unemployment Posted January 24, 2012 Share Posted January 24, 2012 I have a pagination class that uses PHP_SELF to display the proper URLs when generating the pagination buttons. I need PHP_SELF to be a class parameter so that if the page is not defined in the parameter, then use PHP_SELF. The reason for this is because I generate the class in an ajax file and it is returning the URL of the ajax file, not of the page I am running the ajax on. I just don't know how to add the parameter to the class. The class is below: <?php class Paginator{ var $items_per_page; var $items_total; var $current_page; var $num_pages; var $mid_range; var $low; var $high; var $limit; var $return; var $default_ipp; var $querystring; function Paginator() { $this->current_page = 1; $this->mid_range = 7; $this->items_per_page = (!empty($_GET['ipp'])) ? $_GET['ipp']:$this->default_ipp; } function paginate($default_ipp) { if((isset($_GET['ipp'])) && ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All')) { $this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$default_ipp); $this->items_per_page = $default_ipp; } else { if(!is_numeric($this->items_per_page) OR $this->items_per_page <= 0) $this->items_per_page = $default_ipp; $this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$this->items_per_page); } if(isset($_GET['page'])) { $this->current_page = (int) $_GET['page']; // must be numeric > 0 } if($this->current_page < 1 Or !is_numeric($this->current_page)) $this->current_page = 1; if($this->current_page > $this->num_pages) $this->current_page = $this->num_pages; $prev_page = $this->current_page-1; $next_page = $this->current_page+1; if($_GET) { $args = explode("&",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); foreach($args as $arg) { $keyval = explode("=",$arg); if($keyval[0] != "page" And $keyval[0] != "ipp") $this->querystring .= "&" . $arg; } } if($_POST) { foreach($_POST as $key=>$val) { if($key != "page" And $key != "ipp") $this->querystring .= "&$key=$val"; } } if($this->num_pages > 1) { $this->return = ($this->current_page != 1 And $this->items_total >= 1) ? "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=$prev_page&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">« Previous</a> ":"<!--<span class=\"inactive\" href=\"#\">« Previous</span>-->"; $this->start_range = $this->current_page - floor($this->mid_range/2); $this->end_range = $this->current_page + floor($this->mid_range/2); if($this->start_range <= 0) { $this->end_range += abs($this->start_range)+1; $this->start_range = 1; } if($this->end_range > $this->num_pages) { $this->start_range -= $this->end_range-$this->num_pages; $this->end_range = $this->num_pages; } $this->range = range($this->start_range,$this->end_range); for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { if($this->range[0] > 2 And $i == $this->range[0]) $this->return .= " ... "; // loop through all pages. if first, last, or in range, display if($i==1 Or $i==$this->num_pages Or in_array($i,$this->range)) { $this->return .= (($i == $this->current_page) And (isset($_GET['page'])) And ($_GET['page'] != 'All')) ? "<a title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\"paginate\" title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" href=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=$i&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">$i</a> "; } if($this->range[$this->mid_range-1] < $this->num_pages-1 And $i == $this->range[$this->mid_range-1]) $this->return .= " ... "; } $this->return .= (($this->current_page != $this->num_pages And $this->items_total >= 1) //And ($_GET['page'] != 'All') ) ? "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=$next_page&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">Next »</a>\n":"<!--<span class=\"inactive\" href=\"#\">» Next</span>-->\n"; //$this->return .= ((isset($_GET['page'])) And ($_GET['page'] == 'All')) ? "<a class=\"current\" style=\"margin-left:10px\" href=\"#\">All</a> \n":"<a class=\"paginate\" style=\"margin-left:10px\" href=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=1&ipp=All$this->querystring\">All</a> \n"; } else { for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { $this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page) ? "<a class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=$i&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">$i</a> "; } $this->return .