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I have made a simple form where users who have been subscribed and unsubscribe by inserting their email address.


In my database using PHPMyAdmin, my database to store the emails is 'Links', the table is 'email' and the fields are the 'id' and 'emailaddress'.


What I have tried is making a text input field, where the user ill insert his or her email address, to unsubscribe on the website. As a result the user's field for his or her email address will be delete in the database which is saving the emails for all users who have subscribed.


My HTML codes are:


<p>Subscribe for newsletters:</p>
<img src="images/k-newsletter-icon.png" width="96" height="96" alt="subscri"/>
<form action="index.php" method="post">
<input type="text" size="25" placeholder="Your email address..." name="enter"/>
<input class="submit" type="submit" value="Subscribe" name="subscribe"/>


My PHP codes are:


$email = $_POST['enter'];
@mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', '') or die ('Error');
@mysql_select_db ('links') or die ('Error');
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "Not an email";
return false;    
} else {
mysql_query("DELETE FROM email WHERE emailaddress ='$email'");
echo "deleted";



When I test it,it is not working, as I see the email which was saved, is still in the database! Help!

There's a number of things here:

1)  You absolutely positively must stop this instant and wrap everything in mysql_real_ecape_string if it comes from the user.  Your site is grievously vulnerable to SQL injections.


2)  If this isn't working, find out why.  What did they enter?  How does it not match what's in the DB?  Are there spaces?  Your code is fine aside from #1 above.

Yes, I know I must wrap "$email = $_POST['enter'];" to $email = mysql_real_ecape_string($_POST['enter']); But I did it quickly...to test if the functionality is good, but I do not know why it is not deleting! There is no space etc... I was shocked to see why it is not deleting. In fact, on many websites they are giving the same example! That's why I have posted this problem on some forums to know why it is not working!

other than what already has been suggested, I will add a few things:


- You should always work with Error Reporting and Display errors enabled while in development ... you can enable it globally in your php.ini file or case by case in your scripty adding this 2 lines at the beginning (after the opening <?php)

   // Define how to display/report errors
   ini_set("display_errors", "1");


- Just take out the error suppressing from your code (@) .. that only will hide the possible errors in your code... don't hide errors... control them.


- Is a good debugging practice to separate your query strings from mysql-query()  ... in that way you can always echo your query string to validate what could be wrong... like:


} else {

$query = "DELETE FROM email WHERE emailaddress ='$email'";
// here you can echo your string for debugging purposes
echo "Query String is : " . $query . "<br />";

mysql_query($query)  or die("Mysql Query Error: " . mysql_error()); // add die() here at least as a temporary way to debug, in production you should use something better


The errors reporting etc...are turned ON in my PHP.INI. I tried your codes, but it is giving me the query:


Here are the codes after modifying what you said:


$email = $_POST['enter'];
mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', '') or die ('Error');
mysql_select_db ('links') or die ('Error');
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
echo "Not an email";
return false;	
} else {
$query = "DELETE FROM email WHERE emailaddress ='$email'";
echo "Query String is : " . $query . "<br />";
mysql_query($query)  or die("Mysql Query Error: " . mysql_error());

Please read and respond to entire posts, not just the first sentence.  Note that I gave you debug steps in #2 above that you have not addressed.  Are there spaces?  Does the database match their input EXACTLY?

Here is the query string it gave me:


Query String is : DELETE FROM email WHERE emailaddress ='[email protected]'


The email address above is among one which is stored in the database. Concerning the space, do you mean if there are spaces the names of tables, fields?? If yes, then NO!


My database name is 'links', the table is 'email' and the two fields are 'id' and 'emailaddress'.

I am sorry if I have not understood your question! I am having a headache since some hours...thus I have read your answers a bit too quickly! Well, after verifying again, it seems the table 'emailaddress' which stores the email addresses of course, there is a 'dot' at the beginning of all email addresses in the field.


For example, the email address '[email protected]' is like this in the field '[email protected]'. Is this normal or because of this it is not working? I included a screenshot of it...



There's probably a dot in the query that INSERTS these emails.  You have to fix that, then delete everything from this table and start over.


If this site is "live" and these are real addresses, you'll have to update them all to be correct.

I really can't help you if you don't read the message.


Again:  The code that INSERTS the email addresses into this table has a dot in it, where there should not be a dot.  Emails don't just magically show up in your database, something puts them there.  That something is wrong.

Here are the codes with the INSERT one:


$ee = htmlentities($_POST['enter']);
if (!preg_match('/^[^0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]+([.][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*[@][a-zA-Z0-9_]+([.][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*[.][a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/',$ee) || empty($ee)){
echo '<p class="fail">Failed...Try again!</p>';
} else {
@mysql_connect ('localhost', 'root', '') or die ('A problem has occurred, refresh the page and try again!');
@mysql_select_db ('links') or die ('A problem has occurred, refresh the page and try again!');
$query = "INSERT INTO email (id, emailaddress) VALUES('NULL', '.$ee')";
echo '<p class="success">Successfully subscribed!</p>';

YES, IT WORKS NOW YEAHHHHHH! :) :)  :) It was because of that damn it 'dot'. Now it is working perfectly! It is deleting! THANK YOU ALL GUYS HERE WHO TOOK PATIENCE TO HELP ME! Thank you verily!  :P  :D  :shy:  ;D  Only the problem of duplicate field remains now to tackle! How to mark this thread as solved?

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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