mdvignesh Posted March 3, 2012 Share Posted March 3, 2012 time validation for text box valid time in 24 hours format with no seconds my textboxes have same name and id with array i am alerting the text box value onblur.It shows only the first text box value I want to alert for every text box if value is not a number How? <?php session_start(); if (!$_SESSION['uname']) header("Location:login.php"); ?> <html><head><title>Attendance sheet</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="att_style.css" type="text/css" > <script type="text/javascript"> /*function IsNumber() { var intime = document.myForm.in_time[].value; if(intime == "") { //var pt = /^[0-9]* $/; alert("dfsd"); } } */ function IsNumber(strAlert) { //alert("mdv"); //alert(strAlert); var txtb = document.getElementById('in_time[]').value; //for (var i = 0; i < txtb.length; i++) { //var txtv = txtb[i].value; alert(txtb); //} } /* for ( var i=0; i < txtb.length; i++) { if(txtb.charAt(i)!="" ) { if( strFieldValue.charAt(i) < "0" || strFieldValue.charAt(i) > "9") { if(strAlert != "")alert(strAlert) return false; } } } return true; }*/ </script> </head> <body> <?php $cnn = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("time_sheet",$cnn); $dbdate = mysql_query("SELECT start_mon,end_mon FROM admin"); $dd = mysql_fetch_array($dbdate); $curmon = getdate(); $nextmonth = $curmon['mon'] + 1; $start = "2012" . "-" . $curmon['mon'] ."-". $dd['start_mon']; $end = "2012" . "-". $nextmonth ."-". $dd['end_mon']; $_SESSION['fromdate'] = $start; $_SESSION['todate'] = $end; $dateMonthYearArr = array(); $fromDateTS = strtotime($start); $toDateTS = strtotime($end); for ($currentDateTS = $fromDateTS; $currentDateTS <= $toDateTS; $currentDateTS += (60 * 60 * 24)) { $currentDateStr = date("M d",$currentDateTS); $notmysql[] = $currentDateStr; $currmysql = date("Y-m-d",$currentDateTS); $mysqlfor[] = $currmysql; } echo " No of days: " . count($mysqlfor); //Table for view if (isset($_REQUEST['sub'])) { $inti = $_POST['in_time']; $outi = $_POST['out_time']; $intime = serialize($inti); $outtime = serialize($outi); $inser = unserialize($intime); $outser = unserialize($outtime); $dbdate = mysql_query("SELECT start_mon,end_mon FROM admin"); $dd = mysql_fetch_array($dbdate); $curmon = getdate(); $nextmonth = $curmon['mon'] + 1; $dateMonthYearArr = array(); $fromDateTS = strtotime($start); $toDateTS = strtotime($end); for($b = 0; $b < count($mysqlfor); $b++) { $qry = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$b]."' "); $ds = mysql_fetch_array($qry); if(!$qry) die(mysql_error()); $check = mysql_num_rows($qry); // print_r($inser); if($check == 0) { if($inser[$b] == "") $inser[$b] = '00:00'; if($outser[$b] == "") $outser[$b] = '00:00'; $ins = mysql_query("INSERT INTO timetable VALUES ('', '".$_SESSION['uname']."', '".$mysqlfor[$b]."', '".$inser[$b]."', '".$outser[$b]."', '') "); } else { //print_r($mysqlfor[$b]); $upd = mysql_query("UPDATE `timetable` SET `in` = '".$inser[$b]."', `out` = '".$outser[$b]."' WHERE `date` = '".$mysqlfor[$b]."' "); if(!$upd) die(mysql_error()); } } } ?> <form name="myForm" method="post" action=""> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr><th scope="row">DATE</th> <?php for ($s = 0; $s < 10; $s++) { ?> <td align="center"><?php print_r($notmysql[$s]); } ?></td></tr> <tr><th scope="row">IN</th> <?php for ($ss = 0; $ss < 10; $ss++) { ///////////////getting from DB $sele = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$ss]."' "); $emp = mysql_num_rows($sele); ?> <td align="center"> <?php $numrows = mysql_num_rows($sele); if($numrows == 0) { ?> <input name="in_time[]" id="in_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" size="5"> </td> <?php } else { while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($sele)) { ?> <input name="in_time[]" id="in_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" value="<?php echo $row1['in']; ?>" size="5"></td> <?php } } }?> </tr> <tr><th scope="row">OUT</th> <?php for ($v = 0; $v < 10; $v++) { ?> <td align="center"> <?php $sel2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$v]."'"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($sel2); if($numrows == 0) { ?