= "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=1&ipp=All$this->querystring\">All</a> \n"; } $this->low = ($this->current_page-1) * $this->items_per_page; if(isset($_GET['ipp'])) { $this->high = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? $this->items_total:($this->current_page * $this->items_per_page)-1; $this->limit = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? "":" LIMIT $this->low,$this->items_per_page"; } else { $this->high = ($this->current_page * $this->items_per_page)-1; $this->limit = " LIMIT $this->low,$this->items_per_page"; } } function display_items_per_page() { $items = ''; $ipp_array = array(10,25,50,100,'All'); foreach($ipp_array as $ipp_opt) $items .= ($ipp_opt == $this->items_per_page) ? "<option selected value=\"$ipp_opt\">$ipp_opt</option>\n":"<option value=\"$ipp_opt\">$ipp_opt</option>\n"; return "<span class=\"paginate\">Items per page:</span><select class=\"paginate\" onchange=\"window.location='$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=1&ipp='+this[this.selectedIndex].value+'$this->querystring';return false\">$items</select>\n"; } function display_jump_menu() { for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { $option .= ($i==$this->current_page) ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>$i</option>\n":"<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } return "<span class=\"paginate\">Page:</span><select class=\"paginate\" onchange=\"window.location='$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page='+this[this.selectedIndex].value+'&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring';return false\">$option</select>\n"; } function display_pages() { return $this->return; } } Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/255675-add-parameter-to-php-class/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
AyKay47 Posted January 24, 2012 Share Posted January 24, 2012 var $querystring; var $url; function Paginator($url = "") { $this->current_page = 1; $this->mid_range = 7; $this->items_per_page = (!empty($_GET['ipp'])) ? $_GET['ipp']:$this->default_ipp; if(!empty($url)) $this->url = $url; } when you need to specify the url, check for $this->url being empty, if it is, use php_self, otherwise use $this->url also, are you aware that this uses oop4 syntax? Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/255675-add-parameter-to-php-class/#findComment-1310618 Share on other sites More sharing options...
unemployment Posted January 24, 2012 Author Share Posted January 24, 2012 No, do you mind explaining what OOP4 is? I just grabbed this off the web somewhere about 3 months ago because I was looking for a pagination library that is similar to google's structure. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/255675-add-parameter-to-php-class/#findComment-1310624 Share on other sites More sharing options...
AyKay47 Posted January 24, 2012 Share Posted January 24, 2012 yeah, I've seen this class before floating around, really, the main issue is visibility, your variables and functions should have a declared visibility for accessibility reasons. Eventually, I suspect that syntax will be weeded out. Edit: sorry, i should have given you an example.. public $items_per_page; public $items_total; public $current_page; etc.. http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.visibility.php Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/255675-add-parameter-to-php-class/#findComment-1310628 Share on other sites More sharing options...
unemployment Posted January 24, 2012 Author Share Posted January 24, 2012 Ahh yes, now I know what you're talking about as I have read the documentation and seen examples. I'm getting an undefined constant error on line 25 for PHP_SELF. Any idea why? <?php class Paginator{ var $items_per_page; var $items_total; var $current_page; var $num_pages; var $mid_range; var $low; var $high; var $limit; var $return; var $default_ipp; var $querystring; var $url; function Paginator($url = "") { $this->current_page = 1; $this->mid_range = 7; $this->items_per_page = (!empty($_GET['ipp'])) ? $_GET['ipp']:$this->default_ipp; if(empty($url)) { $this->url = $_SERVER[php_SELF]; } else { $this->url = $url; } } function paginate($default_ipp) { if((isset($_GET['ipp'])) && ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All')) { $this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$default_ipp); $this->items_per_page = $default_ipp; } else { if(!is_numeric($this->items_per_page) OR $this->items_per_page <= 0) $this->items_per_page = $default_ipp; $this->num_pages = ceil($this->items_total/$this->items_per_page); } if(isset($_GET['page'])) { $this->current_page = (int) $_GET['page']; // must be numeric > 0 } if($this->current_page < 1 Or !is_numeric($this->current_page)) $this->current_page = 1; if($this->current_page > $this->num_pages) $this->current_page = $this->num_pages; $prev_page = $this->current_page-1; $next_page = $this->current_page+1; $url = $this->url; if($_GET) { $args = explode("&",$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); foreach($args as $arg) { $keyval = explode("=",$arg); if($keyval[0] != "page" And $keyval[0] != "ipp") $this->querystring .