may be that this is all you need in order to build your replace?




$somevariable would just be what is contained between [! and !]


preg_replace may not be the most appropriate function

it is the appropriate function, the second parameter of preg_replace() is for the replacement of your pattern, so $somevariable will be whatever you want to replace [!gallery!] with.

Yes, trying to decipher the instructions some more, it seems he may want to replace some text either with:

1. The content of a variable named by the match, e.g. $gallery, OR with

2. The result of a function named by the match, e.g. gallery()


Here are solutions to both.


1. Replacing Text with Content of Variable Named by the Match

$s='text, e.g. [!gallery!], that is contained in blog post';
$gallery='//variable GALLERY was here//';
      function ($match) {global $gallery; return ${$match[1]};}, // $gallery
echo $s;


Note that if you use this solution, you will have to declare all the other potential variables inside the function,

e.g. global $otherReplacementVariable;


2. Replacing Text with Result of Function Named by the Match

$s='text, e.g. [!gallery!], that is contained in blog post';
      function ($match) {return $match[1]();}, // calls gallery()
function gallery() {return '//function GALLERY was here//';}
echo $s;


Ianco, you must have been away from your computer for the new year... Good for you!

When you have a moment, can you please indicate if this works for you?

Wishing you all a happy new year.


Hey thanks for the replies.


PLayful, the first example in your first reply works great and gives me the variable.


I guess what I originally envisioned was using the variable in an include e.g., include($gallery.'php'), then have a function in that file.


I think your second methods sound like a better idea.


The second reply example 2 seems to kill the rest of my script but is a good idea and works on its own so I will have a play around and let you know


Hi again,


Although I haven't got an actual use for this yet I've been thinking. From the code that was helpfully provided, you can't put variables into the function, i.e., gallery($username). Is there a solution to this or should it actually work and I'm just being a spanner  ::)


$s='text, e.g. [!gallery!], that is contained in blog post';
      function ($match) {return $match[1]();}, // calls gallery()
function gallery() {return '//function GALLERY was here//';}
echo $s;

Hi again Ianco,


I gave you a dummy function gallery() because you didn't say what you wanted it to do.

You can fill it up with whatever you like. Sure, it can use a $username variable or whatever you like.

Or maybe I am misunderstanding?


Wishing you a fun day

Hi, Sorry for the delay in getting back.


Using the same code I just changed the function to


function gallery($username){ echo "this is my ".$username; }


the variable $username is available on all my pages but all I was seeing is:


this is my


Anyway, I'll have a play around and mark this thread as solved.





This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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