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I'm using Dijkstra algorithm in my graduation project to find the shortest route between two points and then display it on google maps


I found that code but i can't modify it with my needs


Here is the original code


* Dijkstra algorithm node class
* @author Mallory Dessaintes - [email protected]

class DijkstraNode {
	const IMPOSSIBLE_DIST = -1;

	protected $_id;
	protected $_neighbours = array();
	protected $_distToSource = self::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST;

	protected static $_nodes = array();

	public function __construct($id,$links = array()) {
		$this->_id = $id;
		$this->_neighbours = $links;

		static::$_nodes[] = $this;

	* Return all the nodes created
	public static function getNodes() {
		return static::$_nodes;

	* Add a neighbour to the node, specifying the distance between it and the current node
	* @param bool $reciprocally Current node is also add as a neighbour of the given node
	public function addNeighbour(DijkstraNode $node,$dist = 1,$reciprocally = true) {
		if(!isset($this->_neighbours[$node->_id])) {
			$this->_neighbours[$node->_id] = array('node' => $node, 'dist' => $dist);

			if($reciprocally) {
				$node->_neighbours[$this->_id] = array('node' => $this, 'dist' => $dist);
		else {
			trigger_error('Neighbour already exists');

	* Return the neighbours of the node
	public function getNeighbours() {
		return array_values($this->_neighbours);

	* Return the distance between the current node and another node (normally a neighbour node)
	public function getNeighbourDist(DijkstraNode $node) {
		if($node == $this) {
			return 0;
		else {
			if(isset($this->_neighbours[$node->_id])) {
				return $this->_neighbours[$node->_id]['dist'];
			else {
				// Node is not a neighbour
				return self::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST;

	public function getId() {
		return $this->_id;

	public function getDistToSource() {
		return $this->_distToSource;

	public function setDistToSource($val) {
		$this->_distToSource = $val;

* Main Dijkstra algorithm class
* @author Mallory Dessaintes - [email protected]
class Dijkstra {
	protected static $_preds; // predecessors of the nodes
	protected static $_toVisit; // nodes to visit
	protected static $_visited; // nodes already visited
	protected static $_source; // Source node

	* Use Dijkstra algorithm to find the best route between source and all the nodes
	* @param array $nodes All the nodes, including the source
	* @param DijkstraNode $source The source node
	* (we just use it to set the distance between it and "source" to 0, of course) and get a starting point
	* @return
	public static function findRoute($nodes,DijkstraNode $source) {
		static::$_toVisit = $nodes;
		static::$_source = $source;


		while(count(static::$_toVisit)) {
			$node = static::$_toVisit[0];

			// Remove the current node from nodes to visit

			// Test if have already found a path to this this which must be done ewcept if there iq no path
			if($node->getDistToSource() != DijkstraNode::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST) {

				// Foreach neighbours of the current node
				foreach($node->getNeighbours() as $neighbourData) {
					$neighbour = $neighbourData['node']; // $neighbourData['dist'] = the distance between the node and this neighbour

					// Only if we doesn't already visited it (because if we had, the last past was necessarily shorter)
					if(in_array($neighbour,static::$_toVisit)) {
						// This is the current shortest distance between the neighbour in the loop and the source
						$neighbourDistSource = $neighbour->getDistToSource();

						// This is the current shortest distance between the current node and the
						// source + the distance between the current node and the neighbour
						$neighbourDistCurrent = ($node->getDistToSource() + $node->getNeighbourDist($neighbour));

						// Checking if it is faster to go to the neighbour by the current node (or if the neighbour hasn't been reached yet (IMPOSSIBLE_DIST))
						if($neighbourDistSource == DijkstraNode::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST OR ($neighbourDistCurrent < $neighbourDistSource)) {
							// Set the new shortest distance between the neighbour and the source
							// Set the new predecessor of the neighbour in the path to the source
							static::$_preds[$neighbour->getId()] = $node->getId();



			// Add the current node to the visited nodes
			static::$_visited[] = $node;

		$arrNodesDistsToSource = array();

		// Setting an array having key => nodeId, value => min distance to this node from the source
		foreach(static::$_visited as $node) {
			$arrNodesDistsToSource[$node->getId()] = $node->getDistToSource();

		$ret = array(
			'paths' => static::$_preds, // key => node id, value => predecessor (node id) in the shortest path to the source
			'pathsCosts' => $arrNodesDistsToSource // Look at the last loop

		return $ret;

	private static function _init() {
		// Setting all predecessors of the nodes to null because default, they are unreachable
		foreach(static::$_toVisit as $node) {
			static::$_preds[$node->getId()] = null;

		// Setting the distance between the source and itself to 0 to get 
		// a starting point in the algorithm (see sortNodes)

	* This sort the nodes to visit by their current shortest distances to the source
	* This method pay attention to IMPOSSIBLE_DIST which is set to -1
	private static function _sortNodes() {
			function ($a,$b) {
				$aDistToSource = $a->getDistToSource();
				$bDistToSource = $b->getDistToSource();

				if($aDistToSource == DijkstraNode::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST AND $bDistToSource == DijkstraNode::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST) {
					return 0;
				elseif($aDistToSource == DijkstraNode::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST) {
					return 1;
				elseif($bDistToSource == DijkstraNode::IMPOSSIBLE_DIST) {
					return -1;
				elseif($aDistToSource > $bDistToSource) {
					return 1;
				else if($aDistToSource < $bDistToSource) {
					return -1;
				else {
					return 0;

$nodeA = new DijkstraNode('A');
$nodeB = new DijkstraNode('B');
$nodeC = new DijkstraNode('C');
$nodeD = new DijkstraNode('D');
$nodeE = new DijkstraNode('E');
$nodeF = new DijkstraNode('F');



$nodeC->addNeighbour($nodeB,2,false); // That third argument set the reciprocity to tell that you can only go from C to B and not from B to C



$nodes = DijkstraNode::getNodes();

$dijkstra = Dijkstra::findRoute($nodes,$nodeA);

// This contains an array which has as key the id of the nodes and for value 
// the predecessor of the node in the shortest path to the source
$paths = $dijkstra['paths'];

// This contains the shortest path cost foreach node (indexed by node id)
$pathsCosts = $dijkstra['pathsCosts'];

foreach($paths as $nodeId => $nodePred) {
	$pred = $nodePred;

	$cPath = array($nodeId);

	while($pred) {
		$cPath[] = $pred;
		$pred = $paths[$pred];

	$cPath = array_reverse($cPath);

	echo 'Shortest path to '.$nodeId.' : '.implode('-',$cPath).' ('.$pathsCosts[$nodeId].') <br /><br />';


Shortest path to A : A (0)

Shortest path to B : A-B (1)

Shortest path to C : A-B-E-F-C (7)

Shortest path to D : A-B-E-D (7)

Shortest path to E : A-B-E (3)

Shortest path to F : A-B-E-F (6)



It seems it take route input at code , what i need is take input from MYSQL database and take output to MYSQL database


I modify it but it is always give error


i want these inputs to be quiried from database

$nodeA = new DijkstraNode('A');
$nodeB = new DijkstraNode('B');
$nodeC = new DijkstraNode('C');
$nodeD = new DijkstraNode('D');
$nodeE = new DijkstraNode('E');
$nodeF = new DijkstraNode('F');



$nodeC->addNeighbour($nodeB,2,false); // That third argument set the reciprocity to tell that you can only go from C to B and not from B to C




But it always give me error in findroute() function


Any help ??

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