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Conditional Rewrites


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I've searched and read 'til my head is spinning, but I just can't find an answer to this situation.  It has to have been discussed many times before...I just can't find it:


I have a large number of html pages that have been converted to php (MySQL database), such as:


123.html  becoming  EventRecord.php?Id=123


I also have many static html pages remaining.


Is it possible to filter a mod_rewrite so that it only rewrites URLs that are numeric?  1.html to 9999.html and nothing else?


The idea, of course, is to have these as 301 redirects.



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this is basic pseudo code.

and I'm a little rusty with rewrites.


RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} -f
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} \.html
RewriteRule (\d){,4}\.html $1.php [R=301]


Shouldn't need anything too complex for this, based off of your OP.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Took a long time trying to understand this, but I'm not gonna get there.  I've never needed mod_rewrite before and the odds are -- at 58 -- I'll die without needing it again.


Is there some place where I can hire someone to do this?  It should be a 5 minute piece of cake for someone who knows this stuff, but I have spent far too much time trying to learn it for the small need I have.  My time needs to be spent finding a new position since I've been laid off.


Appreciate the answer I got...just can't get from there to where I need to be.

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