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Menu Bar


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im using a script i found online to generate a menu bar and it works great except for every time you navigate to a different page it shows the menu as the unordered list before anything else loads and i was wondering how to stop this from happening

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this is the script it also uses jquery

* SmoothMenu addon for jQuery UI
* https://github.com/madguy/jQuery.ui.smoothMenu

* Copyright 2011, madguy
* License MIT-style License.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* Depends:
*   jquery.ui.core.js
*   jquery.ui.widget.js
* Inspired by MenuMatic
* http://greengeckodesign.com/menumatic
(function ($, undefined) {
var isNumber = function (value) {
	return typeof value === "number" && isFinite(value);

$.widget('ui.smoothMenu', {

	widgetEventPrefix: 'smoothMenu',

	_wrapToWidgetEvent: function (type) {
		return type + '.' + this.widgetEventPrefix;

	options: {
		childTag: 'li',
		delay: 1000,
		direction: 'horizontal',
		dockId: 'ui_smooth_menu_container',
		duration: 200,
		easing: 'swing',
		icon: true,
		opacity: 0.95,
		parentTag: 'ul',
		zIndex: 1

	_create: function () {
		var self = this;
		var options = self.options;
		var $elm = self.element;
		var $rootContainer = self._getOrCreateContainer();
		var $parent = $elm.children(options.parentTag + ':first');
		options.parentNode = $parent;

		// 再帰的に子要素を探索して、子要素から先にコンテナに入れます。
		var childOption = $.extend({}, options, {
			direction: 'vertical',
			zIndex: options.zIndex + 1
		// 子要素まですべて適用してからbindしないと先にイベントが動いてしまうため、あとからイベントを付加します。
		var $childNodes = $parent.children(options.childTag).smoothMenu(childOption).bind({
			smoothmenuonhide: function (event, $elm) {
		options.childNodes = $childNodes;

		options.defaultCss = {
			marginLeft: $parent.css('marginLeft'),
			marginTop: $parent.css('marginTop'),
			opacity: $parent.css('opacity'),
			visibility: $parent.css('visibility')

		$elm.addClass('ui-smoothMenu-item ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default').bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseenter'), function (event) {
			if (options.disabled === false) {
		}).bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseleave'), function (event) {
			setTimeout(function () {
			}, options.delay);

		if ($parent.length > 0) {
			var $container = $('<div />').css({
				display: 'none',
				overflow: 'hidden',
				position: 'absolute',
				zIndex: options.zIndex
			}).bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseenter'), function (event) {
			}).bind(self._wrapToWidgetEvent('mouseleave'), function (event) {
			options.container = $container;

			if (options.icon) {
				var iconClass = options.direction === 'horizontal' ? 'ui-icon-triangle-1-s' : 'ui-icon-triangle-1-e';
				var $icon = $('<span class="ui-icon" />').addClass(iconClass);
		} else {
			options.container = $();

		$elm.smoothMenu('hide', 0);

	destroy: function () {
		var self = this;
		var options = self.options;
		var $elm = self.element;

		if (options.disabled) {

		$elm.removeClass('ui-smoothMenu-item ui-widget ui-corner-all ui-state-default').unbind('.' + self.widgetEventPrefix);

		var $container = options.container;

		// 子要素を再帰的に復元します。

		var $parent = $container.children(options.parentTag);
		$parent.stop(true, true).css(options.defaultCss);

		return self;

	enable: function () {
		var $childNodes = this.options.childNodes;

	disable: function () {
		var $childNodes = this.options.childNodes;

	rootContainer: function () {
		return this._getOrCreateContainer();

	content: function () {
		return this.options.parentNode;

	show: function (duration) {
		var self = this;
		var options = this.options;
		var $elm = self.element;
		var $container = options.container;
		var $parent = $container.children(options.parentTag);
		duration = isNumber(duration) ? duration : options.duration;

		if (options.disabled) {

		$elm.siblings().smoothMenu('hide', 100);

		if (options.visible) {

		var isContinue = self._trigger('beforeShow', null, $elm);
		if (isContinue === false) {

		var offset = $elm.offset();
		var extendWidth = options.direction !== 'horizontal' ? $elm.outerWidth(true) : 0;
		var extendHeight = (function () {
			if (options.direction === 'horizontal') {
				return $elm.outerHeight(true);
			} else {
				var containerHeight = $container.outerHeight(true) || 0;
				var documentHeight = $(document).height();
				return Math.min(documentHeight - (offset.top + containerHeight), 0);
		// 先にコンテナは表示状態にする必要があります。
		// Marginはプラグイン側で移動させるので取得しません。
		var height = $parent.outerHeight() || 0;
		var width = $parent.outerWidth() || 0;
			left: String(offset.left + extendWidth) + 'px',
			height: String(height) + 'px',
			top: String(offset.top + extendHeight) + 'px',
			width: String(width) + 'px'

			marginLeft: '0px',
			marginTop: '0px',
			opacity: options.opacity
		}, {
			duration: duration,
			easing: options.easing

		options.visible = true;

		self._trigger('onShow', null, $elm);

	hide: function (duration) {
		var self = this;
		var options = self.options;
		var $elm = self.element;
		var $container = options.container;
		var $parent = $container.children(options.parentTag);
		duration = isNumber(duration) ? duration : options.duration;

		if (options.disabled) {

		if (options.visible === false) {

		if (self.isMouseOver(true)) {

		var isContinue = self._trigger('beforeHide', null, $elm);
		if (isContinue === false) {

		var marginLeft = options.direction !== 'horizontal' ? -1 * $container.outerWidth() : 0;
		var marginTop = options.direction === 'horizontal' ? -1 * $container.outerHeight() : 0;

			marginLeft: String(marginLeft) + 'px',
			marginTop: String(marginTop) + 'px',
			opacity: 0
		}, {
			duration: duration,
			easing: options.easing,
			complete: function () {
		self._trigger('onHide', null, $elm);

		options.visible = false;

		// 親が閉じられたら子要素も同時に閉じます。

	isMouseOver: function (deepSearch) {
		var isMouseOver = this.options.isMouseOver;
		if (deepSearch) {
			var hasMouseOverChild = this._hasMouseOverChild();
			return isMouseOver || hasMouseOverChild;
		} else {
			return isMouseOver;

	_hasMouseOverChild: function () {
		var $childNodes = this.options.childNodes;
		var hasMouseOverChild = $childNodes.filter(function () {
			return $(this).smoothMenu('isMouseOver', true);
		}).length > 0;
		return hasMouseOverChild;

	_mouseEnter: function (event) {
		this.options.isMouseOver = true;

	_mouseLeave: function (event) {
		this.options.isMouseOver = false;

	_getOrCreateContainer: function () {
		var id = this.options.dockId;
		var $container = $('#' + id);
		if ($container.length === 0) {
			$container = $('<div />', {
				id: id,
				'class': 'ui-widget ui-smoothMenu'
		return $container;

	_removeContainerIfEmpty: function () {
		var $container = this._getOrCreateContainer();
		if ($container.is(':empty')) {


$.extend($.ui.smoothMenu, {
	version: '0.2.4'


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