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I'm having problems with a newsfeed.  More specifically, it is a "Test Drive" exercise for the book "Head First Php and MySQL" by Beighly and Morrison on page 675.  The website that I use does not try to sell anything and is only used as a test site.  There are 6 files associated with this exercise.  The SQL file is:


CREATE TABLE `aliens_abduction` (

  `abduction_id` INT AUTO_INCREMENT,

  `first_name` VARCHAR(30),

  `last_name` VARCHAR(30),

  `when_it_happened` DATE,

  `how_long` VARCHAR(30),

  `how_many` VARCHAR(30),

  `alien_description` VARCHAR(100),

  `what_they_did` VARCHAR(100),

  `fang_spotted` VARCHAR(10),

  `other` VARCHAR(100),

  `email` VARCHAR(50),

  PRIMARY KEY (`abduction_id`)



INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (1, 'Alf', 'Nader', '2000-07-12', 'one week', 'at least 12', 'It was a big non-recyclable shiny disc full of what appeared to be mutated labor union officials.', 'Swooped down from the sky and snatched me up with no warning.', 'no', 'That\'s it.', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (2, 'Don', 'Quayle', '1991-09-14', '37 seconds', 'dunno', 'They looked like donkeys made out of metal with some kind of jet packs attached to them.', 'I was sitting there eating a baked potatoe when "Zwoosh!", this beam of light took me away.', 'yes', 'I really do love potatos.', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (3, 'Rick', 'Nixon', '1969-01-21', 'nearly 4 years', 'just one', 'They were pasty and pandering, and not very forgiving.', 'Impeached me, of course, then they probed me.', 'no', 'I\'m lonely.', 'rnixon@not');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (4, 'Belita', 'Chevy', '2008-06-21', 'almost a week', '27', 'Clumsy little buggers, had no rhythm.', 'Tried to get me to play bad music.', 'no', 'Looking forward to playing some Guitar Wars now that I\'m back.', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (5, 'Sally', 'Jones', '2008-05-11', '1 day', 'four', 'green with six tentacles', 'We just talked and played with a dog', 'yes', 'I may have seen your dog. Contact me.', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (6, 'Meinhold', 'Ressner', '2008-08-10', '3 hours', 'couldn\'t tell', 'They were in a ship the size of a full moon.', 'Carried me to the top of a mountain and dropped me off.', 'no', 'Just want to thank those fellas for helping me out.', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (7, 'Mickey', 'Mikens', '2008-07-11', '45 minutes', 'hundreds', 'Huge heads, skinny arms and legs', 'Read my mind,', 'yes', 'I\'m thinking about designing a helmet to thwart future abductions.', '[email protected]');

INSERT INTO `aliens_abduction` VALUES (8, 'Shill', 'Watner', '2008-07-05', '2 hours', 'don\'t know', 'There was a bright light in the sky, followed by a bark or two.', 'They beamed me toward a gas station in the desert.', 'yes', 'I was out of gas, so it was a pretty good abduction.', '[email protected]');


The  X_Database_Chapter12_Page675_connectvars_final.php file is:







  // Define database connection constants

  define('DB_HOST', 'KEPTPRIVATE');



  define('DB_USER', 'KEPTPRIVATE');






  define('DB_NAME', 'KEPTPRIVATE');



The css file is:


/* Filename:C:,HeadFirst_PHP_MYSQL,Chapter12, X_Database_Chapter12_Page675_style_final.css */

.error {





table {

  border:1px solid #DDDDDD;




tr.heading {





td {

  border:1px solid #DDDDDD;



form label {






a {





a:link {




a:hover {




a:visited {




a:active {











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