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I've made a loop here..


<form name="formdeliver" method="post" action="addOrder.php"  onSubmit="return confirm('Are you Sure the data inputed are correct? Click Ok to continue.')">
<div id="apDiv2" style="overflow:auto ">

mysql_connect("$host", "$username", "$password")or die("cannot connect"); 
mysql_select_db("$db_name")or die("cannot select DB");

$sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name";

$name = $_SESSION['customername'];
$q = $_SESSION['quantity'];

echo "<table border='1'>
<td><font size = '2'>Customer Name : $name </font></td></tr><tr>
<td><font size = '2'>Quantity : $q </font></td>

for($i = 0; $i < $q; $i++){
    echo "Bottle Number :";

echo "<select name=\"bottlenum[]\" onChange=\"this.name\"> 

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
    echo "<option>" .$row['BottleNumber']. "</option>"; 
  echo "</select>";
    else {
    echo "<option>No Customer Encoded</option></select>";  

echo "<font size = 2 >Type :</font>
<select name=\"bottletype[]\" onChange=\"this.name\"'>'; 
    <option selected>Select .. </option>
     <option> Slim </option>  
     <option> Round </option>  


  <input type="image" src="continue.png" width="100" height="25" name="login" border="0" />
</div> </form>


So what it basically do is..

User will input some data w/c i included as $_POST['customername'] and $_POST['quantity']

So when the user will input 5 quantity.. i want my loop to have 5 pairs of 2 drop down list.. well i suceeded there.

but, my problem is the 1st pair will output the  .$row['BottleNumber'].  w/c i included at the loop, and then the rest will have no output.. when i clicked them the dropdown list will only show the Select one. but for the 1st pair its working fine.


Sorry for the bad english.. someone help me pls :(

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What's with the onChange call?


Since I don't have a copy of your database, I can't execute your code to easily debug it. If you provided me with a stand-alone version of this script, I'd be happy to dig further.


Keep in mind, the two elements aren't necessarily tied together. You'd be better off using $i to accomplish this.


<select name="element[$i]">

I think this is the problem sir. but not quite sure where.


for($i = 0; $i < $q; $i++){
    echo "Bottle Number :";

echo "<select name=\"bottlenum[]\" onChange=\"this.name\"> 

    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) 
    echo "<option>" .$row['BottleNumber']. "</option>"; 
  echo "</select>";
    else {
    echo "<option>No Customer Encoded</option></select>";  


This code will suppose to dropdown the BottleNumbers in my database' well since i create 1 bottlenumber w/c is "1111"

the output of my dropdown would be "SELECT / 1111"

well it works fine but when the code looped and created 2 pairs of the dropdown.

the 2nd dropdown only output "SELECT".. :(


Help me please sir. :(

When I run that code I get a FATAL ERROR.


When I fix that fatal error, I get an undefined variable error.


To help with the language barrier, please create a standalone script to replicate what you are trying to accomplish. Here's an example



$values_from_database = array( 'Option 1','Option 2','Option 3','Option 4','Option 5' );

// Check if quantity has been submitted, and it's numeric
if( isset($_POST['quantity']) && ctype_digit($_POST['quantity']) ) {
echo '<form method="post" action="">';
for( $i = 0; $i < $_POST['quantity'] && $i < 99; $i++ ) {
	echo '<select name="drop1['.$i.']">';
	foreach( $values_from_database as $v ) echo '<option>'.$v.'</option>';
	echo '</select><select name="drop2['.$i.']">';
	foreach( $values_from_database as $v ) echo '<option>'.$v.'</option>';
	echo '</select><br>';
echo '<input type="submit"></form>';

// Check if dropdowns have been submitted, and they're arrays
} elseif( isset($_POST['drop1']) && isset($_POST['drop2']) && is_array($_POST['drop1']) && is_array($_POST['drop2']) ) {

echo '<pre>';
print_r( $_POST['drop1'] );
print_r( $_POST['drop2'] );
echo '</pre>';

// Otherwise, post the default form
} else {
echo '<form method="post" action="">How many dropdowns?<input type="text" name="quantity"><input type="submit"></form>';


Hmm.. i dont know how can i do a standalone that can be the same output to what i want to do :(

but' here.. i just want to make a loop that outputs a dropdown list depending on how much quantity the user input..


Like if i put '2' as my quantity then it will output a 2 dropdown list that contains my values in my database.. can you help me make a code for that sir?

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