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Good evening,


I was wondering how I could get this page to redirect to the contact.php page which the form is on rather than the mainpage. Any little nudge I can get would be appreciated. Currently it is redirecting to the home page. I understand this is a rudimentary question, please understand I am new to PHP. My background is in moderate training with Flash AS3.





# Don't put anything above the previous line, not even blank space


# Copyright 2007, Thomas Boutell and Boutell.Com, Inc. You

# MAY use this code in your own projects. You MAY NOT

# represent this code as your own work. If you wish to share

# this code with others, please do so by sharing the

# following URL:


# http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/email.html


# OPTIONAL: use Accountable to prefill the user's real name and

# email address. Requires that you install and configure

# Accountable first. If your site has no use for accounts elsewhere

# this isn't worth the trouble.


# If you ARE using Accountable, uncomment the "require" line below.

# You will probably have to fix the path to find login.php in the

# appropriate folder.


# See: http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/accounts.html


#require "login.php";


#require '/home/boutell/html/tools/accountable/login.php';


# OPTIONAL: use my Captcha system to prevent automated

# abuse of the contact form. You'll need to install and

# configure the captcha code first.


# If you DO have my captcha installed, uncomment the "require" line

# below. You will probably have to fix the path to find captcha.php

# in the appropriate folder.


# See: http://www.boutell.com/newfaq/creating/captcha.html


#require "captcha.php";

#require '/home/boutell/html/tools/captcha/captcha.php';


# The person who receives the email messages

#$recipient = '[email protected]';

$recipient = '[email protected], [email protected]';



# Usually $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] is fine, but if you have an unusual

# hosting setup, you might need to set this manually to 'www.mysite.com'

#$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];


$serverName = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];


if ($_POST['send']) {


} elseif (($_POST['cancel']) || ($_POST['continue'])) {


} else {




function displayForm($messages = array())


# Import $login object from accountable. If we're not using

# accountable this is null, which is not a problem

global $login;


# Re-display existing input so that the user doesn't have to enter

# things again when correcting a problem with just one field.

# Make sure ", <, >, etc. entered by the user are not treated

# as part of the HTML of the page


# If the email address and real name haven't been entered yet,

# check $_SESSION for them. If Accountable is in use, we can

# pre-fill these fields for the user.

$escapedEmail = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']);

$escapedRealName = htmlspecialchars($_POST['realname']);

$escapedSubject = htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject']);

$escapedBody = htmlspecialchars($_POST['body']);

$returnUrl = $_POST['returnurl'];

if (!strlen($returnUrl)) {

# We'll return the user to the page they came from

$returnUrl = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];

if (!strlen($returnUrl)) {

# Stubborn browser won't give us a referring

# URL, so return to the home page of our site instead

$returnUrl = '/contact.php';



$escapedReturnUrl = htmlspecialchars($returnUrl);

# Shift back into HTML mode to send the form





# Bring in Accountable style sheet if we are using Accountable.

# Your accountable chrome folder could be somewhere else,

# so fix the href if you need to

if ($login) {


<link href="/accountable/chrome/login.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">




<title>Contact Us</title>




# Display Accountable login prompt if we are

# using Accountable

if ($login) {


# Fetch email address and real name from Accountable.

# We don't do this sooner because we want it to work

# even if the user just finished logging in

# (and $login->prompt() handles that situation)

if (!strlen($escapedEmail)) {

$escapedEmail = htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['email']);


if (!strlen($escapedRealName)) {

$escapedRealName = htmlspecialchars($_SESSION['realname']);




<h4>Contact Us</h4>


# Shift back into PHP mode for a moment to display

# the error message, if there was one

if (count($messages) > 0) {

$message = implode("<br>\n", $messages);




<form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URL']?>">






value="<?php echo $escapedEmail?>"/>

<br/>Your Email Address







value="<?php echo $escapedRealName?>"/>

<br/>Your Name







value="<?php echo $escapedSubject?>"/>




<i>Please enter your message below</i>




cols="60"><?php echo $escapedBody?></textarea>



# Display the captcha if we're using my captcha.php system

# and the user is not logged in to an Accountable account

if ((!$_SESSION['id']) && (function_exists('captchaImgUrl'))) {



<b>Please help us prevent fraud</b> by entering the code displayed in the

image in the text field. Alternatively,

you may click <b>Listen To This</b> to hear the code spoken aloud.



<img style="vertical-align: middle"

src="<?php echo captchaImgUrl()?>"/>

<input name="captcha" size="8"/>

<a href="<?php echo captchaWavUrl()?>">Listen To This</a>






<input type="submit" name="send" value="Send Your Message"/>

<input type="submit" name="cancel" value="Cancel"/>





value="<?php echo $escapedReturnUrl?>"/>








function redirect()


global $serverName;

$returnUrl = $_POST['returnurl'];

# Don't get tricked into redirecting somewhere

# unpleasant. You never know. Reject the return URL

# unless it points to somewhere on our own site.

$prefix = "http://$serverName/";

if (!beginsWith($returnUrl, $prefix)) {

$returnUrl = "http://$serverName/";


header("Location: $returnUrl");



function beginsWith($s, $prefix)


return (substr($s, 0, strlen($prefix)) === $prefix);



function sendMail()


# Global variables must be specifically imported in PHP functions

global $recipient;

$messages = array();

$email = $_POST['email'];

# Allow only reasonable email addresses. Don't let the

# user trick us into backscattering spam to many people.

# Make sure the user remembered the @something.com part

if (!preg_match("/^[\w\+\-\.\~]+\@[\-\w\.\!]+$/", $email)) {

$messages[] = "That is not a valid email address. Perhaps you left out the @something.com?";


$realName = $_POST['realname'];

if (!preg_match("/^[\w\ \+\-\'\"]+$/", $realName)) {

$messages[] = "The real name field must contain only alphabetical characters, numbers, spaces, and the + and - signs. We apologize for any inconvenience.";


$subject = $_POST['subject'];

# CAREFUL: don't allow hackers to sneak line breaks and additional

# headers into the message and trick us into spamming for them!

$subject = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $subject);

# Make sure the subject isn't blank (apart from whitespace)

if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $subject)) {

$messages[] = "Please specify a subject for your message.";



$body = $_POST['body'];

# Make sure the message has a body

        if (preg_match('/^\s*$/', $body)) {

$messages[] = "Your message was blank. Did you mean to say something? Click the Cancel button if you do not wish to send a message.";


# Check the captcha code if the user is NOT logged in to an account

if ((!$_SESSION['id']) && function_exists('captchaImgUrl')) {

if ($_POST['captcha'] != $_SESSION['captchacode']) {

$messages[] = "You did not enter the security code, or what you entered did not match the code. Please try again.";



if (count($messages)) {

# There were errors, so re-display the form with

# the error messages and let the user correct

# the problem




# No errors - send the email




"From: $realName <$email>\r\n" .

"Reply-To: $realName <$email>\r\n");

# Thank the user and invite them to continue, at which point

# we direct them to the page they came from. Don't allow

# unreasonable characters in the URL

$escapedReturnUrl = htmlspecialchars($_POST['returnurl']);





<title>Thank You</title>



<h1>Thank You</h1>


Thank you for contacting us! Your message has been sent.


<form method="POST" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URL']?>">

<input type="submit" name="continue" value="Click Here To Continue"/>




value="<?php echo $escapedReturnUrl?>"/>







  • 3 weeks later...

So are you looking to redirect back to the contact.php page after the form has been submitted? You should checkout the redirect() function in your code. That may give you a hint as to what needs to be changed.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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