> <input name="out_time[]" id="out_time[]" type="text" size="5"></td> <?php } else { while($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($sel2)) { ?> <input name="out_time[]" id="out_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" value="<?php echo $row2['out']; ?>" size="5"></td> <?php } } }?> </tr> <tr><th scope="row">Late</th><?php for ($s = 0; $s < 10; $s++) { ?> <td align="center"><input name="late_time[]" id="late_time[]" onBlur="IsNumber();" type="text" size="5"></td> <?php }?> </tr> </table> <br><br> <!-- second tab--> <?php if(count($notmysql) >= 11) { ?> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"><tr><th scope="row">DATE</th> <?php for ($st = 10; $st < 20; $st++) { ?> <td align="center"><?php print_r($notmysql[$st]); ?></td> <?php } ?></tr> <tr><th scope="row">IN</th> <?php for ($g = 10; $g < 20; $g++) { $selec = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$g]."'"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($selec); ?> <td align="center"> <?php if($numrows == 0) { ?> <input name="in_time[]" id="in_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" size="5"></td> <?php } else { while($secinrow = mysql_fetch_array($selec)) { ?> <input name="in_time[]" id="in_time[]" value="<?php echo $secinrow['in']; ?>" onBlur="IsNumber();" type="text" size="5"></td> <?php } } }?></tr> <tr><th scope="row">OUT</th> <?php for ($h = 10; $h < 20; $h++) { $select = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$h]."'"); ?> <td align="center"> <?php $numrows = mysql_num_rows($select); if($numrows == 0) {?> <input name="out_time[]" id="out_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" size="5"></td> <?php } else { while($secoutrow = mysql_fetch_array($select)) { ?> <input name="out_time[]" id="out_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" value="<?php echo $secoutrow['out']; ?>" size="5"></td> <?php } } }?></tr> <tr><th scope="row">Late</th> <?php for ($m = 10; $m < 20; $m++) { ?> <td align="center"><input name="late_time[]" id="out_time[]" onBlur="IsNumber();" type="text" size="5"></td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <br/><br/> <!-- Third table--> <?php if(count($notmysql) >= 21) { ?> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"> <tr> <th scope="row">DATE</th> <?php for ($tt = 20; $tt < count($notmysql); $tt++) { ?> <td align="center"><?php print_r($notmysql[$tt]); ?></td><?php } ?> </tr> <tr><th scope="row">IN</th> <?php for ($j = 20; $j < count($notmysql); $j++) { $selected = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$j]."' "); ?> <td align="center"> <?php $numrows = mysql_num_rows($selected); if($numrows == 0) {?> <input name="in_time[]" id="in_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" size="5"></td> <?php } else { while($treinrow = mysql_fetch_array($selected)) { ?> <input name="in_time[]" id="in_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" value="<?php echo $treinrow['in']; ?>" size="5"></td> <?php } } } ?> </tr> <tr><th scope="row">OUT</th> <?php for ($k = 20; $k < count($notmysql); $k++) { $selectedr = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM timetable where date = '".$mysqlfor[$k]."'"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($selectedr); ?> <td align="center"> <?php if($numrows == 0) { ?> <input name="out_time[]" id="out_time[]" type="text" onBlur="IsNumber();" size="5"></td> <?php } else { while($treoutrow = mysql_fetch_array($selectedr)) { ?> <input name="out_time[]" id="out_time[]" onBlur="IsNumber();" value="<?php echo $treoutrow['out']; ?>" type="text" size="5"></td> <?php } } } ?> </tr> <tr><th scope="row">Late</th> <?php for ($s = 20; $s < count($notmysql); $s++) { ?> <td align="center"> <input name="late_times[]" id="late_times[]" type="text" value="<?php ?>" size="5"></td> <?php } ?> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <!--Table End --> <a style="float:right" href="logout.php">Logout</a> <p align="center"><input name="sub" type="submit" value="Save"></p> </form> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scootstah Posted March 3, 2012 Share Posted March 3, 2012 You can use the this keyword to target the input that called the function. Here's an example: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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