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Not sure if Im looking for an Ajax script or a jQuery script... Please read!


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I am in the middle of a complete site redesign and am having some issues.

I am self taught, working on my site after hours of my 9-5.


What I am trying to do is update my sql search query based on users selections, primarly for options dealing with vehicles in our inventory. By default all vehicles are shown, and as a user unchecks items the results are instantly updated. This is a prime example of what I am looking for: http://www.danbury.mercedesdealer.com/new


When you check AMG or Navigation it updates.


I am trying to do this to my page: http://www.carcityofdanbury.com/New/?cat=01&do=Search&category=Foreign


I have googled everything I can think of and am now stuck...



Any help would be greatly apprechiated!

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Well, the exact method that you will want to use for this will be dependent on your database design and coding setup. However, the basics will consist of an ajax request being sent to the server (I recommend jquery's Ajax API) with the data from the check boxes when a user clicks on a check box which will edit the query in the receiving PHP page and return the results set however you want. Wouldn't it make more logical sense to have all of the check box unchecked which would display all results, then have the user narrow the results by checking a check box?

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Ok, I found this script: http://www.9lessons.info/2009/08/twitter-like-search-with-jquery-ajax.html and was able to get it to work here: http://www.login.carcityofdanbury.com/passed/test/test.php


If I type in a make (eg Honda, Toyota) it displays the results that I have in the db. Now how do I use it with checkboxes instead, and no submit button?

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