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Im trying to write a script to clean up my image directory which has quite a lot of unused images that have built up over time.

In order to do this I am doing the following.


First Create a database table called 'image_clean' Then I'm searching through 3 tables and collecting all the image file names and dumping the names in the table 'image_clean'


Can do that no problem. So now I have all the images I need in this one table 'image_clean' I now want to go through my directory 'image_uploads' and delete anything thats not in the 'image_clean' table.


I know how to delete the files using unlink Im just unsure how to search through the directory file by file and check the file against the database. Im asumming I need to put them in an array. Could anyone give be a clue or two to get me started.


I have no problem checking a database against a directory but when its the other way round 'checking a directory against a database I'm lost. What I might do is pop the files to delete in a new database called 'image_delete' so that I can then check the images to delete before I write the unlink script. But I'm just not sure how to pick up each file and compare it to the table.


Thanks in advance.


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$image[] = $row['image'];  // put images to keep in array
$folder = "path/to/images/";  // set folder path to images
$files = glob($folder.'*.*')  // open folder and get files
foreach ($files as $img) {
  $ext = substr($img, -3);  // check the file extension
  $ext = strtolower($ext);  // make it lower case for ease
  if (in_array($ext, array('jpg','gif,'png')) && !in_array($img, $image)) {  check extension and make sure its not an image to keep
    unlink($folder."/".$img);  // remove image

in the unlink part I put in the $folder."/".  you dont actually need that as its in the $img variable, you just need to use the $img variable


also will need to explode $img to check in the array


so a bit like this instead


$image[] = $row['image'];  // put images to keep in array
$folder = "path/to/images/";  // set folder path to images
$files = glob($folder.'*.*');  // open folder and get files
foreach ($files as $img) {
  $parts = explode("/", $img); // separate variable on the forward slashes
  $part = $parts[3];  // in this example the folder path and the image create 4 variables for $parts so we want the last one which is $parts[3]
  $ext = substr($part, -3);  // check the file extension
  $ext = strtolower($ext);  // make it lower case for ease
  if (in_array($ext, array('jpg','gif,'png')) && !in_array($part, $image)) {  check extension and make sure its not an image to keep
    unlink($img);  // remove image

Thanks for your help, I simplified it a bit as I don't need to check for extensions but it worked a treat.


Cleaned up 790 images great :) was hoping for move though have 219,000 images on site but it seems like most of them are used  :o



$row="select url from images_keep where id !=''";
  mysql_query($row) or die('Query failed keepimage: ' . mysql_error());	       

$image[] = $row['url'];  // put images to keep in array
$folder = "uploadedimages/";  // set folder path to images
$files = glob($folder.'*.*');  // open folder and get files

foreach ($files as $img) {
$ext = strtolower($img);  // make it lower case for ease
  if (!in_array($ext, $image)){  

      unlink($ext);  // remove image



I tested it by inserting it into a table first to inspect the images to delete, too scary to run straight off! But works great thanks

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