= "&" . $arg; } } if($_POST) { foreach($_POST as $key=>$val) { if($key != "page" And $key != "ipp") $this->querystring .= "&$key=$val"; } } if($this->num_pages > 1) { $this->return = ($this->current_page != 1 And $this->items_total >= 1) ? "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$url?page=$prev_page&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">« Previous</a> ":"<!--<span class=\"inactive\" href=\"#\">« Previous</span>-->"; $this->start_range = $this->current_page - floor($this->mid_range/2); $this->end_range = $this->current_page + floor($this->mid_range/2); if($this->start_range <= 0) { $this->end_range += abs($this->start_range)+1; $this->start_range = 1; } if($this->end_range > $this->num_pages) { $this->start_range -= $this->end_range-$this->num_pages; $this->end_range = $this->num_pages; } $this->range = range($this->start_range,$this->end_range); for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { if($this->range[0] > 2 And $i == $this->range[0]) $this->return .= " ... "; // loop through all pages. if first, last, or in range, display if($i==1 Or $i==$this->num_pages Or in_array($i,$this->range)) { $this->return .= (($i == $this->current_page) And (isset($_GET['page'])) And ($_GET['page'] != 'All')) ? "<a title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\"paginate\" title=\"Go to page $i of $this->num_pages\" href=\"$url?page=$i&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">$i</a> "; } if($this->range[$this->mid_range-1] < $this->num_pages-1 And $i == $this->range[$this->mid_range-1]) $this->return .= " ... "; } $this->return .= (($this->current_page != $this->num_pages And $this->items_total >= 1) //And ($_GET['page'] != 'All') ) ? "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$url?page=$next_page&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">Next »</a>\n":"<!--<span class=\"inactive\" href=\"#\">» Next</span>-->\n"; //$this->return .= ((isset($_GET['page'])) And ($_GET['page'] == 'All')) ? "<a class=\"current\" style=\"margin-left:10px\" href=\"#\">All</a> \n":"<a class=\"paginate\" style=\"margin-left:10px\" href=\"$url?page=1&ipp=All$this->querystring\">All</a> \n"; } else { for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { $this->return .= ($i == $this->current_page) ? "<a class=\"current\" href=\"#\">$i</a> ":"<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$url?page=$i&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring\">$i</a> "; } $this->return .= "<a class=\"paginate\" href=\"$url?page=1&ipp=All$this->querystring\">All</a> \n"; } $this->low = ($this->current_page-1) * $this->items_per_page; if(isset($_GET['ipp'])) { $this->high = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? $this->items_total:($this->current_page * $this->items_per_page)-1; $this->limit = ($_GET['ipp'] == 'All') ? "":" LIMIT $this->low,$this->items_per_page"; } else { $this->high = ($this->current_page * $this->items_per_page)-1; $this->limit = " LIMIT $this->low,$this->items_per_page"; } } function display_items_per_page() { $items = ''; $ipp_array = array(10,25,50,100,'All'); foreach($ipp_array as $ipp_opt) $items .= ($ipp_opt == $this->items_per_page) ? "<option selected value=\"$ipp_opt\">$ipp_opt</option>\n":"<option value=\"$ipp_opt\">$ipp_opt</option>\n"; return "<span class=\"paginate\">Items per page:</span><select class=\"paginate\" onchange=\"window.location='$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page=1&ipp='+this[this.selectedIndex].value+'$this->querystring';return false\">$items</select>\n"; } function display_jump_menu() { for($i=1;$i<=$this->num_pages;$i++) { $option .= ($i==$this->current_page) ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>$i</option>\n":"<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>\n"; } return "<span class=\"paginate\">Page:</span><select class=\"paginate\" onchange=\"window.location='$_SERVER[php_SELF]?page='+this[this.selectedIndex].value+'&ipp=$this->items_per_page$this->querystring';return false\">$option</select>\n"; } function display_pages() { return $this->return; } } Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/255675-add-parameter-to-php-class/#findComment-1310631 Share on other sites More sharing options...
unemployment Posted January 24, 2012 Author Share Posted January 24, 2012 Whoops... looks like it needed single quotes Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/255675-add-parameter-to-php-class/#findComment-1310632 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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