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Greetings, I am Otis.


I consider myself a nooblet at php, but I learn well enough through trial and error that sometimes I surprise myself. In all honesty I'm actually quite lazy, and 90% of the time if I'm working with php it's in an attempt to automate something to make my job just that much easier.


I'm a freelance Web Designer, and I typically do sites for Animal Breeders/Showers. Mostly Horses, Goats, Cats, and Rabbits.

Such an exciting career eh? <sarcasm>Nothing gets me going at 6am like the "Cat Fancier Association Championship Finals" </sarcasm> It's not horrible though. I like the animals well enough....just wouldn't show cats for a living myself.



Pleasure to meet you all! I hope a learn enough here to keep my head from hitting the desk to often. ::)

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