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Hi all,

I have written a piece of code querying the database to display the last ten posts from different users on a forum/blog. This is displaying the titles of the posts but I am unsure how to create a link (complete novice) to read the content of those posts. I get the syntax etc but can't really get my head around the target, if you catch my drift. I have created a new php file called recentposts but am unsure of how to take it from there. The code for both is below. The first piece of code works fine but when I click read more I am getting an undefined variable message on line 11 (I'm guessing there should be a link between the two pieces of code) and I am getting mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result on line 12. Any thoughts/hints/suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance.


$connection = @mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','BLOG_PROJECT') //Make a connection to the database
or die(mysqli_connect_error("Could not connect to the server")); //If it doesn't connect give the error message
$latestposts= mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT author_id, title FROM blogposts ORDER BY timeofpost DESC LIMIT 9");//Query the database
while($displayposts=@mysqli_fetch_array($latestposts)){ //go and get the information
echo "{$displayposts['title']}</br>";
echo "<a href='recentposts.php'>Read more</a></br>";


And the recentposts.php is


$connection = @mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','BLOG_PROJECT')
or die(mysqli_connect_error("Could not connect to the server"));
$detail= mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT * FROM blogposts WHERE 'title', 'content', 'timeofpost' = $content");
while($singlepage = mysqli_fetch_array($connection,$detail)){
echo "<h2>{$singlepage['title']}</h2></br>";
echo "{$singlepage['content']}</br>";
echo "{$singlepage['timeofpost']}";

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Depending on how the url's work for the blog posts it should be fairly simple to link to them dynamically.


The PHP will just echo a static link with one or two dynamic components similar to:


echo '<a href="/blog/post/' . $blogpostid . '/">Read Blog Post</a>';

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OK, so now I am getting undefined index errors. I feel that I probably need to use $_GET somewhere here but I don't know where I am going wrong. From reading around it seems to me I should probably use isset somewhere? If this is very obvious please be patient... everybody starts somewhere. Any help or suggestions appreciated.

$connection = @mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','BLOG_PROJECT') //Make a connection to the database
or die(mysqli_connect_error("Could not connect to the server")); //If it doesn't connect give the error message
$latestposts= mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT author_id, title FROM blogposts ORDER BY timeofpost DESC LIMIT 9");//Query the database
while($displayposts=@mysqli_fetch_array($latestposts)){ //go and get the information
echo "{$displayposts['title']}</br>";
echo "<a href='recentposts.php?id=content'>Read more</a></br>";


and then the other bit. It is running as far as the echo but I think I am missing something earlier?


$connection = @mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','BLOG_PROJECT')
or die(mysqli_connect_error("Could not connect to the server"));
$content= mysqli_query($connection,"SELECT ('author_id''title''content') FROM blogposts ORDER BY timeofpost DESC LIMIT 9");;
while($singlepage = mysqli_fetch_array($content)){
echo "<h3>{$singlepage['title']}</h3></br>";
echo "{$singlepage['content']}</br>";
echo "{$singlepage['timeofpost']}";

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